measurement of psychological workload. Since there
were 80 trials per 1 subject, between-subjects factor
was taken into account by the repeated trials of sub-
• Differences between AWWL scores from NASA-
TLX assessment and experimental conditions
were found to have an effect of changing values
on 2 indices, correct rate and microsaccade fre-
quency. In other words, we could confirm that
correct rate and microsaccade frequency varied
depending on the difference in conditions of 2 ex-
periments which had different presentation time.
• There were negative correlations between AWWL
scores and correct rates, AWWL scores and mi-
crosaccade frequency, positive correlation be-
tween correct rates and microsaccade frequency.
Microsaccade frequency was significantly sup-
pressed as AWWL score increased which in-
dicates that psychological workload affects mi-
crosaccade frequency.
• From the experimental task shown in this arti-
cle, we were able to confirm differences in mi-
crosaccade frequency with different degrees of
psychological workload, however no correlation
was found for pupil diameter.
• An analysis of subjective assessments made by
subjects and various oculomotor features showed
that eye movements can help to estimate psycho-
logical workload.
In the future, we would like to examine in detail
how the differences in presentation time of experi-
mental stimuli affects in the size of gaze area.
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