yes, I know - 20%; I will go to law enforcement
agencies or the court -10%.
Figure 3: Diagram of the answers to the question "Do you
know what to do in case of information leakage?".
To the question "What threats to information
security have become relevant over the past year?"
19% of students believe that this is the activity of
hackers, 20% - negligence of system administrators.
specialists, 11% - non-professionalism of employees
of the service / information security bodies, 32% -
Internet fraud, 18% - computer viruses.
The analysis of the survey showed that the
students of the educational programs "Information
Systems" and "Informatics" are better prepared in the
field of information security and information
The importance of the problem of information
security increases with the growth in the scale of
using modern information and communication
technologies, which are the technological basis of
globalization processes in all spheres of life of
modern society. Today information and
communication technologies are an important
component of our lives, and, therefore, each
individual in his professional activity should have the
knowledge of information security.
Therefore, the introduction of training in the
basics of information security is necessary in all
educational programs, especially for students in the
field of economics. It is especially important
nowadays when we witness the rapid development of
electronic payment systems. It leads to a bigger
percentage of economic activity being carried out in
an electronic environment which is associated with
increased level of information risks.
The system of teaching the basics of information
security should be characterized by complexity,
continuity, and adaptability. The content of training
in the basics of information security and information
protection can be built on the basis of a system
analysis of the main objects of the subject area of
future professional activity. The result of such an
analysis should be the identification of the basic
objects of study, their interrelationships, methods and
technology for their study.
The tasks of increasing literacy in the use of
information and communication technologies (ICT),
the use of standard methods of protecting information
when working on a personal computer, in local and
global networks, remain relevant. Therefore, training
in the field of information security and information
protection needs significant improvement and
development at subsequent stages of education.
For EP that train specialists whose professional
activities are related to ICT, it is necessary to include
the discipline "Fundamentals of Information
Security" in the structure of the studied courses
(university component or component of choice), the
main goal of which is to increase the effectiveness of
training specialists in ensuring information security
when using ICT in the field of professional activity.
Along with the traditionally considered aspects of
information security and information protection, it
should reflect the methodological, cultural, legal,
organizational and managerial aspects of information
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 24,
2015 No. 418-V "On Informatization" (with
amendments and additions as of 01/02/2021)
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Polyakov, V.P. (2006). On the training system for the basics
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Kaie Maennel, Sten Mäses, Stefan Sütterlin, Margus Ernits,
Olaf Maennel, Using Technical Cybersecurity
Exercises in University Admissions and Skill
Evaluation. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(19): 169-174.
Steven Furnell, 14 October 2020. The cybersecurity
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INFSEC 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Computer and Information Security