Figure 2: Bayesian trust network 𝑃
When using the classical trust network scheme, it
is possible to specify the degree of interaction
between the signals received from the modules. In
this case, if at least one of the modules of the complex
system receives an alert, a hyper-alert is formed for
the specialist. When using the proposed scheme of
processing and alerting, the reliability of the result is
more than 80%.
In the context of cyberspace protection, it is important
to have a reliable and stable mechanisms for detecting
and predicting the likelihood of an attack in a typical
network environment. Varying network
configurations represent different activity profiles
and behavioral attributes of users and software. To
achieve an effective mechanism in this direction, a
cascade of multiple layers of non-linear processing
components is required, which can be useful for
extracting and transforming attributes to interpret
dynamic network profiles. Responding quickly to
security incidents is necessary to minimize the
damage caused by security incidents to the
organization. The primary goal of the organization is
to be as prepared as possible to handle security
incidents, and to prevent them by proactive actions.
Transitioning from reactive approach to proactive one
is currently a challenge in the sphere of cybersecurity
The goal of constructing a Bayesian network was
to develop a model that, based on an attack prediction,
could determine the initial stages of an attack. The
model proposed does not only include the aggregation
of alerts, but also their correlation. We used the
proposed attack model to predict the attack itself. This
research can be extended in the future. There are
several problems left to be solved in the future work.
One of them is the processing and prediction of events
even if there are cycles in the attack graph. This case
is problematic, since many computational models
accounting for acyclic graphs cannot be used.
Therefore, it may be worthwhile to test another
method. For example, using an attack graph
simulation or a hidden Markov model. The second
problem, which this study presents, is the creation of
a complex and complete data set. To our knowledge,
no suitable dataset has been created to date that
emphasizes attacks. Therefore, it is important to form
a dataset that would contain attacks covering all
detectable attack stages.
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INFSEC 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Computer and Information Security