a large number of semantic similarity measures that
take into account different ontology properties and
object properties, providing more sophisticated sim-
ilarity measures(). There are several challenges in
measuring semantic similarity in the biomedical do-
main, namely how to address the multiple aspects
that a KG can represent in the context of a specific
application (Sousa et al., 2020), how to adequately
consider the specificity of ontology classes (Aouicha
and Taieb, 2016) and how to employ multiple ontolo-
gies(Ferreira and Couto, 2019). We have extensive
experience in biomedical semantic similarity, having
developed methods for its computation and evalua-
tion, e.g. (Pesquita, 2017; Cardoso et al., 2020).
This work proposes a methodology to enable seman-
tic explanations of machine learning applications in
the biomedical domain. The methodology tackles
the main challenges in providing human-centric ex-
planations based on a contextualized understanding
of the data and AI outcomes. It leverages the large
amounts of freely available biomedical data and meta-
data in the form of Knowledge Graphs, and builds
upon state of the art solutions for semantic annota-
tion and integration to embed the data and AI out-
comes with already established knowledge within the
domain. It then explores semantic similarity between
instances and between instances and outcomes to sup-
port similarity-based explanations. This methodology
affords post-hoc explanations that are built indepen-
dently of the machine learning algorithms employed,
and can thus be integrated into any application for
which data can be semantically annotated with exist-
ing biomedical ontologies.
In future work, we will employ this methodol-
ogy to build a semantic explanation system integrat-
ing our existing contributions in semantic annotation,
integration and similarity and apply it to the explana-
tion of biomedical machine learning applications, in-
cluding protein-protein interaction prediction, gene-
disease association and disease progression predic-
This work was funded by the Portuguese FCT through
the LASIGE Research Unit (UIDB/00408/2020 and
UIDP/00408/2020), and also by the SMILAX project
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HEALTHINF 2021 - 14th International Conference on Health Informatics