A Method for Determining the Credibility of Intrusion Detection
based on a Probabilistic Graph Model in the Proactive Protection
Subsystem of the Operational Cybersecurity Center
Andrey R. Ocheredko
, Michael M. Putyato
and Alexander S. Makaryan
Kuban State Technological University, 2 Moskovskaya St., Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Keywords: Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Cyber Threats, Neural Networks, Bayes Theorem, Probability Theory,
Probabilistic Analysis, Information Security, Network Attacks.
Abstract: The threat landscape is expanding rapidly, which has a number of consequences for most organizations and
individuals. This is evidenced by a large number of cyber attacks which constantly occur in cyberspace.
Although several defensive approaches have recently been proposed and implemented, the most of them are
entirely theoretical. Others remain unfeasible due to the computational requirements of their implementation.
The issue of computational complexity becomes extremely significant for methods which have proven to be
implementable, because they often tend to consume a large amount of computational resources. Also most of
these methods are reactive which means that they can only be initiated after an incident has already occurred.
Moving from reactive approach to proactive one is currently one of the greatest challenges in the sphere of
cybersecurity research.
Cybersecurity is a serious problem for a large number
of organizations, institutions, corporations and
individuals around the world. Specialists (Buczak and
Guven, 2016) argue that a set of technologies and
processes for monitoring and preventing
unauthorized access, modification, misuse and denial
of service of computer networks and resources
implies a concept such as cybersecurity. It also
includes the tendency to authorize access to classified
content and critical infrastructure that can be accessed
through the network. Most networks are widely
interconnected via the Internet and serve as means of
exchanging data, information, intelligence, software
and hardware. Although the sharing of valuable
resources to improve operational efficiency is an
inherent feature the computer networking paradigm,
it has also created a way to easy distribution of
malware. Therefore the escalation of cyber-attacks is
taking place in cyberspace.
This expansion of the threat spectrum is a factor
in the growing power of cybercrime, which is
gradually entering the sphere of control over all
domestic, business and industrial functions. The
danger of cyberattacks consists in the possibility of
altering system or database parameters to create a
kinetic effect in escalating attacks, including the
tendency to destroy classified content (Akyazi, 2014).
Defense against cyber-attacks requires both proactive
and reactive approaches, which can also be
characterized as active and passive ones. They are
relevant in the context of organizing direct defensive
actions or methods to mitigate the effects of cyber
threats. Therefore, it is important to understand the
research gaps in current approaches to cybersecurity.
That is why this article is going to review the methods
that are in use now and the ones that will be used in
the near future to detect and prevent incidents. The
following sections will discuss cybersecurity
approaches in terms of detection, prediction and
prevention. Generally, attack detection and prediction
can be achieved with the help of machine learning and
Ocheredko, A., Putyato, M. and Makaryan, A.
A Method for Determining the Credibility of Intrusion Detection based on a Probabilistic Graph Model in the Proactive Protection Subsystem of the Operational Cybersecurity Center.
DOI: 10.5220/0010620400003170
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Computer and Information Security (INFSEC 2021), pages 163-167
ISBN: 978-989-758-531-9; ISSN: 2184-9862
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
evolutionary algorithms, as well as statistical methods
and association rules. Similarly, most approaches to
attack prevention are achieved by analyzing traffic to
detect and block (or stop) malicious activity.
Cyber attack detection is a common attack mitigation
technique. It involves responding to an anomalous
connection to report the presence of an attack pattern
or profile on the network. One of the main approaches
to cyberattack detection is intrusion detection.
Intrusion detection is the process of determining the
signature of an intrusion or attack in a continuous
stream of connections (Putjato and Makarjan, 2020)
Intrusion detection systems (IDS, Intrusion detection
system) operate based on three main approaches: the
signature-based approach, the anomaly-based
approach, and the hybrid approach. While misuse
detection takes into account signatures of known
attacks to help detect intrusions, anomaly detection
uses profiles of normal network activity to flag
intrusions in which a deviation from the normal
profile is detected. Combining these two approaches
results in a hybrid approach (Putjato, et al., 2020).
However, some approaches based on these 3 main
approaches have proven to be largely ineffective in
terms of attack detection, while some have resulted in
high consumption of computing resources. Similarly,
most of the approaches proposed in the extant
literature are computationally infeasible and can only
remain theoretical.
Recently, machine learning techniques have become
popular in the detection of cyber attacks. Machine
learning is particularly effective for analyzing data
and predicting the outcome of certain events based on
the available sample inputs, which are used to build a
suitable model to make the right decisions (Aissa and
Guerroumi, 2016). The main tasks of machine
learning algorithms are classifying and predicting the
presence or absence of a known instance of an
incident using data for learning. The application of
machine learning in today's cyberattack detection
scenario has helped to greatly improve the detection
process. In this paper, we will look at the application
of a Bayesian (probabilistic) model to information
security incident detection. There are 3 main types of
machine learning.
Machine Learning:
1. Supervised Learning
Good for tasks where every input data point is
labeled or belongs to a certain category (Kim G., Lee
and Kim S., 2014).
2. Unsupervised Learning
Good for tasks where all data are not labeled or do
not belong to a certain category. Algorithms are used
for clustering/grouping complex data into classes
(Yoo et al., 2014).
3. Reinforcement Learning
Good for tasks where future actions are based on
the results of current reactions, and the next actions
need to be predicted (Rani and Xavier, 2015).
Bayesian networks form an important part of all types
of machine learning, combining the fields of
probability theory and graph theory to solve problems
of uncertainty and complexity. They are one of the
graphical probabilistic models that allow a compact
representation of the probability distribution of
simultaneous occurrences of controllable events (Lin,
Ke and Tsai, 2015). The advantage of Bayesian
networks is their relative intuitiveness for humans, as
it is easier to understand the direct relationships
between events and local probability distributions
than the resulting probability distributions of multiple
events occurring simultaneously. A Bayesian
network (or causal network) is represented as an
oriented acyclic graph (DAG) (Shapoorifard and
Shamsinejad, 2017). Each node in this graph is a
variable that has certain states. Directional edges in
this graph represent relationships between variables -
if there is a directional edge between two variables,
then one depends on the other. If there is no
relationship between two nodes, this does not mean
that they are completely independent, because they
can be connected through other nodes. However, they
can become dependent or independent depending on
the evidence set on the other nodes. Nodes and
connections build the structure of a Bayesian
network, and is called a structural specification
(Song, 2013). This model consists of several
parameters. The first is the a priori probability of
parent nodes, which do not depend on any states.
INFSEC 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Computer and Information Security
Each child node has a conditional probability table
(CPT), which specifies the prior relationship between
the node and its parent. Each element of the
conditional probability table is defined:
Some variables may have certain values that were
obtained by observation. Let be the set of observed
variables and 𝑌
- be the corresponding set of values.
Let X be the set of variables we are interested in. The
conclusion is the process of calculating the posterior
probability 𝑃𝑋|𝑌  𝑌
(Abduvaliyev et al., 2013).
The posterior probability 𝑃𝑋|𝑌  𝑌
is determined
In this paper we consider only a finite set 𝑈
of discrete random variables, where each
variable 𝑋
can take values 0 or 1. In our case, these
random variables will be aggregate warnings or
hyper-warnings. We define that each node in the
causal network has a binary state, i.e., 1 or 0. A value
of 1 represents a warning in the node being raised,
while a value of 0 indicates that it does not. Because
variables are discrete, conditional probability tables
contain the probability that a variable will contain one
of all possible values for each combination of its
parent values. To generate a Bayesian network, causal
relationships and conditional probabilities between
hyper-alerts are required (Butun, Morgera and
Sankar, 2014). Thus, the data from the previous
subsection written in the table will be used
causal_relationships. The procedure for creating a
Bayesian network is shown below. The Bayesian
network creation method accepts three input
parameters: (I) agr_alerts_all, (II) correlated_alerts и
(III) causal_relationships. The result of this process is
a Bayesian hyper-alert network (Ashfaq et al., 2017).
The stages of constructing a Bayesian network are as
Step 1: For each causal relationship between
hyper-alerts 𝑥
and 𝑥
in the correlated_alerts table, a
directed edge 𝑥
is generated..
Step 2: Each node in the Bayesian network has a
conditional probability table (CPT). This table
displays the probability of a node given the values of
its parent nodes (Han et al., 2016). After all edges
were added to the network in step 1, a method was
used to generate a conditional probability table for
each node. This method was introduced in:
In this function 𝑥
indicates the values of the
variables in the parent nodes 𝑃
. The variable
denotes a transition that changes the state of the
network from 𝑥
to 𝑥
, where 𝑥
. Using this
formula, each field in the conditional probability table
at node 𝑥
is computed based on the values in the
parent nodes. It follows from this procedure that if all
parent nodes have a value of 0 and no such warnings
have occurred, then the child node cannot receive a
warning either, and the value in the corresponding
field will be 0. This procedure resulted in a Bayesian
network with conditional probability tables due to
different parent states in each node.
Based on the Bayesian network created, we can
then calculate the probability of a particular warning
occurring given other warnings using Bayesian
inference. After the intrusion system generates one or
more warnings, we can calculate the so-called
posterior probability, which is the probability that any
other condition will occur. With this knowledge, the
system administrator can take precautions to reduce
the risk of a successful cyberattack that would
otherwise cause more damage.
All steps can be represented as a Bayesian Web of
Trust, which can help determine the necessary
calculations to get a confidence value that an attack is
underway and an alert needs to be sent out. Let's take
the raw alert data from one of the modules with a
standard value of 0.5. To calculate the reliability of
data received from modules, we will use the classical
Bayesian trust network construction methodology.
Given that the notification is sent only when there is
a positive signal from each of the modules, let us set
the appropriate values for the matrix. (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Matrix of matching values.
Using a standard probability value of 0.5, we
obtain the following results for the validity of the
entire module network:
A Method for Determining the Credibility of Intrusion Detection based on a Probabilistic Graph Model in the Proactive Protection
Subsystem of the Operational Cybersecurity Center
Figure 2: Bayesian trust network 𝑃
When using the classical trust network scheme, it
is possible to specify the degree of interaction
between the signals received from the modules. In
this case, if at least one of the modules of the complex
system receives an alert, a hyper-alert is formed for
the specialist. When using the proposed scheme of
processing and alerting, the reliability of the result is
more than 80%.
In the context of cyberspace protection, it is important
to have a reliable and stable mechanisms for detecting
and predicting the likelihood of an attack in a typical
network environment. Varying network
configurations represent different activity profiles
and behavioral attributes of users and software. To
achieve an effective mechanism in this direction, a
cascade of multiple layers of non-linear processing
components is required, which can be useful for
extracting and transforming attributes to interpret
dynamic network profiles. Responding quickly to
security incidents is necessary to minimize the
damage caused by security incidents to the
organization. The primary goal of the organization is
to be as prepared as possible to handle security
incidents, and to prevent them by proactive actions.
Transitioning from reactive approach to proactive one
is currently a challenge in the sphere of cybersecurity
The goal of constructing a Bayesian network was
to develop a model that, based on an attack prediction,
could determine the initial stages of an attack. The
model proposed does not only include the aggregation
of alerts, but also their correlation. We used the
proposed attack model to predict the attack itself. This
research can be extended in the future. There are
several problems left to be solved in the future work.
One of them is the processing and prediction of events
even if there are cycles in the attack graph. This case
is problematic, since many computational models
accounting for acyclic graphs cannot be used.
Therefore, it may be worthwhile to test another
method. For example, using an attack graph
simulation or a hidden Markov model. The second
problem, which this study presents, is the creation of
a complex and complete data set. To our knowledge,
no suitable dataset has been created to date that
emphasizes attacks. Therefore, it is important to form
a dataset that would contain attacks covering all
detectable attack stages.
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A Method for Determining the Credibility of Intrusion Detection based on a Probabilistic Graph Model in the Proactive Protection
Subsystem of the Operational Cybersecurity Center