A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-lingual Opinion
Gerhard Hagerer
1 a
, Wing Sheung Leung
, Qiaoxi Liu
, Hannah Danner
2 b
and Georg Groh
1 c
Social Computing Research Group, Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Chair of Marketing and Consumer Research, TUM School of Management, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Opinion Mining, Topic Modeling, Sentiment Analysis, Cross-lingual, Multi-lingual, Market Research.
User-generated content from social media is produced in many languages, making it technically challenging
to compare the discussed themes from one domain across different cultures and regions. It is relevant for
domains in a globalized world, such as market research, where people from two nations and markets might
have different requirements for a product. We propose a simple, modern, and effective method for building
a single topic model with sentiment analysis capable of covering multiple languages simultanteously, based
on a pre-trained state-of-the-art deep neural network for natural language understanding. To demonstrate its
feasibility, we apply the model to newspaper articles and user comments of a specific domain, i.e., organic food
products and related consumption behavior. The themes match across languages. Additionally, we obtain an
high proportion of stable and domain-relevant topics, a meaningful relation between topics and their respective
textual contents, and an interpretable representation for social media documents. Marketing can potentially
benefit from our method, since it provides an easy-to-use means of addressing specific customer interests from
different market regions around the globe. For reproducibility, we provide the code, data, and results of our
Topic modeling on social media texts is difficult,
since lack of data as well as spelling and grammati-
cal errors can make the approach unfeasible. Dealing
with multiple languages at the same time adds more
complexity to the problem which oftentimes makes
the approach unusable for domain experts. Thus,
we propose a cross-lingually pre-trained deep neural
network as a black box with very little textual pre-
processing necessary before embedding the texts and
forming their clustering and topic distributions.
For our method, we leverage current research
regarding multi-lingual topic modeling, see Section
2. We provide an extensive description of a simple
method to support domain experts from specific so-
cial media domains in its application in Section 3.
We qualitatively demonstrate our topic model, its fea-
sibility, and its cross-lingual semantic characteristics
on English and German newspaper and social media
texts in Section 4. We aim at inspiring pragmatic
ideas to explore the potential for comparative, inter-
cultural market research and agenda setting studies.
Unsolved problems and future potential are given in
Section 5.
Topic modeling is meant to learn thematic structure
from text corpora. With probabilistic topic model-
ing methods, such as latent semantic indexing (LSI)
(Deerwester et al., 1990) or latent Dirichlet allocation
(LDA) (Blei et al., 2003), researchers try to extend the
capabilities of topic modeling for application from a
single language to multiple languages. Using multi-
lingual dictionaries and translated corpora is an intu-
itive way to tackle cross-lingual topic modeling prob-
lems (Zhang et al., 2010; Vuli
c et al., 2013). Further
examples exist for topic modeling with either dictio-
naries or translation text collections (Guti
errez et al.,
2016; Boyd-Graber and Blei, 2012; Jagarlamudi and
Hagerer, G., Leung, W., Liu, Q., Danner, H. and Groh, G.
A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-lingual Opinion Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0010649500003064
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 17-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-533-3; ISSN: 2184-3228
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Plain text is first tokenized into sentences and passed to topic modeling and sentiment analysis. Topic modeling
involves (1) converting sentences of both languages into embeddings with XLING, (2) clustering all embeddings with K-
means and (3) deriving a topic label of each cluster. Sentiment analysis is performed using Textblob. Topic and sentiment
scores are aggregated for the analysis.
e, 2010). However, this puts dependence on the
availability of dictionary or good quality of transla-
tions. Significant manual labor and verification are
required to prevent deteriorating noise.
Recently, methods converting words to vectors
according to their semantics are widely adopted
(Mikolov et al., 2013). Several studies showed text
embeddings improve topic coherence (Bianchi et al.,
2020; Srivastava and Sutton, 2017). Regarding multi-
linguality, embeddings in word level and sentence
level enable text in different languages to be projected
to the same vector space (Cer et al., 2018) such that
semantically similar texts are clustered together in-
dependently of their languages. This favors studies
on multi-lingual topic modeling without relying on
dictionaries and translation (Xie et al., 2020; Chang
et al., 2018). Although providing highly coherent top-
ics, a recreation of word spaces is required when new
text corpora are introduced. In our scenario, these
limitations are not present.
Regarding the application of topic modeling, var-
ious social media corpora are studied by domain ex-
perts (Tsur et al., 2015; Ko et al., 2018). They cov-
ered on different domains, such as politics, market-
ing, and public health. Regarding media agenda set-
ting, (Field et al., 2018) studied on how much degree
a Russian newspaper related to economic downturn.
They also ”introduced embedding-based methods for
cross-lingually projecting English frame to Russian”
based on Media Frames Corpus. In contrast, we pro-
pose a straightforward topic modeling method with-
out fine-tuning but only clustering necessary on a so-
cial media corpus. This enables further investigation
on media agenda setting cross-lingually and cross-
Figure 1 shows the overall workflow of our topic mod-
eling approach. We aim to conduct simple, cross-
lingual topic modeling on user-generated content with
no translation, dictionary, and parallel corpus re-
quired for aligning the semantic meanings across lan-
guages. Our approach solely depends on clustering
sentence embeddings for topic modeling. Ready-
made sentence representations simplify the approach,
since these suppress too frequent, meaningless, and
unimportant words automatically without the need to
model that part explicitly (Kim et al., 2017).
3.1 Preprocessing
The raw texts of articles and comments are first tok-
enized into sentences with Natural Language Toolkit
(NLTK). Then, URLs, specially for those enclosed
with HTML <a> tag, are replaced with string ’url’.
After that, sentences with character length smaller
than 15 are omitted to minimize noise, since they ap-
pear inscrutable and they are only 6.6% out of all sen-
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: AIC plot indicates k = 15 is the global minimum.
tences which is a small portion. After preprocessing,
there are 127,464 English sentences and 200,627 Ger-
man sentences, i.e., total 328,091.
3.2 Cross-lingual Embeddings
In the following paragraph, we provide an explana-
tion of the pre-trained XLING model, which we use
for the present work, based on the words of the au-
thors (Chidambaram et al., 2018). XLING calculates
”sentence embeddings that map text written in differ-
ent languages, but with similar meanings, to nearby
embedding space representations”. Similarity is cal-
culated mathematically as dot product between two
sentence embeddings. In order to train the model, the
authors ”employ four unique task types for each lan-
guage pair in order to learn a function g”, i.e., the
eventual sentence-to-vector model. The architecture
is based on a Transformer neural network (Vaswani
et al., 2017) tailored for modeling multiple languages
at once. The tasks on which the model is eventu-
ally trained are ”(i) conversational response predic-
tion, (ii) quick thought, (iii) a natural language in-
ference, and (iv) translation ranking as the bridge
task”. The data for training ”is composed of Red-
dit, Wikipedia, Stanford Natural Language Inference
(SNLI), and web mined translation pairs”.
3.3 Sentence Clustering
K-means clustering algorithm is implemented on both
English and German sentence embeddings at the same
time. Since XLING provides semantically aligned
sentence embeddings of both languages, this joint
clustering step helps to establish one topic model for
two disjunct datasets irrespective of their language.
Clustering is established for a varying number of
clustersk, ranging from 1 to 30. Elbow method is first
used for choosing the optimal k but the inertia (sum
of squared distances of samples to their closest clus-
ter center) of increasing k decreases rapidly at the be-
ginning and then gently without a significant elbow
point. Therefore, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
is adopted and k = 15 is chosen as optimal value as it is
the global minimum, see Figure 2. In Section 4.2, fur-
ther discussion on topic coherence is conducted prov-
ing the fact that k = 15 resulted semantically coherent
3.4 Topic Labeling
To be able to derive a meaningful topic label for each
sentence cluster, the respective top words of each
cluster are required. In order to get the top word list,
the clarity score is adopted (Cronen-Townsend et al.,
2002). According to (Angelidis and Lapata, 2018), it
ranks terms with respect to their importance of each
cluster c and language l, such that
(w) = t
, (1)
where t
(w) and t
(w) are the l1-normalized tf-idf
scores of the word w in the sentences within cluster c
and in all sentences, respectively, for a certain lan-
Additionally, stopword removal from the top word
lists is also a concern when calculating the clarity
score. Generally, stopwords are the most frequent
words in the documents and sometimes they are too
dominant such that they interfere with the result from
clarity scoring. Thus, we remove domain-specific
high frequency words for each language from corre-
sponding topic top word lists.
Topics are labeled manually based on the English
and German top word lists. The results are shown in
Table 1 and will be discussed further in Section 4.2
evaluating topic coherence across languages.
3.5 Sentiment Analysis
In addition to topic modeling, we conduct sentiment
analysis to investigate the feasibility and meaning
of cross-lingual topic-related sentiments in articles
and respective comment sections. We make use of
and Textblob-de
to assign each of the
English and German pre-processed sentences a po-
larity score. The polarity assignment is first pro-
posed by (Pang and Lee, 2004) and reimplemented by
A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-lingual Opinion Mining
Table 1: Top words for all meaningfull topics with k = 15 of English and German data.
Topic English top words German top words
Environment pesticide, plant, soil, use, crop, fertilize,
pesticide, garden, herbicide, grow
pflanze, pestizid, dunger, boden, gulle, garten,
anbau, gemuse, tomate, feld
Retailers store, whole, shop, groceries, supermar-
ket, local, market, amazon, price, online,
aldi, supermarkt, lidl, kauf, laden, lebensmittel,
cent, einkauf, wochenmarkt
& organic
gmo, label, gmos, monsanto, product,
certificate, usda, genetic, product
produkt, bioprodukt, lebensmittel, gesund, kon-
ventionell, biodiesel, herstellung, enthalt, mon-
santo, pestizid
Food products
& taste
taste, milk, sugar, cook, eat, fresh, flavor,
fruit, potato, sweet
kase, schmeckt, gurke, essen, analogkase,
schmeckt, tomate, milch, geschmack, kochen
Food safety chemical, cancer, body, acid, effect,
cause, toxic, toxin, glyphosat, disease
dioxin, gift, grenzwert, ddt, menge, giftig, tox-
isch, substanz, chemisch, antibiotika
Research science, study, scientific, research, gene,
scientist, genetic, human, stanford, na-
gentechnik, natur, mensch, wissenschaft,
lebenserwartung, genetisch, studie, men-
schlich, planet
& nutrition
eat, diet, healthy, nutritious, health, fat,
calory, obesity, junk
lebensmittel, essen, ernahrung, gesund,
nahrungsmittel, lebensmittel, nahrung, fett,
& policy
govern, public, politic, corporate, regu-
lation, law, obama, vote
politik, skandal, verantwortung, bundestag,
schaltet, bestraft, strafe, kontrolle, kriminell
& meat
meat, chicken, anim, cow, beef, egg, fed,
raise, pig, grass
tier, fleisch, eier, huhn, schwein, futter, kuh,
verunsichert, vergiftet, deutsch
Farming farm, farmer, agriculture, land, sustain,
crop, yield, acre, grow, local
landwirtschaft, landwirt, bau, flache, okolo-
gisch, nachhaltig, konventionell, landbau, pro-
duktion, ertrag
Prices & profit price, consume, market, company, profit,
product, cost, amazon, money
verbrauch, preis, produkt, billig, qualitat,
kunde, kauf, geld, unternehmen, kosten
(De Smedt and Daelemans, 2012). Since the subjec-
tivity assignment is not well-developed in Textblob-
de, we filter out sentences with polarity equals to 0 for
both English and German sentences in order to derive
comparable results.
3.6 Topic and Sentiment Distributions
After assigning a labeled cluster, i.e., a topic, and a
sentiment score to each sentence of the corpus, we
derive the corresponding distributions.
For topic distributions, all sentences from a doc-
ument are counted per topic. The distribution is then
normalized to be comparable. For sentiment distri-
butions, all sentences from a document are grouped
per topic. Topic-wise sentiment distribution is derived
based on the sentence-wise polarity scores and the re-
spective median and quartiles. A document in that
regard is either an article or all of its comments, i.e.,
its comment section.
In this section, we evaluate the feasibility and se-
mantic coherence of our cross-lingual topic modeling
qualitatively. Instead of providing quantitative coher-
ence scores, we aim at a detailed, qualitative analy-
sis of textual examples. We depict representative sen-
tences and words of each topic in subsection 4.2. We
investigate to what extent these are semantically co-
herent, also across languages. We expose the ratio
of coherent and incoherent topics and how it devel-
ops with increasing number of topics in in subsection
4.3. Eventually, we show the distribution of topics in
selected newspaper articles and their respective com-
ment sections to relate the discussed content with our
actual topic model on English and German texts.
4.1 Data
The collection of the data used in this study is de-
scribed in another publication (Danner et al., 2021) as
follows. For the analysis we downloaded ”news arti-
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
k = 5 [23.72%]
k = 10 [30.26%]
k = 15 [29.26%]
k = 20 [23.79%]
Figure 3: Topic distributions with increasing number of topics k. The percentage is the amount of sentences in garbage topics.
cles and reader comments of two major news outlets
representative of the German and the United States
(US) context”, i.e., spiegel.de and nytimes.com. The
creation dates of the texts are ”spanning from January
2007 to February 2020”. ”Articles and related com-
ments on the issue of organic food were identified us-
ing the search terms organic food and organic farm-
ing and the German equivalents. For topic modeling,
we utilized ”534 articles and 41,320 comments from
the US for the years 2007 to 2020, and 568 articles
and 63,379 comments from Germany for the years
2007 to 2017 and the year 2020”.
4.2 Multi-linguality of Topics
In this section, we evaluate semantic coherence of
our cross-lingual topic modeling by depicting the rep-
resentative sentences and words for each topic and
showing the semantic relation. Table 1 shows the first
10 English and German words having the highest clar-
ity scores (see Section 3.4) in each cluster for k = 15.
Table 2 shows the first 3 English and German sen-
tences whose embeddings have the largest cosine sim-
ilarity to their corresponding cluster centroids. Both
top words and top sentences indicate that the clusters
are grouped reasonably in terms of semantics. For ex-
ample, this is the case for the topic Environment (pes-
ticides & fertilizers) which is indeed related to use of
pesticides in planting. Even though this also appears
to be the case for the sentences in GMO & organic on
the first glance, those are actually about organic food
and how aspects such as GMO and pesticides relates
to the food itself. This and the other representative
top words and sentences indicate that clustering on
cross-lingual sentence embeddings yield semantically
coherent topics.
According to our analysis, top sentences from
garbage clusters are always short in length with
slightly more than 15 characters. Together with top
words (Table 1), these hardly contribute to the organic
food domain and corresponding entities. Thus, it is
feasible in our case to ignore them.
4.3 Amount of Meaningful Topics
Besides providing coherent cross-lingual topics, our
method performs well to distinguish usable from un-
usable topics, and it provides a constantly high num-
ber of relevant topics independently of the number of
overall topics. Figure 3 is a Sankey diagram showing
A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-lingual Opinion Mining
Figure 4: Topic and sentiment distribution for Grocer.
the flow of topic assignments for all English and Ger-
man sentences with increasing number of clusters k.
Topic modeling is performed for each k with all pre-
processed sentences independently. It can be seen that
more specific topics descend from general but related
topics as indicated by the colors.
For instance, GMO & organic, Food safety, En-
vironment (pesticides & fertilizers) and Farming &
agricultural policy & food security for k = 15 are
derived from Organic vs. conventional farming for
k = 5. Organic vs. conventional farming in k = 5 gen-
erally focuses on advantages brought by organic farm-
ing when comparing to conventional farming, such as
reducing persistent toxin chemicals from entering to
environment, food, and bodies; thus, bio-products are
recommended. For k = 15, the children topics are
more specific. For example, GMO & organic shows
the aims for having organic food, i.e., avoidance of
GMO and poisoning with pesticides. Moreover, Food
safety in k = 15 is further split into Food safety and
Environmental pollution.
To see how the topics relate to their actual sen-
tences, we try to observe the top sentences of each
topic, i.e., those sentences of which the embeddings
are closest to the centroid. Both English and Ger-
man sentences are similar and share strong seman-
tic similarity. The food safety topic focuses on the
toxicity issue of dioxin and other chemicals towards
consumers. Environmental pollution, which is further
splitted from it, for k = 20 indeed tells contamina-
tion of water resources by chemicals. This shows that
fine-grained topics and the way they develop with in-
creasing k have a meaningful relation to ancestor and
sister topics.
Sentences without contribution to the organic food
domain always remain in garbage clusters in a way
that the proportion of usable and unusable clusters
does not fluctuate. Thus, the topic model maintains
its coherence independent to the number of topics and
the despite the fact that k-means is not deterministic
in its clustering. This property is helpful, since the
number of topics can be chosen as high as necessary
to provide a sufficient level of detail for the domain of
interest. Moreover, this highlights the meaningfulness
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 5: Topic and sentiment distribution for
and robustness of the given sentence representations
being able to separate noise from informative data in
an unsupervised fashion.
4.4 Validation of Opinion Distributions
In this section, two real text examples are given to
evaluate our method qualitatively. The first one is an
article from New York Times, titled Major Grocer
to Label Foods With Gene-Modified Content
, here-
after referred to as Grocer. It reported that the first
retailer in the United States announced to label all of
its genetically modified food sold in its stores. Ad-
vocating and opposing stakeholders stated their argu-
ments regarding different aspects. The second ex-
ample is from Der Spiegel, titled
Oko-Test” und
Co. Welche Lebensmittelsiegel wirklich taugen
below denoted as
Oko-Test. It reported that number
of food claims, certifications, and seals in Germany
were growing as organic labeling was a good promo-
tional strategy indicating high food quality. However,
consumers knew little about the details even when
the tests for each label were transparent and well-
documented. Based on these two summaries, it would
be expected that topics related to supermarkets, retail-
ers, and GMO labels are shown to be present in those
articles. The Grocer article, however, expresses con-
cerns about the consumption of genetically modified
food, whereas
Oko-Test discusses organic food label-
ing issues from various point of views, among others
fair trading and organic fishing.
Topic Distribution. Figures 4 and 5 show the dis-
tribution of topics in the overall article sentences. It
can be seen that the two topics Retailers and GMO &
organic are mentioned the most in both articles, sup-
porting our hypothesis. The comment section of the
Grocer article corresponds to the article itself such
that most of its sentences also talk about GMO &
organic and the second most for Retailers. How-
A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-lingual Opinion Mining
ever, the commenters of the
Oko-Test articles com-
mented more about GMO & organic followed with
Consumer prices & profit and Food products & taste.
Even though the dominating topics in German differ
between article and comments, it can be stated that
the topic distribution overall still refers to the actual
topics of the given texts and domains. At the same
time, differences in the distribution not only between
article and comments but also between languages and
thus cultures are directly visible, providing a means
for clear comparability in several respects.
Sentiment Distribution. Figures 4 and 5 also show
the sentiment distribution. Generally, the sentiment
of the Grocer article spreads out less than that of the
Oko-Test article. It is observed that, in topic GMO &
organic, comments score sentiment polarity ranging
between 0.50 to 0.70 in Grocer and between 1 and
0.85 in
Oko-Test. This means sentences from Gro-
cer show weaker sentiment compared to those from
Oko-Test. The actual texts indicate that sentiment on
our German data indeed has more variance than on
English. Thus, the proposed multi-lingual sentiment
analysis, Textblob and Textblob-de, appears to repre-
sent the data adequately in the given use case. How-
ever, it cannot be excluded that the sentiment distribu-
tion could be affected given the fact that two different
but methodically similar frameworks are used. Differ-
ent biases and variances could be caused by different
models which have differences in the sentiment dic-
tionary size and the subjectivity of human-assigned
sentiment scores based on different cultures. Further
studies should examine this problem for more robust,
domain-independent multi-lingual sentiment predic-
This case study shows that our technically simple ap-
proach successfully generates an high proportion of
relevant and coherent topics for our domain, i.e., or-
ganic food products and related consumption behav-
ior based on English and German social media texts.
Moreover, the topics display the text contents cor-
rectly and support a domain expert in the content
analysis of social media texts written in multiple lan-
However, the presented paper did not provide
quantitative measurements of topic coherences and
comparisons with the state-of-the-art. For mono-
language topic modeling, it would be LDA (Blei et al.,
2003); for advanced cross-lingual topic modeling, it
could be attention-based aspect extraction (He et al.,
2017) utilizing aligned multi-lingual word vectors
(Conneau et al., 2017). Several multi-lingual datasets
would need to be included for a representative com-
parison. Since pre-trained models trained on exter-
nal data are used for the proposed method, it might
be relevant for coherence score calculation to include
intrinsic coherence scoring methods based on train
test splits, such as, UMass coherence score (Mimno
et al., 2011), and explore extrinsic methods calculated
on external validation corpora, e.g., Wikipedia (R
et al., 2015).
Regarding multi-lingual sentiment analysis, the
difference in the sentiment analysis frameworks for
different languages must be considered. For example,
since two independent but similar sentiment analysis
models are applied for English and German, the senti-
ment distribution could be affected. Therefore, future
studies on developing and evaluating comparable sen-
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A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-lingual Opinion Mining
Table 2: Top sentences of meaningful topics from the whole dataset for k = 15 in English and German.
Topic Top 3 sentences for English and German
Usually, the plant which uses conventional farming will produce the residue of the pesticides. – Some pesticides used in conventional farming, however, may reduce the level
of resveratrol in plants. – Also, there is the question of naturally occurring pesticides produced by the plant itself.
Viele Biopflanzen werden zwar nicht mit Pestiziden behandelt, Ihnen wird jedoch sehr viel mehr Wachstumsfl
ache zugestanden. Nicht nur Biobauern benutzen G
ulle, und
Herbizide und Pestizide werden vor allem in der konventionellen Landwirtschaft eingesetzt. Zum einen bauen sich die Pestizide und Herbizide relativ schnell ab, nicht zu
verwechseln mit
ungung durch G
ulle oder Belastung mit Schwermetallen.
Whole Foods also sells a lot of high quality grocery items that aren’t available elsewhere in a lot of places. – Whole Foods executives, however, say their supermarkets can be
high quality, organic and natural but also inexpensive. – Larger competitors like Safeway and Kroger have vastly expanded their store-brand offerings of natural and organic
products, and they are often cheaper than those at Whole Foods.
Auch bei ALDI und CO lassen sich hochwertige Lebensmittel erwerben. Wobei ich feststellen muss, dass andere Superm
arkte - zumindest die, die ich frequentiere - auch
Wert darauf legen, das gewisse Produkte aus der Region stammen, auch wenn sie konventionell hergestellt wurden. Der Trend zur Feinkost beschert dem Handel vor allem
in den Großst
adten steigende Ums
atze, wo Bio-L
aden hip sind und die kaufkr
aftigen Kunden beim Einkaufen nicht auf jeden Cent schauen.
In a nutshell, though, organic means the product meets a number of requirements, such as no GMOs, no non-organic pesticides, etc. – When consumers buy organic, they are
guaranteed little more than food that is (in theory at least) produced without synthetic chemicals or G.M.O.’s (genetically modified organisms), and with some attention (again,
in theory) to the health of the soil. – Organic food includes products that are grown without the use of synthetic fertilisers, sludge, irradiation, GMOs, or drugs, which already
shows how much better it is for health.
Jeder weiß doch, daß der Vorteil von bio nicht in der erh
ohten Aufnahme von N
ahrstoffen gegen
uber konventionellen Produkten liegt, sondern in der Vermeidung, sich
mit Pestiziden zu vergiften. Bio-Lebensmittel genießen einen guten Ruf, weil sie wesentlich weniger Schadstoffe enthalten als konventionell hergestellte Lebensmittel.
Bioprodukte sind kaum ges
under als konventionelle Lebensmittel
& taste
It tastes totally different from your normal vegetables. It can also be mixed in with the other foods (milk and fruit, oats/rice cooked in milk). – The increased flavor is the
result of the food containing more micronutrients.
Die meisten frischen Zutaten m
ussen etwas aufbereitet werden, damit sie gegessen werden k
onnen. – Es braucht wirklich nur Mehl, Wasser und etwas Salz, keinerlei andere
Inhaltsstoffe, Punkt. – Nichts geht
uber frisch zubereitete Speisen aus gesunden Zutaten.
Dioxins are extremely toxic chemicals, and their bioaccumulation in the food chain may potentially lead to dangerous levels of exposure. Many of the toxins found in
non-organic foods are toxins that have a cumulative effect on our bodies. – As proved by various researchers, these chemicals have harmful effects not only on the consumers
but also on the environment and farmers.
Tatsache ist die Dosen um die es bei Nahrungsmittelkontaminationen durch Dioxine geht sind derart gering dass sie auf keinem Wege zu eine signifikanten Gesundheitsgefahr
uhren. Dioxine sind UBIQUIT
AR und entstehen in nicht unerheblichen Mengen durch nat
urliche Vorg
ange. Es bedarf erheblicher Dosen um gef
ahrliche Effekte von
Dioxin und Lindan nachzweisen.
Science is not always applied in benign ways, even when we know as much - growth hormones and indiscriminate use of antibiotics in livestock, for example. The bottom
line is that genetically modified organisms have not been proven in any way to be safe, and most of the studies are actually leaning the other direction, which is why many of
the world’s countries have banned genetically engineered foods. – However, evolution and adaptation, especially to unknown and unnatural substances, takes many generations
for humans to achieve.
Zu wenig verstehen die Wissenschaftler noch von
okologischen und evolution
aren Prozessen. Hinzu kommt dass die Natur st
andig neue genetisch ver
anderte Organismen
hervorbringt. – Es geht nicht um die Behauptung von Gentechnik sondern um die Behauptung ihrer Resultate.
Health &
While the government wants us to eat healthy, it is very true that organic foods are outrageously priced for the small amount of food we recieve. – The health issue with foods
lies in our collective wisdom that insists on making foods as cheap as possible. – Of course there are health benefits to eating “organic” food.
ur die Bev
olkerungsschichten die auf g
unstige Lebensmittel angewiesen sind es komplizierter sich gesund zu ern
ahren. Im Vordergrund unserer Lebensmittelwirtschaft
steht eben der Profit und nicht die gesunde Ern
ahrung. – Es ist sowieso viel ges
under Lebensmittel zu essen, die einen m
oglichst geringen Verarbeitungsgrad aufweisen.
& policy
& com-
There are more that ”government regulators” involved. We full well know that the industry in all of its glory takes precedence over the concerns or welfare of the people of
this country. – This is all being decided in PRIVATE, There is no involvement by the political or judicial processes that normally make laws in this country.
Lobbyismus m
usste als Straftatbestand angesehen werden und
ahnlich schwerwiegend behandelt werden wie Landesverrat. – Das ist das Ergebnis der Lobbyarbeit und unsere
Volksvertreter verabschieden solche Strafrahmen nicht versehentlich, sondern ganz bewußt. – Das und
andert nichts an der kriminellen Energie der durch die Politik
und Gesetzgebung Vorschub geleistet wird.
& meat
Organically raised animals used for meat must be given organic feed and be free of steroids, growth hormone and antibiotics. When it comes to meat, again organic is
the better option as animals are often treated cruelly and inhumanely to increase production. Manure produced by organically raised animals wreaks less havoc on the
environment, but the meat may still wreak havoc on arteries.
Diejenigen die noch Fleisch essen nehmen Bio weil diese Tiere etwas weniger gequ
alt werden als wie im konventionellen Bereich. – Im Falle von Fleisch geht das nicht anders,
als dass man Tiere qu
alt und dazu mit Dingen f
uttert, die man kaum noch als Futter bezeichnen kann. – Rinder fressen nat
urlicherweise kein Zucht-Getreide wegen des hohen
arke und Fettgehalts.
& agri-
policy &
Regardless of capacity the modern crops still need more and more land to feed the more and more people, even if the inefficiencies and failures of corporate agriculture are
overcome. The main problem in organic farming is the availability of adequate organic sources of nutrients (crop residues, composts, manures) to supply crops with all the
required nutrients and to maintain soil health. – Without this, the organic farming industry can’t sustain economically as most of the Organic food that is produced is bought
by the big packaged food companies.
Daß der D
unger f
ur Bio-
Acker n
amlich von Nutztieren hergestellt wird und mehr Bedarf daran auch mehr Nutztiere zur Folge hat, geh
ort nicht zu den Notwendigkeiten, mit
denen die Bio-Lobby hausieren geht. Wegen der F
orderung von Biogasanlagen und dem dadurch entstandenen Bedarf etwa an Mais sei Ackerland inzwischen vielerorts so
teuer, dass die Bio-Bauern nicht mehr konkurrieren k
onnten. – Hinzu kommt ein Trend, der immer mehr Landwirte zu Energiewirten werden l
asst: Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
sind gefragt wie nie.
prices &
Acquisitions such as this takes away consumers’ prerogative on where to spend our hard-earned dollars. – The consumer gains nothing from this. – But final cost to consumer
is based on supply and demand.
Beim Verbraucher bleibt so gut wie kein Preisvorteil. – Das man f
ur ”bessere” Erzeugnisse mehr zahlen muss, liegt auf der Hand. – Nur m
ussen diese Billigartikel erst mal
produziert werden, bevor der Verbraucher zugreifen kann.
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval