based architecture to enterprise ballot systems; (ii)
it is flexible enough to be applied to other contexts;
and (iii) it deals with the main security and trustwor-
thiness requirements of e-voting systems, due to its
architecture with the implementation of a blockchain
layer. Furthermore, we compared our enterprise so-
lution with related work approaches and revealed the
newly-developed features.
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veloped API allows the BallotBR application layer to
be changed for other scenarios. Some limitations in-
clude: (i) the chosen scope, i.e., the Libra consortium
scenario; (ii) challenges related to vote anonymiza-
tion, as the consortium did not present any concern
on this issue; (iii) coercion issues were not expressly
dealt, (iv) interoperability issues may arise in the fu-
ture through the use of different blockchain platforms
(e.g., Corda, Ethereum), and (v) performance tests
were not available yet. Addressing these limitations is
the target of our future work. We also aim to develop
digital identity management applied to HF permis-
sioned blockchain systems as a complementary mod-
ule of BallotBR.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems