To achieve the best storage performance, each
shuttle brings its pallet to the available transfer
buffer location nearest to the I location. For
stacker cranes, the following two cases are
possible: when the shuttles are the bottleneck,
each stacker crane takes a random pallet from
the transfer buffer; when the stacker cranes are
the bottleneck, each stacker crane takes the
pallet from the transfer buffer that has been
available for the longest time.
To achieve the best double cycle performance,
each shuttle brings storage pallets to the
available position of the transfer buffer that is
nearest to the I location. Each shuttle takes
available retrieval pallets with the smallest
sequence number on the transfer buffer. Each
stacker crane alternately takes storage and
retrieval pallets whose locations on the
transfer buffer ensure the shortest path for the
stacker crane.
For future research, we suggest investigating the
influence of layout on performance. Examples of
characteristic layout parameters that can be varied are
the dimensions of the shuttle base tier, the
arrangement of the retrieval and storage positions in
the transfer buffer, and the zoning strategy used.
We would like to thank Joerg Eder and Thomas
Klopfenstein from the firm Gebhardt Fördertechnik
GmbH for the fruitful collaboration.
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