The Role of Text Analytics in Healthcare: A Review of Recent
Developments and Applications
Mahmoud Elbattah
, Émilien Arnaud
, Maxime Gignon
and Gilles Dequen
Laboratoire MIS, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
Emergency Department, Amiens-Picardy University, Amiens France
Keywords: Text Analytics, Natural Language Processing, Unstructured Data, Healthcare Analytics.
Abstract: The implementation of Data Analytics has achieved a significant momentum across a very wide range of
domains. Part of that progress is directly linked to the implementation of Text Analytics solutions.
Organisations increasingly seek to harness the power of Text Analytics to automate the process of gleaning
insights from unstructured textual data. In this respect, this study aims to provide a meeting point for
discussing the state-of-the-art applications of Text Analytics in the healthcare domain in particular. It is aimed
to explore how healthcare providers could make use of Text Analytics for different purposes and contexts. To
this end, the study reviews key studies published over the past 6 years in two major digital libraries including
IEEE Xplore, and ScienceDirect. In general, the study provides a selective review that spans a broad spectrum
of applications and use cases in healthcare. Further aspects are also discussed, which could help reinforce the
utilisation of Text Analytics in the healthcare arena.
“Most of the knowledge in the world in the future
is going to be extracted by machines and will
reside in machines”, (LeCun, 2014).
The above-mentioned statement describes the ever-
rising abundance of data-driven knowledge, which
continuously calls for further utilisation of Machine
Learning (ML). By the same token, healthcare is
delivered in data-rich environments where a broad
variety of data sources can be created at the individual
and population levels. The format of heath data
ranges from Electronic Health Records (EHR) to
images, time series, or unstructured textual notes.
Data Analytics has been increasingly considered
as an enabling artefact to leverage health data for
competitive advantage. Using a diversity of ML
techniques, analytics has been widely utilised to
summarise, explain, and get insights into the
interrelationships underlying complex datasets in
novel ways. Such insights can play a positive role in
various medical and operational aspects including
diagnosis, health monitoring and assessment,
healthcare planning, and management of hospitals
and health services.
However, one of the key challenges for healthcare
analytics is to deal with huge data volumes in the form
of unstructured text. Examples include nursing notes,
clinical protocols, medical transcriptions, medical
publications, and many others. In this respect, the use
of Text Analytics has increasingly come into
prominence in order to deliver benefits for health
organisations in a wide range of applications.
Text Analytics, or Text Mining, is generally
defined as the methodology followed to derive quality
and actionable insights from textual data (Sarkar,
2019). Text Analytics represents an overarching field
of techniques and technologies including Natural
Language Processing (NLP), ML, and Information
Retrieval. The power of Text Analytics is to extract
information that could allow for forming and
exploring new facts or hypotheses from unstructured
textual data (Hearst, 1999).
Compared to conventional tasks, the obvious
challenge of Text Analytics is to extract patterns from
natural-language text, rather than well-structured
databases. Textual data are largely stored in an
unstructured form, which does not adhere to any pre-
defined schema or data model. Further, standard ML
algorithms were genuinely crafted to deal with
numeric data. As such, Text Analytics need to apply
Elbattah, M., Arnaud, É., Gignon, M. and Dequen, G.
The Role of Text Analytics in Healthcare: A Review of Recent Developments and Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0010414508250832
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2021) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 825-832
ISBN: 978-989-758-490-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
especially designed techniques and transformations
to effectively operate over textual data.
The potentials of NLP have been constantly
discussed in the healthcare literature (e.g. Demner-
Fushman, Chapman, and McDonald, 2009; Jensen,
Jensen, and Brunak, 2012; Spasić, Uzuner, and Zhou,
2020). In this respect, the main motivation for this
study was to explore the recent developments and
applications in this context. The study provides a
selective review that spans a broad spectrum of the
applications and use cases of Text Analytics in the
healthcare domain particularly.
The review aimed to explore the state-of-the-art
approaches and applications of Text Analytics in the
healthcare context. We were generally motivated by
a set of exploratory questions as below:
What are the potential data sources for applying
Text Analytics in healthcare?
What are the recent technological advances in
implementing Text Analytics in this context?
How could Text Analytics help healthcare
providers make better decisions?
What are the challenges of integrating NLP
tools into healthcare systems?
What are the key limitations of Text Analytics
in the healthcare domain?
The review incorporated two main stages. The
initial stage included the screening and selection of
studies retrieved from the search results.
Subsequently, we analysed a set of representative
studies to be included in the literature review. The
study sought to largely follow the procedures of a
systematic literature review as informed by (Booth,
Sutton, and Papaioannou, 2011).
The search of literature was conducted to find
relevant studies in two major digital libraries
including: i) IEEE Xplore, and ii) ScienceDirect. It is
acknowledged that other relevant studies could have
been published in other conferences or journals, but
we believe that the selected venues generally
provided excellent representative studies. The review
timeframe stretched through the past 6 years (i.e.
The inclusion of studies was conducted over a
three-step process for screening and classifying
studies. First, potential studies were screened based
on the title. Second, the abstracts were initially
inspected to confirm the suitability for full-text
review. Eventually, the final decision of inclusion
was made based on the full-text inspection. Figure 1
sketches a flowchart of the review process. Table 1
summarises the search strategy.
Figure 1: The process of screening and selecting studies in
the review.
Table 1: Summary of search strategy.
Digital Libraries
IEEE Xplore,
Search Terms
Text Analytics Healthcare,
Text Mining Healthcare,
NLP Healthcare
Search Items Title, Abstract, Keywords
Types of
Conference Proceedings,
Journal Articles
Timespan 2015-2020
Language English
This section aims to provide an analysis of the studies
reviewed. The search results included about 200
publications overall. Eventually, a set of 35 studies
were included in the review based on the process of
screening and analysis as described before.
The review is organised into two broad categories
of Text Analytics. On one hand, the first part presents
Scale-IT-up 2021 - Workshop on Scaling-Up Healthcare with Conversational Agents
selective studies that applied Text Mining in the
context of healthcare. On the other hand, the second
part describes Text Analytics in a diversity of
predictive applications to support the clinical decision
making. The review is unavoidably selective rather
than exhaustive. However, it is believed that the study
could adequately provide representative studies in
each category.
3.1 Text Mining Applications in
Text Mining consists of two phases as follows. The
initial phase typically includes the application of text
refining procedures, which transform free-text
documents into another intermediate form.
Subsequently, the process of knowledge extraction,
which attempts to learn patterns or insights from that
intermediate form (Tan, 1999). This section provides
selective studies that applied Text Mining with
different modalities and for various purposes in the
healthcare context.
(Han, Nandan, and Sun, 2015) presented a rule-
based system for question retrieval. The goal was to
search for similar questions in a large corpus of
questions posted on online health forums. The system
was mainly based on the RAKE algorithm (Rose,
Engel, Cramer, and Cowley, 2010) to perform the
automatic extraction of keywords. Additional NLP
methods were applied using the popular NLTK
library (Bird, Klein, and Loper, 2009).
In another application of Text Mining, a study
aimed to develop automated methods for extracting
information from the application webpages on the
iTunes App Store (Paglialonga, Riboldi, Tognola,
and Caiani, 2017). The study considered around 86K
applications under the categories of Medicine, and
Health/Fitness. They used the NLP capabilities
provided by the IBM Watson API to identify the
medical specialty (e.g. cardiology, nutrition,
neurology, etc.), and the type of sponsor (e.g. industry
manufacturer, or government organisation).
Likewise, (Paglialonga et al., 2017) applied Text
Mining to automate the extraction of meaningful
information about health apps on the web.
(Lieder et al., 2019) developed a system that
could mine millions of public business webpages to
extract a multi-faceted representation of customers. In
addition, the extracted data were enriched with
external information collected from Wikipedia. In
this respect, a large-scale knowledge graph was
constructed including millions of inter-connected
entities, which could be continuously enriched and
connected to new entities. The system could be
applied to industry use cases, such as healthcare, to
support insight discovery in real time.
In addition, several studies applied Text Mining to
extract information or insights from online forums or
discussions. For instance, (Sutar, 2017) presented an
interesting application of Text Mining to extract
healthcare-related information from the user-
generated content on social media. Using a dataset
from a cancer-related forum, they developed a system
that could be used to extract practical information
such as treatments, medication names, and side
effects. The dataset included a set of unstructured and
semi-structured textual fields. Similarly, (Deng, Zhou,
Zhang, and Abbasi, 2019) proposed a framework to
support the analytics of online discussions. The
framework was named as Discussion Logic-based
Text Analytics (DiLTA). The DiLTA framework
attempted to extract features that could reveal the
discussion logic underlying online forums. The
framework was experimented using a case study
related to healthcare forums.
(Martínez et al., 2016) discussed exploiting the
health-related online content into actionable
knowledge using Text Mining. To this end, they
developed an approach to help monitor online user-
generated streams on social Media. An NLP-based
processing pipeline was applied to extract and
transform information stemming from real-time
streams of social media. The system could not only
extract the mention of diseases and drugs, but also it
could identify useful relationships among
medications, indications, and adverse drug reactions.
(James, Calderon, and Cook, 2017) analysed
unstructured textual feedback of physicians. They
aimed to extract sentiments and topics pertaining to
the quality of healthcare service. Specifically, they
attempted to identify the tones and topics that could
shape the service ratings. In this regard, more than
20K patient reviews of more than about 4K
physicians were analysed using the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) method. Further, a dictionary-
based text analysis was applied to determine the tone
elements in the physician reviews.
(Pendyala, and Figueira, 2017) explored the
potentials of Text Mining for automating the medical
diagnosis. They study applied the Bag-of-Words
representation to medical documents. To simplify the
text representation, the Bag-of-Words model builds a
histogram of the words, while each word count is
considered as a feature (Goldberg, 2017). As such,
each document can be simply represented as a “bag”
of words, while disregarding the order, sequence, and
grammar of text. Though using a small dataset, their
experiments demonstrated promising results for that
The Role of Text Analytics in Healthcare: A Review of Recent Developments and Applications
application. More recently, (van Dijk et al., 2020)
applied Text Mining to EHR data to validate the
screening eligibility of trial patients. The study was
based on a multi-centre, and multi-EHR systems as
well. The accuracy of the Text-Ming approach was
compared to the standard process produced by
research personnel. The accuracy of the automatically
extracted data was about 88.0%.
(Chang et al., 2016) developed a workflow using
Text Mining to search, extract, and synthesise
information about Comparative Effectiveness
Research (CER) in healthcare. The study included the
development of an NLP-based pipeline to extract
information from unstructured CER data sources. The
Text-Mining solution could allow for the generation
of timely alerts, and the collection of systematic
reviews as well. Their approach was experimented
using trial data from multiple sources including, WHO International Clinical Trials
Registry Platform (ICTRP), and Citeline Trialtrove.
While other contributions focused on exploiting
Text Mining techniques for extracting concepts and
association rules from the scholarly literature. For
instance, (Kumari, and Mahalakshmi, 2019) applied
Text Mining to a subset of the biomedical literature
on PubMed. They aimed to discover information
related to the phytochemical properties of medicinal
plants. In another application, (Ji, Tian, Shen, and
Tran, 2016) developed a scalable approach to extract
associations among biomedical concepts in scientific
articles. Biomedical concepts were derived by
matching the text elements with the Unified Medical
Language System (UMLS) thesaurus. A MapReduce-
based algorithm was used to calculate the strength of
associations. The experimental dataset included a
large set of about 34K full-text articles. Their results
generally demonstrated that meaningful association
rules were highly ranked.
Recent studies considered more sophisticated
implementations based on the Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers (BERT), a state-
of-the-art NLP model (Devlin, Chang, Lee, and
Toutanova, 2019). The BERT approach brings the
advantage of allowing pre-trained models to tackle a
broad set of NLP tasks. In this regard, (Peterson,
Jiang, and Liu, 2020) developed a framework for
transforming free-text descriptions into a
standardised form based on the Health Level 7 (HL7)
standards. They utilised a combination of domain-
specific knowledgebases in tandem with the BERT
models. It was demonstrated that the BERT-based
language representation contributed significantly to
the model performance. Likewise, the literature
includes recent contributions that made use of the
BERT approach for a variety of Text Mining tasks
such as (Fan, Fan, and Smith, 2020), (Liao et al.,
2020), and (Vinod et al., 2020).
Furthermore, a major part of the recent
contributions has been positioned in the COVID-19
context. For instance, (Jelodar, Wang, Orji, and
Huang, 2020) used Text Mining to extract the
COVID-19 discussions from social media. They
applied topic modeling of public opinions to gain
insights into the various issues pertaining to the
COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, they implemented
an LSTM model for the sentiment classification of
comments. While (Bharti et al., 2020) developed a
Multilingual conversational bot to provide primary
healthcare education, information, and advice to
chronic patients. Using NLP methods, the chatbot
was aimed to act as a personal virtual doctor to
interact with patients like human beings.
3.2 Text Analytics for Clinical Decision
(Tvardik et al., 2018) developed a Text-Analytics
solution for the automatic detection of medical events
using EHR data. The textual records included data
collected from three University hospitals based in
France over the period October 2009 to December
2010. The dataset spanned a variety of medical
surgical specialities including neurosurgery,
orthopaedic surgery, and digestive surgery. The
system performance was compared with standard
methods. The overall sensitivity and specificity were
about 84%. The study generally confirmed the
feasibility of using NLP-based methods to automate
the detection and monitoring of healthcare-associated
events in hospital facilities.
In another interesting application, (Brown, and
Marotta, 2017) developed a set of classification
models to predict the protocol and priority of MRI
brain examinations. They used the narrative clinical
information provided by clinicians. The models were
trained to make predictions on three tasks including:
i) Selection of examination protocols, ii) Evaluation
of the need for contrast administration, and iii)
Estimation of priority. The dataset consisted of about
14K MRI brain examinations over the period of
January 2013 to June 2015. The empirical results
largely demonstrated that the models could be
effectively employed to assist the clinical decision
support in this regard.
In the context of radiology, several studies sought
to explore the application of NLP methods to extract
information from the mammography reports. For
example, (Castro et al., 2017) developed a system to
Scale-IT-up 2021 - Workshop on Scaling-Up Healthcare with Conversational Agents
automate the annotation and classification of the
Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-
RADS) categories. Specifically, the system tackled
two tasks including: i) Annotation of the BI-RADS
categories, and ii) Classification of the laterality for
each BI-RADS category. The study included about
2K radiology reports collected from 18 hospitals of
the University of Pittsburgh from 2003 to 2015.
While (Miao et al., 2018) applied Deep Learning to
extract the BI-RADS categories from breast
ultrasound reports in Chinese. The experiments
included a dataset of 540 manually annotated reports.
The model accuracy could achieve F1-score of 0.904.
(Afzal et al., 2018) applied NLP for the automatic
identification of Critical limb ischemia (CLI). The
dataset included narrative clinical notes retrieved
form the EHR database. The model performance was
validated compared to the human abstraction of
clinical notes. Specifically, a physician reviewed and
interpreted the information in the EHR data for each
patient in the dataset. Overall, the method could
achieve an excellent F1-score of about 90%.
Using a Text-Analytics approach, (Carchiolo et
al., 2019) proposed a system for the automatic
classification of medical prescriptions (i.e. grantable
or not). Initially, the textual data were scanned from
medical prescription documents. They could develop
an effective classifier based on the data about
patient/doctor personal data, symptoms, pathology,
diagnosis, and suggested treatments. Their results
reported that only 5% of the prescriptions could not
be automatically classified.
Another recent study developed a framework to
realise scalable Text Analytics (Ge, Isah, Zulkernine,
and Khan, 2019). The framework aimed to support
real-time analytics for decision support in a variety of
domains such as healthcare for example. Deep
Learning was applied for NLP tasks including
language understanding and sentiment analysis. The
framework utilised a set of open-source tools
including Spark Streaming for real-time text
processing along with Zeppelin and Banana for data
visualisation. In addition, an LSTM model was
trained for the sentiment analysis. They practically
demonstrated the functionality of the framework
using a scenario with Twitter data.
(Kidwai, and Nadesh, 2020) discussed the
application of diagnostic chatbots in healthcare. They
developed a chatbot that makes use of NLP methods
to understand the user queries. After collecting the
initial symptoms, the chatbot would guide the user
through a sequence of questions towards making the
appropriate diagnosis. The system uses decision trees
and follows a top-down approach to conclude the
diagnosis. The chatbot was experimented using a
medical database of about 150 diseases.
While plentiful studies sought to develop
predictive models to help streamline hospital
admissions. Increasing contributions attempted to
utilise unstructured data such as free-text notes made
by nurses or physicians at the Emergency Department
(ED). For instance, (Sterling, Patzer, Di, and
Schrager, 2019) utilised the bag-of-words
representation of triage free-text notes. Using a
dataset of over 250K ED visits, neural network
models were trained to predict hospital admissions.
They could achieve a promising accuracy with ROC-
AUC≈0.74. Further, (Chen et al., 2020) aimed to
compare the performance of ML models with the
inclusion of textual elements. They applied Deep
Learning along with Word Embeddings using clinical
narratives. They practically demonstrated that the
model accuracy generally improved with the addition
of free-text fields.
Similarly, (Arnaud, Elbattah, Gignon, and
Dequen, 2020) presented an approach based on
integrating structured data with unstructured textual
notes recorded at the triage stage. The key idea was
to apply a multi-input of mixed data for training a
classification model to predict hospitalisation. On one
hand, a standard Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
model was used with the standard set of features (i.e.
numeric and categorical). On the other hand, a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was used to
operate over the textual data. Their empirical results
demonstrated that the classifier could achieve a very
good accuracy with ROC-AUC≈0.83.
The use of ontologies has also drawn attention in
a variety of medical and healthcare applications. To
name a few, (Chakrabarty, and Roy, 2016) used
ontology alignment for the personalisation of cancer
treatment. A patient ontology was mapped to the
disease ontology to dynamically transform general
treatment options into individual intervention plans,
personalised for the patient. In another application,
(Comelli, Agnello, and Vitabile, 2015) proposed an
ontology-based indexing and retrieval system for the
mammography reports. Using an improved
radiological ontology, medical terms were organised
in a hierarchy, which could measure the semantic
similarity between unstructured reports. The system
was tested using a dataset of 126 mammographic
reports in the Italian language, provided by the
University Hospital of Palermo Policlinico.
Furthermore, part of the recent efforts explored
the applicability of Text Analytics to predict the
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes.
The manual encoding process is usually time-
The Role of Text Analytics in Healthcare: A Review of Recent Developments and Applications
consuming, and prone to various errors as well. In this
regard, (Teng et al., 2020) applied medical topic
mining and Deep Learning to automatically predict
the ICD codes from free-text medical records. The
study used the MIMIC-III dataset, which provides a
large freely accessible repository of ICU records
(Johnson et al. 2016). The reported results indicated
that their method could increase the F1-score
approximately by 5% compared to earlier work.
Similarly, (Gangavarapu et al., 2020) developed an
approach to help predict the ICD-9 code groups based
on unstructured nursing notes. They applied vector
space and topic modeling to structure the raw clinical
data, which allowed for capturing the semantic
information in the free-text notes.
Over the past five years, there have been pronounced
innovations in the NLP research including novel
approaches and technologies, which in turn have
resonated in the healthcare domain. Most remarkably,
Deep Learning has been increasingly applied for
developing large-scale language models. Deep
architectures of CNNs have introduced a potent
mechanism for learning feature representations from
raw data automatically (LeCun et al. 1989; LeCun,
Bottou, Bengio, and Haffner, 1998). Equally
important, recent applications have started to adopt
the BERT-based approach, which avails of Transfer
Learning for NLP tasks. Furthermore, scalable
analytics platforms have been utilised for real-time
data processing. Examples include Apache Spark,
and IBM Watson.
In terms of data sources, it appears that Text
Analytics was applied against a broad variety of
healthcare data. The datasets ranged from standard
EHR datasets, medical reports, free-text notes,
scientific literature, to user-generated content on
online forums or social media. In this regard, Text
Analytics was implemented for considerable
problems including extracting evidence-based care
interventions, and patient outcomes, or identifying
the population at risk for example. To this end, NLP
pipelines have been intensively developed for a
variety of text-processing tasks such as: i) Named
entity recognition, ii) Topic modeling, iii) Semantic
labelling, iv) Relationship extraction, v) Question
answering, vi) Text summarisation, vii) Sentiment
analysis, and others.
Nevertheless, a set of hurdles stands in opposition
to a widespread implementation of Text Analytics in
the healthcare domain. A key challenge is the
availability of quality data, which is a fundamental
factor for building robust NLP models, and for ML in
general. Beyond that, the underlying data biases pose
multiple ethical concerns for the deployment of NLP
models. Such ethical issues have been recently
discussed in the literature (e.g. Davenport, and
Kalakota, 2019; Baclic et al., 2020). While other
technical challenges may relate to the integration of
Text Analytics tools with existing healthcare systems.
The conventional IT systems may not be well-poised
to be integrated with sophisticated Text Analytics,
which requires an advanced infrastructure and a
highly technical skillset as well. Furthermore, the
implementation of Text Analytics typically requires
intensive development cycles.
In summary, it is conceived that the future holds
many interesting opportunities for implementing Text
Analytics in a multitude of healthcare applications.
The need for leveraging unstructured textual data
should bring up new practical areas for taking
advantage of the Text Analytics potentials.
There is an obvious need to leverage unstructured
textual data to support the operations of healthcare in
many aspects. A large proportion of the clinical data
is unavoidably stockpiled into unstructured, or semi-
structured, documents or notes. Text Analytics should
therefore play a key role in transforming textual data
into actionable insights.
This study endeavoured to review the state-of-the-
art applications of Text Analytics in healthcare. In
this regard, the applications could be broadly
summarised as follows:
Information extraction from free-text data
stored in EHR databases, clinical reports,
nursing notes, scientific literature, and user-
generated content.
Applying vector-based representations to a
variety of clinical documents, which transforms
the textual data into an amenable form for ML.
Sequence-based modeling to address tasks, such
as sentiment analysis, using notes in clinical
reports, or comments posted on online forums.
Predictive analytics applications to support the
clinical decision making.
Implementations of Conversational AI
technologies to use chatbots to interact with
patients in a human-like way.
Scale-IT-up 2021 - Workshop on Scaling-Up Healthcare with Conversational Agents
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Scale-IT-up 2021 - Workshop on Scaling-Up Healthcare with Conversational Agents