Blockchain in the Field of Voting
Olga A. Safaryan
, Kirill S. Lemesko
and Elena V. Pinevich
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: Blockchain, Innovative Technologies, Electronic Voting, Distributed Ledger.
Abstract: Using a distributed ledger allows you to create a simple and at the same time reliable system for storing and
processing any digital data. So, on the basis of a distributed ledger, the Blockchain technology was developed,
which is a sequential combination of blocks (a specific set of data) into a chain. This chain is protected by
methods of hashing and cryptography, which makes it very difficult for an unauthorized user to access the
data. Blockchain found active use of in the financial sector, where most modern cryptocurrencies are built on
its basis. Over time, it became clear that Blockchain technology can be used in many areas of activity, for
example, in the field of electronic voting. Research on the development and implementation of a Blockchain-
based electronic voting system is underway in many developed countries and universities. In this article, we
consider and analyze the prospects for the transition from the traditional voting system to voting based on
Blockchain technology, as well as the possible risks of using the technology. Also, within the framework of
the article, an example of software implemented on the principles of Blockchain technology is presented,
illustrating the main functions of working with data.
The effective life of any human society is inextricably
linked with the voting process. With the help of this
process, important economic, social, industrial and
political issues are resolved, on which the future well-
being of countries and states depends. That is why the
voting process must be convenient, efficient, and
most importantly, safe.
For a long time, public issues were resolved by a
narrow circle of people by raising a hand or throwing
a set object into an urn (Khmurovich, 2018). With the
development of society and the increase in the
number of citizens living in the states, the voting
methods have also changed. They became more open
and accessible, polling stations, ballot boxes and
ballots appeared (Safaryan, 2020). These changes
made it possible to register and take into account the
opinion of millions of people throughout the state.
However, such a system has significant drawbacks:
the possibility of forging ballots, forgery of voting
results; social pressure on voters; high cost of
conducting electoral activities (presidential elections
in the Russian Federation in 2018 - about $ 250
Today, it is relevant to conduct digital electronic
voting (Russia, USA, India, Canada, Estonia) jointly
or instead of traditional voting using paper ballots.
The transition to the electronic form made it possible
to minimize the costs of organizing and conducting
voting, however, the issue of the safety of this process
remains open. Hacking or falsification of votes is the
most frequent and main problem faced by participants
in the electronic voting process in today's elections
(Golubitchenko, 2019). This is due to such factors as:
low security of the hardware of the electronic system,
errors in the compilation of software, errors and
vulnerabilities of the server component of the system.
Due to these vulnerabilities, an attacker can gain
unauthorized access to stored confidential
information, modify or download it. That is why the
issue of security of electronic voting systems is
relevant at the moment (Izotov, 2018).
Creation of technologies and tools based on a
distributed ledger can improve the level of security,
quality and performance of a variety of digital
systems, as well as solve the problems inherent in
Safaryan, O., Lemesko, K. and Pinevich, E.
Blockchain in the Field of Voting.
DOI: 10.5220/0010617200003170
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Computer and Information Security (INFSEC 2021), pages 48-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-531-9; ISSN: 2184-9862
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
these systems (Melanie, 2017). So, on the basis of
Blockchain technology, it is possible to build an
electronic voting system, with a minimum potential
probability of hacking this system. Therefore, the use
of secure distributed registers in electronic voting
systems on the Internet is relevant and legitimate.
Such decisions and agreements tend to increase the
number of voters, simplify the voting process and
reduce costs by eliminating paperwork and requiring
fewer human resources.
The security challenges faced by electronic voting
systems today can be overcome by applying the
replication, cryptography and verification
mechanisms that Blockchain technology uses in their
development (Chernikova, 2017). This technology
will provide an ubiquitous, scalable solution to
current and legacy voting methods, providing safe
and secure digital voting, which will have a positive
impact on the security and transparency of such
systems, and therefore on user confidence in them.
This article presents the results of work on an
analytical study of the possibility of using distributed
ledger technology - Blockchain, in electronic voting
systems. Also, the results of work on the empirical
development of a program for introducing
Blockchain into an electronic voting system are
presented in the form of software implemented on the
principles of Blockchain technology, which
illustrates the main functions of working with data.
2.1 Main Part
The center of the e-voting system proposed for
implementation is the distributed register technology.
A distributed registry is a database stored on multiple
devices, which in turn have a complete copy of all
information contained in the database (Krivoshapkin,
2018). The work of distributed ledger technology is
to integrate all these devices into one network.
The first practical application of distributed ledger
networks was Blockchain, which is a network
consisting of a chain of blocks organized in a linear
order. Each of the blocks contains information about
the changes taking place, and also contains a unique
identifier or hash code of the previous block,
including the very first block written to the network
(Kuteinikov, 2019). As soon as the block size reaches
its maximum size, it is joined to the previous block in
strict chronological order. On the basis of the
Blockchain, the world's first cryptocurrency Bitcoin
was built, which revolutionized the world financial
To ensure the reliability of the information
entered into the distributed network, the principle of
consensus is used (Kuzmin, 2017). The essence of the
method is that all information potentially entered into
the registry is checked by every device on the
network. Information is entered into the register only
when a consensus (agreement) is reached between all
network users. This allows you to protect the network
from entering inaccurate information, and also
prevents attempts to change already recorded
Achieving consensus in distributed networks can
be implemented by the "proof of work" method, the
"proof of stake" method, or the PoW + PoS method,
which is a mixture of the first two methods. These are
the most applicable methods at the moment, however,
work is constantly underway to improve these
methods or create new ones.
The proof-by-work method is characterized by the
solution of a complex cryptographic problem by each
device. In Blockchain, the essence of the problem is
to find the case of addition to the block hash code, so
that a condition of a special kind is satisfied, for
example, so that the first twenty bits of the hash code
are equal to zero. If the calculation is successful, the
participant receives a reward in the form of
cryptocurrency, this process is called mining. When
proving shares, each network node gets the right to
assign the block created by the network to itself,
having assured it with its electronic signature. This
right is randomly transferred from one node to
another with a probability proportional to what share
of the cryptocurrency of the total volume of the
cryptocurrency issued in the blockchain network it
The security of the distributed ledger network is
organized by the method of secure information hiding
- cryptography. In the Blockchain, in order to disclose
information inside a block, a network participant
needs to know how the information was encrypted,
that is, to know a unique cryptographic key assigned
to each block.
At the moment, cryptocurrencies are not the only
application of distributed ledger technology. A smart
contract is an agreement that enforces the rights and
obligations of the contracting parties by performing
digital transactions in a distributed ledger in a strictly
defined sequence and upon the occurrence of certain
circumstances (Tenetilova, 2018). Such a "smart"
contract allows you to exclude a third party in the
process of concluding and executing an agreement,
which allows you to reduce the cost of the transaction
Blockchain in the Field of Voting
and increase its reliability. It is the smart contract that
is the main tool for creating a secure electronic voting
system on the Blockchain.
Distributed ledger technology, although quite
progressive, still remains a technology at an early
stage of development, which has its own problems
and limitations. The advantages of distributed ledger
networks are: openness and transparency;
decentralized organization of the system;
immutability of the information entered; equal rights
of all users of the system; high resilience due to the
distribution of a large number of copies of data;
uninterrupted operation of networks; simplified
nature of transactions (Safaryan, 2020).
The main disadvantages of a distributed ledger
low speed of networks, depending on the
capacity of hardware equipment. For example,
the processing speed of one transaction in
Bitcoin is 10 minutes, while the centralized
operator of VISA payment cards routinely
processes 2000 transactions per second;
there is a possibility of a cryptographic
algorithm vulnerability, the so-called "attack
51" when an attacker, having at his disposal
enormous computing power, takes control of
transaction confirmation and block generation;
distributed ledger technology is a threat to the
existing financial system, as a result of which
many states are in no hurry to introduce
technology inside the country, which
significantly hinders the development of
Despite a number of limitations, e-voting systems
are being actively developed all over the world. For
example, in 2020, a nationwide vote was held in the
Russian Federation on amendments to the
Constitution of the Russian Federation. Most regions
used well-established voting methods, however, in
the Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod regions of the
Russian Federation, it was possible to vote through an
electronic voting system based on the Blockchain.
Also, in 2019, a vote was held in the State Duma of
the Russian Federation based on Blockchain. Despite
the fact that such a system cannot be called
completely decentralized (voting took place through
state servers), experts note that these are confident
steps of Blockchain technology in the field of
selective activity (Korneev, 2020).
In world practice, cases of using Blockchain
voting are also not uncommon, however, most of such
systems are developed mainly by startups of
enthusiasts (, and only
a small part - by state companies. And yet,
experiments on public voting using Blockchain are
carried out annually in many developed countries.
It took Blockchain a decade to finalize its
efficiency and reliability in the financial sector
(cryptocurrencies, smart contracts). The
technological community is daily working on
modifying ready-made solutions and creating new
ones, thanks to which, today we can confidently say
that Blockain technology will soon be generally
recognized as a new field of activity - the field of
electronic voting.
2.2 Research Results
The distribution, safety and immutability of data in
the form of a block chain allow the use of Blockchain
technology in an electronic voting system in order to
eliminate shortcomings and improve the security of
electronic voting.
The Blockchain voting system has the following
qualities and capabilities:
the ability to create polls and lists of objects to
vote for them;
registration of participants for each created
decentralization of data;
inability to make unauthorized changes
affecting the voting results.
In this system, each user will be given the
opportunity to create polls or polls, after which the
user will be assigned the status of an administrator,
which will allow him to change the lists of
participants. In addition, in order to ensure the
transparency of voting, each user is given access to
the results of a vote or poll, as well as access to
viewing the blockchain.
The operation of this system should be
independent of the operation of the central server, and
should continue to function in the event of a server
failure. The distributed registry allows you to ensure
the smooth operation of the system due to the fact that
a complete copy of the data is stored on each device
connected to the system, shifting part of the server's
work to the devices.
In order to exclude the possibility of influencing
the course of voting and its further results, methods
of cryptography and hashing are used, which protect
the electronic voting system from unauthorized
access by an attacker.
To implement the software product, the Python
programming language is used, since it has all the
tools you need to create software.
INFSEC 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Computer and Information Security
The software implementation is presented in the
following steps:
we create the first genesis block, from which
the entire subsequent chain of blocks will
create a file and include libraries:
json, os, hashlib;
"vote": "Lemeshko Kirill
"passport": 1111 111111,
"candidate": "1",
"hash" = " "
Listing 1: The first block.
we write the path in the directory: this line
saves new blocks:
blockchain_dir = os.curdir +
Listing 1: Directory path.
block hashing: the function performs block
hashing when using the md5 method:
def get_hash(filename):
file = open(blockchain_dir +
filename, 'rb'). read() #sending the
hash of the pre-existing block
return hashlib.md5(file).hexdigest()
Listing 2: Hashing process.
moving files: the received files from the
directory are forwarded in blocks to the folder:
def get_files():
files = os.listdir(blockchain_dir)
return sorted([int(i) for i in
Listing: 3: Moving files.
data integrity check: this function calculates the
hash value of the created block and the hash
value of the previous block, and then compares
the obtained values. If the hash values match,
then the previous block has not been changed,
and the check function returns the hash value
of the newly created block.
storage of new blocks: this function is
responsible for the creation and storage of new
blocks and their values based on the entered
This code was created for the purpose of
decentralized voting (Kobylinsky, 2017). Using
separate blocks, the program encrypts confidential
information about the voter. The application itself has
a simple and user-friendly interface.
def check_intergrity(): the hash of an existing
#2.calculate the hash of an existing
block the received data
files = get_files()
result = []
for file in files[1:]: #[2,3,4,5]
f = open(blockchain_dir + str(file))
# '2'
h = json.load(f)['hash']
prev_file = str (file - 1)
actual_hash = get_hash(prev_file)
if h == actual_hash:
res = 'Ok'
res = 'Corrupted'
#print('Block {} is: {}'
.format(prev_file, res))
results.append({'Block' : prev_file,
'results' : res})
return results
Listing 4: Integrity check.
def write_block(vote, passport,
candidate, prev_hash= ' '):
files = get_files()
prev_file = files[-1]
filename = str(prev_file + 1)
prev_hash = get_hash(str(prev_file))
data = {'vote' : vote,
'passport' : passport,
'candidate' : candidate,
'hash' : prev_hash}
with open(blockchain_dir + filename,
'w') as file:
json.dump(data, file, indent = 4,
ensure_ascii = False)
Listing 5: Storing new blocks.
2.3 The Discussion of the Results
In this article, we pointed out how the Blockchain
distributed ledger technology can be used in
electronic voting systems, how much progress has
been made in this area, and the possible benefits of
introducing technology into the field of public voting.
The solutions proposed by the scientific
community fail to ensure the security and privacy of
traditional choices, or have serious usability and
scalability problems. Therefore, Blockchain is
Blockchain in the Field of Voting
increasingly attracting the attention of the scientific
and political community.
Blockchain shows good results in electronic
voting systems, however, experts note a number of
problems that need to be solved for the subsequent
successful use of the technology. First, most of the
electronic voting systems allowed for use in real
selective activities are under the full control of the
state, for example, as noted earlier, the use of state
servers, which is why such systems cease to be
decentralized. Secondly, there is a controversial issue
regarding the identification of voting users; it is not
beneficial for the state to vote anonymously. Thirdly,
it is necessary to resolve the issues of choosing
software for use in the electronic voting system. This
is due to the fact that blockchain technology has many
types of implementations, with their own advantages
and disadvantages (Hy-perledger, Iota, Ethereum,
and others). For the effective functioning of the
system, it is necessary to find the most suitable
blockchain implementation model and optimize it for
the given goals. Additionally, it is necessary to think
over a solution to the main problem of Blockchain
technology - scalability. Since all the recorded
information is recorded on each device operating in
the system, it is necessary that these devices have a
huge amount of storage memory, calculated in tens
and hundreds of gigabytes.
It can be concluded that today, electronic voting
is still a controversial topic in both political and
scientific public circles. Despite the great potential of
distributed ledger technology and several world
examples of the application of this technology in
voting, it can be noted that for the confident
widespread implementation of technological
solutions based on Blockchain, further research,
testing and refinement of such systems is required.
Blockchain distributed ledger technology offers
democratic countries a new opportunity to move from
traditional elections using ballots and polling stations
to the most economical, efficient, and most
importantly, difficult to hack electronic voting
In the course of the implementation of the work, a
software product of an electronic voting system based
on Blockchain technology was developed. This
software allows you to conduct secure polls of users
of the system, while saving the results obtained in the
form of a chain of blocks. User registration in the
system is organized by creating an account in the
network, in which a smart contract is deployed with
the addition of a user to the white list of a particular
survey created. The use of the developed software
will allow organizing an effective and reliable
electronic voting system in any area of public activity.
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Blockchain in the Field of Voting