Fine-grained Topic Detection and Tracking on Twitter
Nicholas Mamo
, Joel Azzopardi and Colin Layfield
Faculty of ICT, University of Malta, Malta
Twitter, Topic Detection and Tracking, Information Retrieval.
With its large volume of data and free access to information, Twitter revolutionised Topic Detection and
Tracking (TDT). Thanks to Twitter, TDT could build timelines of real-world events in real-time. However,
over the years TDT struggled to adapt to Twitter’s noise. While TDT’s solutions stifled noise, they also
kept the area from building granular timelines of events, and today, TDT still relies on large datasets from
popular events. In this paper, we detail Event TimeLine Detection (ELD) as a solution: a real-time system
that combines TDT’s two broad approaches, document-pivot and feature-pivot methods. In ELD, an on-line
document-pivot technique clusters a stream of tweets, and a novel feature-pivot algorithm filters clusters and
identifies topical keywords. This mixture allows ELD to overcome the technical limitations of traditional TDT
algorithms to build fine-grained timelines of both popular and unpopular events. Nevertheless, our results
emphasize the importance of robust topic tracking and the ability to filter subjective content.
In 2006, Twitter’s launch transformed real-world
events into social experiences, but it also transformed
the roles of its users. Twitter gave regular individ-
uals the role of amateur reporters, and the platform
itself became an informal newswire. Twitter’s users
generate hundreds of thousands of tweets, even dur-
ing relatively unpopular events (Meladianos et al.,
2015). With so much information, Topic Detection
and Tracking (TDT) went from reproducing what
news outlets had reported to discovering the news
for itself. Modern techniques have been applied to
identify breaking news (Cataldi et al., 2013), but they
can also go further and build timelines of specific
events (Saeed et al., 2019b).
The TDT community explored these tasks, but
while Twitter’s user base grew over time, TDT’s per-
formance did not improve. Like older research (Zhao
et al., 2011), modern works can recognize changes in
tweeting behaviour as important developments, like
the spike in tweets after a goal in a football match,
shown in Figure 1. However, machines scarcely
do better. Even today, non-key topics, like yellow
cards in football matches, continue to elude algo-
rithms (Meladianos et al., 2015; Gillani et al., 2017).
There are several obstacles in TDT’s way. Some
of the blame lies in Twitter’s informal and brief
tweets, but TDT algorithms are also at fault. In
this paper, we describe Event TimeLine Detection
(ELD), outlined previously (Mamo et al., 2019), as
a way of easing these challenges. ELD, a TDT ap-
proach based on FIRE: Finding Important News RE-
ports (FIRE) (Mamo and Azzopardi, 2017), combines
document-pivot and feature-pivot techniques to build
more detailed timelines, understand topics better and
suppress noise. We make the following contributions:
We previously used FIRE to detect breaking news.
In this paper, we experiment with the combination
of document-pivot and feature-pivot methods in
specified, or planned, events.
FIRE batches tweets before processing them, de-
laying reporting. ELD replaces tweet batching
with a snapshot procedure to operate in real-time.
ELD includes a novel feature-pivot algorithm.
Our technique uses a new burst metric to give
more context to topics by extracting the keywords
that describe them.
ELD’s contributions show how TDT can build bet-
ter timelines in spite of Twitter’s difficulties. The rest
of this paper is structured as follows. We discuss
TDT’s difficulties on Twitter in Section 2, and we de-
scribe ELD’s design in Section 3. In Section 4, we
present an analysis on six football matches, and show
how ELD builds more granular timelines than tradi-
Mamo, N., Azzopardi, J. and Layfield, C.
Fine-grained Topic Detection and Tracking on Twitter.
DOI: 10.5220/0010639600003064
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 79-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-533-3; ISSN: 2184-3228
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tional methods. We conclude in Section 5.
In TDT research, there is a time before Twitter and
a time after Twitter. Before Twitter, TDT would
wait for news outlets to publish articles and then
group them into events, tracking them until they ex-
pired (Farzindar and Khreich, 2015). After Twitter
launched in 2006, its API gave TDT access to a large
volume of real-time data and the possibility to chase
breaking news (Saeed et al., 2019a).
Although TDT has improved since 2006, it failed
to capitalize on Twitter’s data. In football matches, for
example, algorithms identify key topics, like goals,
but miss non-key topics, like yellow cards (Meladi-
anos et al., 2015; Gillani et al., 2017). Non-key topics
generally evoke less passion than key topics (Meladi-
anos et al., 2015), but the lack of enthusiasm does not
explain why so many algorithms miss non-key topics
even from enormous datasets. We identify three rea-
sons to explain TDT’s challenges.
First, TDT algorithms themselves are limited.
Traditionally, TDT was a clustering, or document-
pivot, problem. TDT harnessed years of research
on clustering, but it also inherited clustering’s chal-
lenges, namely fragmentation (Aiello et al., 2013).
Later, feature-pivot techniques sought to solve some
of document-pivot models’ problems. Usually,
feature-pivot techniques look for bursts in the number
of published documents (Zhao et al., 2011), or more
intense use of some related keywords (Cataldi et al.,
2013). The intuition behind burst is that when some-
thing momentous happens, like a goal in a football
match, discussion changes (Meladianos et al., 2015).
However, burst-based methods contributed new
challenges. Bursty keywords are less expressive than
documents in a cluster, which communicate the sub-
ject clearly (Aiello et al., 2013). Many algorithms
cluster terms to form a topic (Cataldi et al., 2013),
but a group of terms can still be misleading (Aiello
et al., 2013). In addition, methods based on burst tend
to let key topics dwarf non-key topics occurring close
to each other (Saeed et al., 2019b), such as a goal fol-
lowed by a substitution.
Second, Twitter is a difficult medium. Twit-
ter’s tweets, no longer than 280 characters, compli-
cate any Information Retrieval (IR) task, including
TDT. The short length limits the amount of infor-
mation in tweets (Unankard et al., 2015). Brevity,
in particular, is detrimental to document-pivot meth-
ods, which rely on comparisons among tweets for
clustering. Brevity weakens even established meth-
ods, like the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Fre-
qeuncy (TF-IDF) scheme. Since words rarely repeat
in the same tweet, TF-IDF’s Inverse Document Fre-
quency (IDF) component becomes an inverse term
frequency. Consequently, some argue that TF-IDF is
not designed for short content (Unankard et al., 2015).
Moreover, the volume and velocity at which
tweets are published restrict the amount of process-
ing that algorithms can perform. For example, many
document-pivot techniques avoid complex and time-
consuming clustering approaches in favour of on-line
algorithms (Mamo and Azzopardi, 2017).
Third, Twitter users and journalists write differ-
ently. Twitter users tweet informally and with little
regard to orthography, unlike reporters. And while
an article becomes newsworthy as soon as the media
publishes it, tweets are an outlet for users to share
opinions, react emotionally, and narrate their every-
day life (Farzindar and Khreich, 2015). Identifying
and removing noise is a major challenge in TDT, es-
pecially in events like football matches, which are
conducive to passionate outbursts. Most techniques
have a low tolerance for noise. For example, it is com-
mon to remove all retweets because they introduce
bias (Saeed et al., 2019b). Although such excessive
filtering may seem sensible, retweets are an integral
part of Twitter’s conversations.
Excessive filtering stifles TDT’s potential. Gen-
erally, document-pivot techniques accept the largest
clusters, or clusters whose size exceeds a thresh-
old, as topics (Ifrim et al., 2014). Nevertheless, the
more aggressive the filtering, the fewer tweets remain,
and consequently fewer clusters reach the threshold.
TDT’s caution on Twitter is justifiable, but in popular
events, aggressive filtering inhibits algorithms from
detecting both key and non-key topics. In unpopular
events, the number of tweets is too small to filter ag-
gressively. As a result, almost all research focuses on
popular events (Saeed et al., 2019a).
In this paper, we build on FIRE (Mamo and Az-
zopardi, 2017) to overcome some of Twitter’s chal-
lenges. Contrary to most TDT approaches, FIRE
combines document-pivot and feature-pivot tech-
niques (Mamo and Azzopardi, 2017). FIRE bins
tweets into five-minute, non-overlapping time win-
dows, and clusters tweets to identify potential topics.
The algorithm considers clusters with as few as three
tweets, but it filters them using a neural network and,
more importantly, a feature-pivot approach. FIRE
uses Cataldi et al. (2013)’s algorithm to compare how
words in the cluster had been used in the past and how
they are being used presently. The algorithm only
accepts clusters if their central words had not been
popular recently. In other words, FIRE’s feature-pivot
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: Key topics cast a long event shadow, hiding subsequent topics.
technique validates whether users are discussing top-
ics like breaking news (Mamo and Azzopardi, 2017).
ELD, which we describe next, adapts FIRE’s
model to process tweets in real-time and adds a novel
feature-pivot algorithm to understand topics better.
In this section, we describe ELD, a system that we
had outlined briefly (Mamo et al., 2019). ELD builds
on FIRE’s model (Mamo and Azzopardi, 2017), but it
operates in real-time and harnesses the link between
the document-pivot and feature-pivot techniques. In
this paper, we focus on specified, or planned, events,
such as football matches. We adopt the following def-
inition of events from Mamo et al. (2019):
Definition 1. An event is a real-world occurrence that
happens at a particular place and at a particular time,
and that involves any number of participants.
In ELD, we argue that machines need to under-
stand events to build better timelines. Therefore we
split the event into two parts: an understanding period
before the event starts and the actual event period. We
describe both periods next.
3.1 Understanding Period
The understanding period is a time for the TDT
algorithm to learn about the event before it has
started. In this paper, we use the understanding pe-
riod to ease TF-IDF’s difficulties during the event pe-
riod. TF-IDF’s IDF component has difficulty iden-
tifying important keywords because tweets are so
short. Therefore we replace TF-IDF with Term
Frequency-Inverse Corpus Freqeuncy (TF-ICF), a
term-weighting scheme that approximates IDF using
a reference corpus (Reed et al., 2006). In ELD, this
reference corpus is a dataset of tweets collected dur-
ing the understanding period.
Replacing TF-IDF with TF-ICF gives our TDT
approach several benefits. First, TF-ICF fulfils
TF-IDF’s role of penalizing common words that are
not already considered to be stopwords, like actually.
Second, TF-ICF also penalizes other common terms
in the event’s vocabulary, such as the names of teams
or players in football matches. Consequently, TF-ICF
promotes terms that appear during the event, but not
before it, such as goal or foul in football matches.
3.2 Event Period
The event period is the time when the actual event
is ongoing. During the event period, ELD receives
tweets, pre-processes them, and detects emerging
topics using a combination of document-pivot and
feature-pivot techniques. We discuss each step next.
3.2.1 Filtering and Pre-processing
ELD takes a very conservative approach to tweet fil-
tering, allowing fine-grained topic detection and fa-
cilitating TDT on events with low coverage. Like
FIRE (Mamo and Azzopardi, 2017), ELD removes
tweets with more than two hashtags. ELD also filters
tweets by authors who have never liked a tweet before
or who average less than one follower per thousand
tweets. In ELD, we added two new filters, removing
tweets if they have more than one URL or whose au-
thors have empty profile descriptions.
ELD tokenizes and vectorizes the remaining
tweets by removing all stopwords, numbers and
Fine-grained Topic Detection and Tracking on Twitter
URLs, and splitting hashtags with camel-case nota-
tion. To reduce sparsity in the Vector Space Model
(VSM), ELD stems all tokens and normalizes re-
peated characters, replacing words like goooaaal with
the simpler goal. Finally, ELD weights terms using
TF-ICF and normalizes the vectors before clustering.
3.2.2 Document-pivot
To determine what users are talking about, ELD uses
an on-line clustering algorithm, similar to the one
used in FIRE (Mamo and Azzopardi, 2017). As
tweets stream in, ELD adds them to the most simi-
lar cluster if the cosine similarity exceeds a threshold,
empirically set to 0.5. If there are no similar clusters
for a tweet, the algorithm creates a new cluster for it.
To control performance, ELD freezes clusters that do
not absorb any tweets for a period of time, which we
call the freeze period. Moreover, ELD discards tweets
published more than one time window ago during pas-
sionate moments, as are goals in football matches. As
a result, ELD can report subsequent topics without
undue delays. We describe time windows in more de-
tail in Subsection 3.2.3.
Even at this point, ELD filters clusters cautiously.
ELD removes clusters that are made up of replies
in their majority, and clusters with a high intra-
similarity, calculated as the average similarity be-
tween tweets and their cluster’s centroid. The latter
filter eliminates clusters with minimal variety, such as
groups of retweets. By having a document-pivot ap-
proach cluster all incoming tweets, ELD can identify
key and non-key topics even if they happen in close
succession. ELD considers all clusters with as few
as three tweets as potential topics, but validates them
using a feature-pivot approach.
3.2.3 Feature-pivot
Like FIRE, ELD uses a feature-pivot technique to ver-
ify whether a cluster’s topic is being discussed like
breaking news. We make two changes to FIRE’s
feature-pivot method. First, we change how ELD
compares the popularity of terms over time. FIRE
bins tweets into ve-minute time windows, which
hurts timeliness. A sliding time window would also
add overhead and, in turn, hurt timeliness. Instead,
we use snapshots, which record the general discourse
over time, or the global context. Each snapshot con-
tains the nutrition, or popularity, of all terms observed
in the previous 30 seconds:
The nutrition of word w in snapshot s, n
, is a
summation of the term’s TF-ICF weights, t
, across
all tweets in snapshot T
. We rescale the nutrition val-
ues in each snapshot to be between 0 and 1, which
also binds burst, described next, between -1 and 1.
Second, we propose a novel feature-pivot tech-
nique instead of Cataldi et al. (2013)’s algorithm, used
in FIRE. The new algorithm calculates the bursts of
terms by comparing their popularity in a cluster, the
local context, with their past popularity in all tweets,
or the global context. ELD creates the local context
similarly to the global context by creating a snapshot
from the cluster using Equation 1. Then, ELD com-
putes the burst of a word w at time t, burst
) ·
The first component measures the change in nutri-
tion of word w between the local context, n
, and the
most recent snapshots, n
. The second component is
a damping factor, which gives more importance to re-
cent snapshots. As a result, ELD only needs to retain
the s most recent snapshots since older information
has minimal effect on burst. Combined with the ear-
lier re-scaling, the denominator binds burst between
-1 and 1. The lower end of a burst indicates that a
term is losing popularity, and the higher end indicates
that a term is gaining popularity. ELD accepts clusters
as topics if they have:
One term with a burst of 0.8 or higher, or
Two or more terms with a burst higher than 0.5.
3.2.4 Tracking
Throughout the event, ELD constructs a timeline, or a
list of nodes that store topics. This timeline serves two
functions: a chronological organization of the top-
ics and a tracking function for long-term topics. Key
topics create a phenomenon previously observed by
Lanagan and Smeaton (2011): the event shadow. As
shown in Figure 1, Twitter users continue discussing
key topics for a long time after the fact. The event
shadow and clustering’s fragmentation call for a ro-
bust tracking component, served by ELD’s timeline.
To track topics, ELD considers when a topic burst
and its similarity with past developments. ELD as-
sumes that topics that burst within 90 seconds of each
other, set empirically based on the observed lifetime
of topics in volatile domains, belong to the same node.
If the most recent node is older than 90 seconds, we
compare the new topics with older ones in the previ-
ous ten minutes. ELD compares the bursty terms of
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: The datasets used in the evaluation.
Match Date Understanding period Event period Total
Manchester United - Arsenal December 6, 2018 41,586 212,729 254,315
Liverpool - Napoli December 11, 2018 15,841 165,132 180,973
Valencia - Manchester United December 12, 2018 3,005 79,419 82,424
Liverpool - Manchester United December 16, 2018 29,785 303,982 333,767
Tottenham - Wolves December 29, 2018 3,563 93,223 96,786
Crystal Palace - Chelsea December 30, 2018 8,937 63,891 72,828
Table 2: The number of key and non-key topics across all datasets.
Match Goals Half start and end Yellow and red cards Substitutions
Manchester United - Arsenal 6 4 6 6
Liverpool - Napoli 2 4 5 6
Valencia - Manchester United 3 4 4 6
Liverpool - Manchester United 5 4 2 5
Tottenham - Wolves 4 4 5 4
Crystal Palace - Chelsea 3 4 1 5
the new topics with the bursty terms of previous topics
using cosine similarity. If the highest similarity with a
node exceeds 0.6, also set empirically, ELD adds the
new topic to this node. Otherwise, ELD creates a new
node for the topic.
In this paper, we consider ELD to have three pa-
rameters that control scalability and noise: the min-
imum cluster size, the freeze period, and the maxi-
mum intra-similarity between tweets and their clus-
ter’s centroid. We evaluate ELD in the next section.
In this section, we evaluate ELD’s ability to create
fine-grained timelines of events. In our experiments,
we use datasets with different sizes and contrast ELD
with Zhao et al. (2011)’s feature-pivot technique. All
data and tools used in this evaluation are available in a
GitHub repository
. The rest of this section describes
our evaluation set-up before discussing the results.
4.1 Evaluation Set-up
4.1.1 Datasets
Like many other TDT approaches (Meladianos et al.,
2015; Gillani et al., 2017), we focus our evaluation on
football matches. These events generate many tweets,
their key and non-key topics are easily-enumerable,
and they have widely-available ground truth.
1, last accessed on
July 17, 2021
We collected our own data for this evaluation be-
cause Twitter does not allow full corpora to be shared.
Tweet IDs can be provided to download the origi-
nal tweets, but Weiler et al. (2019) showed that a
large number of tweets still cannot be retrieved if
they have been deleted, making datasets incompara-
ble. Therefore we used the Tweepy library
to collect
data from six football matches with varying popular-
ity, as shown in Table 1. We collected English tweets
that mention the match’s hashtag, or the names of the
teams, their coaches and players.
For each football match, we collected two
datasets, corresponding to the understanding and
event periods. The understanding period starts 75
minutes before the match starts and lasts for one
hour, which is when clubs publish their line-ups for
the match. Knowing who the participants are keeps
TF-ICF from overestimating their importance during
the event, which would be detrimental to topical key-
words, like goal or half. The event period starts 15
minutes before the match and lasts for two and a half
hours. This period is longer than the matches to en-
sure full coverage, but we consider only topics that
ELD captured while the match was ongoing.
4.1.2 Ground Truth and Evaluation Metrics
In this paper, we seek key and non-key topics: goals
(including disallowed goals), the start and end of each
half, yellow and red cards, and substitutions. We col-
lected the ground truth for these topics, summarized
in Table 2, from ELD also captures
several topics that are not as easily-enumerable, such
2, last accessed on July 25, 2021
Fine-grained Topic Detection and Tracking on Twitter
Table 3: The configurations of ELD and the baseline for each dataset.
ELD Zhao
Match Cluster size Freeze period (s) Max. intra-similarity Post rate
Manchester United - Arsenal 5 5 0.8 1.5
Liverpool - Napoli 5 10 0.85 1.7
Valencia - Manchester United 3 10 0.85 1.7
Liverpool - Manchester United 7 5 0.85 1.5
Tottenham - Wolves 4 20 0.85 1.7
Crystal Palace - Chelsea 3 20 0.85 1.7
as scoring opportunities. We verified these topics us-
ing The Guardian’s minute-by-minute reports.
As is common in TDT, we annotated timelines
manually using standard IR metrics: precision, recall
and the F-measure. We calculated recall only for the
enumerable topics listed above. When measuring pre-
cision, however, we also accepted other developments
of general interest, such as goalscoring opportunities.
We rejected spam and other noise, such as opinion-
based topics, as well as repeated topics.
4.1.3 Techniques
Unfortunately, few TDT algorithms are made avail-
able as open-source projects (Weiler et al., 2019), and
FIRE does not operate in real-time. Since we had
to implement a baseline ourselves, and even small
changes could drastically affect results (Weiler et al.,
2016), we implemented a simple feature-pivot tech-
nique: Zhao et al. (2011)’s. The algorithm looks for
bursts in volume using sliding time windows, which
it splits into two halves. If the second half of the win-
dow has at least 1.7 times more tweets than the first
half, the algorithm accepts it as an emergent topic.
The length of the time window starts from 10 seconds
and increases to 20, 30 and 60 seconds if the shorter
time windows do not have spikes.
In our implementation of Zhao et al. (2011)’s al-
gorithm, we made two changes. First, we modified
the post rate depending on the event’s volume to opti-
mize results. Second, similarly to ELD, we assumed
that bursts that occur within 90 seconds of each other
are part of the same topic. Since the baseline does
not extract keywords, we generated summaries using
Carbonell and Goldstein (1998)’s Maximal Marginal
Relevance (MMR) algorithm.
We compare Zhao et al. (2011)’s algorithm with
ELD, focusing on granularity over timeliness. There-
fore we simulated the event streams at half the speed
to minimize the impact of ELD’s clustering bottle-
neck on the timelines. When annotating ELD’s time-
lines, we mainly looked at the topical keywords ex-
tracted by our feature-pivot algorithm. Whenever
these keywords did not describe the topic adequately,
we used summaries created by the MMR algorithm,
with the topical keywords serving as the query. Ta-
ble 3 lists the configurations of the two techniques.
4.2 Discussion
In this subsection, we analyse the differences between
ELD and Zhao et al. (2011)’s algorithm, highlight-
ing the limitations of both. The results shown in Ta-
ble 4 clearly show the difference between the two al-
gorithms. ELD produced significant gains in perfor-
mance over the baseline; a paired samples t-test shows
ELD’s improvements to be statistically-significant at
the 95% confidence level in precision, and at the 99%
confidence level in recall and F-measure.
While ELD’s improvements in precision, recall
and the F-measure were statistically-significant, the
two algorithms detected a comparable number of top-
ics. The contrast seems unexplainable, especially
since we present ELD as a fine-grained method.
The difference lies in what the two algorithms cap-
tured. Zhao et al. (2011)’s algorithm was particularly
susceptible to reporting noise and redundant topics.
Therefore whereas ELD and the baseline captured a
similar number of topics, ELD was more precise.
Moreover, Zhao et al. (2011)’s algorithm suffered
with Lanagan and Smeaton (2011)’s event shadows.
For example, Phil Jones’ own goal in the match be-
tween Manchester United and Valencia generated a
lasting wave of anger and ridicule, as shown in Fig-
ure 1. The tweeting volume remained high for a long
time and produced few clear peaks. As a result, the
baseline missed several key and non-key topics, in-
cluding a goal, bringing recall down.
Still, Zhao et al. (2011)’s difficulties were not all
due to event shadows. Precision and recall were poor
throughout because the algorithm scales poorly. In
very popular events, the Twitter API cap of 50 tweets
per second eliminates peaks in volume. In unpopular
events, the tweeting volume is more volatile, which
creates noisy peaks, often with repeated information.
ELD also captured some noise, but much less than
the baseline. Like Zhao et al. (2011)’s technique,
event shadows also led ELD to capture some late reac-
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 4: The number of topics captured by ELD and the baseline, and the methods’ precision, recall and F-measure scores.
Topics Precision Recall F1
Match ELD Zhao ELD Zhao ELD Zhao ELD Zhao
Manchester United - Arsenal 35 24 0.829 0.625 0.636 0.409 0.720 0.494
Liverpool - Napoli 43 20 0.744 0.600 0.706 0.176 0.725 0.272
Valencia - Manchester United 31 32 0.581 0.531 0.588 0.353 0.584 0.424
Liverpool - Manchester United 42 10 0.714 0.800 0.813 0.250 0.760 0.381
Tottenham - Wolves 27 52 0.593 0.423 0.647 0.588 0.619 0.492
Crystal Palace - Chelsea 37 38 0.703 0.474 1.000 0.615 0.826 0.535
Macro-average 36 29 0.694 0.576 0.732 0.399 0.706 0.433
Table 5: A breakdown of recall results from the ground
Type ELD Zhao
Goals 1.000 0.870
Half start and end 0.667 0.333
Yellow and red cards 0.522 0.261
Substitutions 0.688 0.188
tions to key topics. Our algorithm also captured noise,
such as opinions and spam. Still, noise did not over-
whelm ELD’s timelines, especially when considering
that our method accepted clusters with as few as three
tweets. However, ELD would still benefit from better
topic tracking and more robust filtering to minimize
subjectivity. More importantly, neither the noise nor
event shadows kept ELD from capturing non-key top-
ics, as shown in Table 5. Our approach captured all
goals, and more than twice as many non-key topics
as Zhao et al. (2011)’s algorithm. In addition, ELD
could identify other interesting topics, such as injuries
and goalscoring opportunities.
Nevertheless, the breakdown of results shows
ELD to struggle more with non-key topics than with
key topics, raising an important question: what makes
ELD different from traditional TDT approaches if it
inherits their difficulties? A closer look at the missed
non-key topics shows that ELD overcame the tech-
nical difficulties of traditional methods, but not the
behavioural challenges of Twitter. In other words,
ELD missed topics because few Twitter users were
discussing them, not because of the event shadow. For
example, in the noisy aftermath of Phil Jones’ own
goal, ELD still captured two substitutions and the last
goal, which the baseline missed.
We identified two challenging situations for ELD:
bias and particular scenarios. Bias can manifest it-
self between popular and unpopular teams, like in
the match between Tottenham and Wolves. However,
bias also appears between English and non-English
teams, such as between Manchester United and Va-
lencia. In either case, ELD had difficulty identify-
ing non-key topics about the less popular team, which
generates fewer tweets, or fewer tweets in English. In
fact, ELD captured all of Manchester United’s substi-
tutions, but none of Valencia’s.
The particular scenarios in individual matches
also influenced tweeting behaviour. ELD missed two
Liverpool yellow cards towards the end of their match
against Napoli, even though the dataset’s imbalance
favoured Liverpool. Since the referee gave these yel-
low cards so late, they had little effect on the match.
As a a result, relatively few Twitter users commented
about the yellow cards, leading ELD to miss both.
ELD’s consistent results throughout all events fur-
ther prove that ELD overcame the technical limi-
tations. In fact, ELD’s best recall results came in
the match between Crystal Palace and Chelsea—the
smallest dataset. This match had a low tweeting vol-
ume, but no notable event shadows or unexpected
noise. In contrast, exaggerated swings in volumes,
often caused by key topics, pose a greater difficulty
to ELD. In the match between Manchester United
and Valencia, the tweeting volume went from a con-
sistently low baseline of tweets to a much higher vol-
ume after the own goal. As a result, ELD’s parameters
would either miss many topics in the first phase and
reduce noise in the second one, or the opposite.
Aside from these challenges, ELD shows the
strength of combining document-pivot and feature-
pivot approaches. ELD marks a significant improve-
ment over the baseline by overcoming the individual
technical limitations of document-pivot and feature-
pivot approaches. Nevertheless, TDT needs to han-
dle the behavioural challenges too. We conclude with
suggestions for future work next.
Twitter gave a lot to TDT, but real-time access to
large volumes of tweets is meaningless if TDT does
not overcome the social network’s unreliability. How-
ever, unreliability only hides newsworthy content, not
eliminate it. With ELD we showed that machines
can identify the news among this noise. ELD over-
Fine-grained Topic Detection and Tracking on Twitter
came the technical limitations of document-pivot and
feature-pivot approaches, and recalled more key and
non-key topics than Zhao et al. (2011)’s algorithm.
Beyond the gains in performance, the combination of
document-pivot and feature-pivot techniques allowed
ELD to understand events better by extracting both
tweets and topical keywords.
Still, TDT’s road to harness Twitter’s advan-
tages remains a long one. It is still necessary to
find a balance between detecting non-key topics dur-
ing an event and minimizing noise, especially in
emotionally-charged events. Moreover, while elimi-
nating noise remains a significant challenge, tracking
also needs to improve to minimize redundant report-
ing, which remains an understated problem in TDT.
The research work disclosed in this publication is par-
tially funded by the Endeavour Scholarship Scheme
(Malta). Scholarships are part-financed by the Euro-
pean Union - European Social Fund (ESF) - Oper-
ational Programme II - Cohesion Policy 2014-2020
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KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval