level. In summary, the figures for the current version
(v1.2) of ThingFO are 19 defined terms, 13 defined
properties, 3 specified axioms in first-order logic, and
12 defined non-taxonomic relationships that are well
balanced with the taxonomic ones.
This work has analysed ThingFO and its
applicability. It is an ontology for Particular and
Universal Things placed at the foundational level
regarding a five-tier ontological architecture. This
multitier architecture promotes a clear separation of
concerns by considering the ontological levels that
allow the allocation of components accordingly.
Since ThingFO is at the highest level, ontologies at
lower levels benefit from reusing or specializing its
three key terms, namely: Thing, Thing Category and
Assertion. So the main aim is to have a large number
of core and domain ontologies accessible under the
umbrella of this foundational ontology.
In order to analyse its applicability, this work has
illustrated the semantically enriched terms of the
SituationCO ontology, where they are, in turn, cross-
cutting concerns primarily for top-domain or low-
domain terminologies of any science. Particularly, to
show the applicability of ThingFO alongside this core
ontology, we have also addressed the mechanism to
not only enrich terms, but also to reuse and specialize
relationships for a top-domain software testing
ontology. Moreover, the non-taxonomic relationships
of SituationCO were verified for their correct
correspondence considering them as refinements (not
as subsets) of those of ThingFO. This exercise
allowed us to find a missing relationship (now called
defines) between the terms Thing and Assertion.
Last but not least, ThingFO was validated by two
external experts, outside the members of the present
research group. Based on their recommendations,
some changes were made to the conceptualization of
ThingFO. In short, their comments gave us evidence
of its potential utility. Moreover, the aforementioned
external experts, working on discrete event
simulation, after the validation effort, plan to adopt
ThingFO and populate FCD-OntoArch with new
ontologies for events and simulation. Ultimately, if,
as a produced artefact, the ThingFO ontology were
adopted step by step by the academia and industry,
this will be a promising fact of its utility and validity.
As future work, we are going to quantitatively
compare and evaluate the conceptualization of
ThingFO with a set of preselected conceptualized
foundational ontologies, considering the quality
criteria mentioned in the Discussion Section and
using the strategy illustrated in (Tebes et al., 2018).
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