the probability of a credible attack, taking into
account the introduction of additional criteria
0.5 ∗ 0,21 0,7 ∗ 0.7
0.5 ∗ 0,85
When comparing the probabilities of the classical
scheme and the augmented one, we can conclude that
the current model allows more accurate
identification of a possible threat, since another
criterion is added to assess the credibility of the
attack - C_A. Under the query analysis system, any
solution can be installed to determine the query
signature, such as the testcookie-nginx-module
(Testcookie-nginx-module, 2020).
The further scenario is similar to the classic one -
the detection system will display a notification of a
possible attack on the user interface, which allows to
identify a distributed denial-of-service attack at an
early stage, since, as noted earlier, the Bayesian
method allows to minimize the time to analyze the
received traffic and provide the result.
The new equation allows to evaluate the
effectiveness of measures used in order to find the
most appropriate one. In future studies, this equation
will help to evaluate new methods of protection or
existing ones, with some refinements.
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as an auxiliary calculation of distributed DDoS
attack detection probability, in more complex
detection systems as a stand-alone solution, or as an
addition to the existing mechanism for detecting
cyber-attacks (Makaryan, Putyato and Ocheredko,
2020; Putyato et al., 2020).
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An Approach to Identifying the Process of Implementing a Distributed Denial of Service Attack based on a Probable Graph Model