We proposed OmeGAnet, a new method based on ge-
netic algorithms for dividing the nodes of an undi-
rected and connected graph in communities.
We considered the graph as an electric circuit and
computed for each couple of connected nodes the ef-
fective resistance. We then exploited this distance for
weighting the graph and searching communities with
high weighted modularity.
By performing several experiments on both syn-
thetic and real-world networks, the results show
that the proposed methodology is promising since it
clearly outperforms both a standard GA-based algo-
rithm running on the original adjacency matrix of
the graph, and the state-of-the-art approaches Louvain
and Infomap.
It is worth pointing out that the choice of the
parameter nn plays an important role on the perfor-
mance of OmeGAnet. In the current implementation
we experimentally set it and found that low values of
nn allow to obtain good results.
However, more study is necessary to find a general
criterion which allows a good setting of this parame-
ter. In fact, the network sparsification is crucial for
improving the quality of the community division ob-
tained by the approach.
(Yan et al., 2018) proposed a measure that esti-
mates the variation of spectral properties of the graph
when edges are removed. They showed that the struc-
ture of real weighted networks is very robust under
weight thresholding when edges are removed if their
weight is below a threshold value computed with such
a measure.
This research line could be a starting point deserv-
ing deeper investigation which could be beneficial for
determining the minimum number of nearest neigh-
bors to consider when building the sparse similarity
weighted matrix
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An Effective Resistance based Genetic Algorithm for Community Detection