Improved Session-based Recommender System by Context Awareness in
e-Commerce Domain
Ramazan Esmeli
1 a
, Mohamed Bader-El-Den
1 b
, Hassana Abdullahi
and David Henderson
School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Lion Terrace, Portsmouth, U.K.
School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Portsmouth, Lion Terrace, Portsmouth, U.K.
Fresh Relevance Ltd., Southampton Science Park, Southampton, U.K.
Context Awareness, Recommender Systems, e-Commerce, User Behaviour Modelling.
Over the past two decades, there has been a rapid increase in the number of online sales. This has resulted
in an increase in the data collected about the users’ behaviour which has aided the development of several
novel Recommender System (RS) methods. One of the main problem in RS is the lack of ”explicit rating”;
many customers do not rate the items they buy or view. However, the user behaviour (e.g. session duration,
number of items, item duration view, etc.) during an online session could give an indication about what the
user preferences ”implicit rating”. In this paper, we present a method to derive numerical implicit ratings
from user browsing behaviour. Also, we examine the impact of using the derived numerical implicit ratings as
context factors on some of the main RS methods, i.e. Factorisation Recommender and Item-Item Collaborative
Filtering models. We evaluate the performance of the proposed framework on two large e-commerce datasets.
The computational experiments show that in the absence of user explicit rating, the use of the user behaviour
data to generate numerical implicit ratings could significantly improve the several RS methods.
Recommender Systems (RS) plays an important role
in digital marketing and has been widely used in sev-
eral sectors such as retail, movie, news, music, book
and shopping. Effective RS methods improve the
user experience (Esmeli et al., 2019b). Also, many
businesses depend on RS as powerful personalised
marketing tools(Montgomery and Smith, 2009) to
achieve business goals and boost sales. Thus, several
methods have been developed to recommend most
relevant items to users (Esmeli et al., 2019a) including
Content-Based Filtering(CBF) (Isinkaye et al., 2015),
Collaborative Filtering (Ka
ak et al., 2016) (CF) and
Hybrid RS (Al Fararni et al., 2021).
One important type of RS is Session-Based Rec-
ommendation Systems (SBRS) (Esmeli et al., 2020),
where the main target is to predict what the next item a
particular user is likely to view. Most SBRS make use
of the current browsing history only, i.e. the items the
user has viewed in the session so far. This is because
past browsing/purchase history is not always available
and may not be relevant to the user’s current intention
(the user may look for different items in different ses-
Most classical RS methods are based on user rat-
ing. User rating is normally limited to the items the
user has purchased/tried, for example if a user gave
a high rating for a science fiction books, this rating
could be used to recommend another book for this
user. However, In online SBRS item rating is not
available as users will not explicitly rate the items
while they are browsing, but rating takes place af-
ter using the purchased item. Therefore, current
SBRS(Hidasi et al., 2016a; Hidasi et al., 2016b; Liu
et al., 2018; Wu and Yan, 2017) focus on the item
features and simple implicit ratings which give equal
rating for all viewed items. However, in practice, a
viewed item is not an accurate indication of interest,
and normally users will have a different level of inter-
est in the items they have been viewing so far.
This paper is motivated by the idea that the user
interaction and behaviour during a session (e.g. du-
ration of item view, basket items, number of repeated
item visits) may indicate the expected user-item rat-
ing. Therefore, in this paper, we answer the following
research questions: Can integration of user browsing
behaviour into SBRS methods improve the RS per-
Esmeli, R., Bader-El-Den, M., Abdullahi, H. and Henderson, D.
Improved Session-based Recommender System by Context Awareness in e-Commerce Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0010656100003064
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 37-47
ISBN: 978-989-758-533-3; ISSN: 2184-3228
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
formance, i.e. increase the prediction accuracy of the
next item the user is likely to view? And how?
To answer these questions, in this paper, we pro-
pose a method to estimate a personalised item rating
based on the users’ behaviour in a given session. As
research on the relationship between implicit feed-
back and explicit feedback shows that there is a mean-
ingful correlation between these two types of feed-
back (Jawaheer et al., 2014; Parra et al., 2011). Also,
the estimated rating represents the level of the user’s
interest in the item based on their behavioural and
contextual data since several works (N
et al., 2018; Jawaheer et al., 2010; Reusens et al.,
2017) showed that using estimated ratings can help
to improve the RS performance. Moreover, this paper
presents a test method to measure the performance of
the proposed framework on different sequence length
of user-item interactions on different RS algorithms
for both datasets (Fresh relevance and Yoochose Rec-
sys datasets). The major contributions of this study
are as follows:
1. A novel users’ behaviour attention model is pro-
posed to implement User Interest Aware (UIA)
SBRS in which, user behaviours are mapped to
numerical implicit ratings and ratings are inte-
grated into RS models.
2. The proposed model is evaluated on two real-
world datasets, the Yoochoose dataset from Rec-
Sys 2015, and the Fresh relevance dataset from
a personalising company in the UK. Experimental
results show that UIA SBRS achieves a good level
of performance, and the proposed UIA mecha-
nism plays an important role.
The rest of this paper consists of the following sec-
tions. Section 2 reviews similar works to this work.
Section 3 addresses the overall proposed framework.
Computational experiments and results are presented
in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5, concluding re-
marks and future direction are reported.
The purpose of this work is to explore the relation-
ship between one class and estimated numerical im-
plicit rating as a context factor in SBRS. This is im-
plemented by using FR and Item-Item similarity CF
models. Also, the RS models are analysed in terms of
the effect of a user’s past interaction length by running
on two e-commerce dataset. Thus, in this section, we
will give a brief description of general RS models, FR
and Item-Item similarity CF models, sequence aware
RS, feedback types and previous works related to user
behaviours mapping to numerical rating.
2.1 RS Types and Methods
In (Ka
ak et al., 2016), RS are generally classified
into three categories, namely; CF, CBF and Hybrid
RS. Each of these methods has advantages and draw-
backs. For example, CBF RS suffers from serendip-
ity (De Gemmis et al., 2015), CF RS is hindered from
adding a new item or new user (Isinkaye et al., 2015;
Lika et al., 2014; Silva et al., 2019) in other mean
cold start problems and sparsity problems (Isinkaye
et al., 2015) and Hybrid RS (Ka
ak et al., 2016) tries
to alleviate the drawbacks of these models. How-
ever, Hybrid RS can have disadvantages in terms of
resource consumption since these systems combine
both models. The Factorisation Recommender(FR)
model (Rendle, 2012) tries to learn the latent fac-
tors for the users, items and side features(context fac-
tors).The latent factors are used to rank the items for
each user in terms of the likelihood that the user may
interact with these items.
In Item-Item similarity CF model (Ka
ak et al.,
2016; S
anchez and Bellog
ın, 2020), the similarity
between items is calculated by looking at the inter-
acted items of users who have common interacted
items. Jaccard and Cosine metrics can be used for the
similarity measurement between items (Domingues
et al., 2013). In Jaccard similarity (Domingues et al.,
2013), user ratings on items are not taken into ac-
count. While,in Cosine similarity (Domingues et al.,
2013), the ratings on items are considered.
In e-commerce, generally, users are not registered,
and they are anonymous. Thus, users do not have
long term preference history. Also, they provide rat-
ings rarely to show their preference explicitly to inter-
acted items (Hidasi et al., 2016a; Hidasi et al., 2016b).
However, users create sequential logs(clicked, pur-
chased, time spent on an item, etc.) while they are
browsing the system. These logs can be utilised in RS
algorithms. Session-based recommendation (Hidasi
et al., 2016a; Hidasi et al., 2016b) is one of the ways
to adapt short term user sequential logs(preferences),
missing long term user logs and anonymous users
to get recommendations since User-based CF models
cannot give recommendation when they do not have
trained latent factor vector for a new user.
Recent works show that the improvement in the
performance of the SBRS implemented on deep
learning-based approaches are questioned (Jannach
and Ludewig, 2017; Ludewig et al., 2019; Dacrema
et al., 2019). The main concerns of the deep-learning-
based SBRS are reproducible, scalability, and per-
formance (Zhang et al., 2019). For example, in
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(Ludewig et al., 2019; Dacrema et al., 2019) only
on one dataset deep-learning-based SBRS model out-
performed modified Item-Item similarity CF RS on
different domains such as music and e-commerce do-
main. Therefore, in this work, we prefer to use Item-
Item similarity CF RS model. However, the proposed
method can be applied to any deep-learning-based ap-
proach by feeding the model with calculated interest
level score as a context factor.
2.2 Context Awareness in Session-based
Recommender Systems
The recommendation list can be influenced by the
context the user is in. The works (Cao et al., 2020;
Jannach et al., 2017; Renjith et al., 2020) investigated
the context factor on the performance of the recom-
mendation model. (Cao et al., 2020) examined po-
sition and context awareness of SBRS using deep-
learning basing method, the experiments showed 3 %
of improvement on recall and precision. The exper-
iments showed better recall and precision scores af-
ter applying context-awareness. Moreover, (Jannach
et al., 2017) investigated the role of discounts, the ef-
fects of adopting users’ short term intention and pop-
ularity trends of the products on RS performance.
2.3 Explicit and Implicit Feedback
In (Jawaheer et al., 2010), they proposed a work to
show the correlation between implicit feedback and
explicit feedback. The authors derived numerical im-
plicit ratings from implicit preference indicators, and
they created another dataset to store numerical im-
plicit ratings. They built CF RS models on the two
types of feedback.
In (Reusens et al., 2017), a method to compare
performance measurement of two types of feedback
applied to the job domain is designed. They aim to
find which resources better-represent users’ interest
level and how to represent users’ implicit feedback
level to the explicit level. Similarly, in (N
et al., 2012), user’s behaviours on an electronic book
domain were captured. The authors converted ob-
served user behaviours into explicit ratings. Their re-
sults indicate that user behaviour modelling showed a
significant improvement on RS model’s performance.
2.4 Limitations of the Previous
Previous works about converting user behaviours
to numerical ratings mainly focused on User-based
CF that they investigated already observed user be-
haviours in the past for only registered users. The lim-
itation of this approach is that User-based CF models
cannot produce recommendations when users’ rating
history is absent (Koren et al., 2009; Jannach et al.,
2017) since recently, e-commerce websites have be-
come popular. In these e-commerce websites, shop-
pers can browse items without registering even they
can purchase items as a guest, and there is no any
user-product rating history. Accordingly, to solve
the drawback of User-based CF models for anony-
mous users in e-commerce platforms, Session-Based
Recommender(SBRS) models have been developed
where only click behaviours are considered for the
next item recommendations (Hidasi et al., 2016a; Jan-
nach et al., 2017). On the other hand, users leave
valuable data about their intentions and preferences
while browsing the items in the sessions such as du-
ration spent on an item and the number of clicks for
an item. One of the limitations of current SBRS mod-
els is that user’s valuable behavioural indications are
ignored, and these models provide next item recom-
mendations solely based on user’s click behaviour in
the session.
Moreover, as mentioned above, context factors
such as price and category of the browsed products
in the session are already used for filtering purpose in
SBRS. The limitation of this approach is that restrict-
ing recommendation models to only filtering based on
context factors can cause to losing valuable user pref-
erence indicators since not only item and time-based
features also user behaviours are strong signals for
showing users’ interest level on the browsed items in
the sessions. For instance, the minutes user spent on
an item while exploring the item, the number of clicks
of an item and basket actions(added to cart, browsed
only) of the user in the session could be considered as
users’ interest level indicator on the item. In this pa-
per, we combine all the user activities in the session
and create an implicit numerical rating that estimates
users’ interest level on an item in the on-going ses-
Improved Session-based Recommender System by Context Awareness in e-Commerce Domain
As mentioned before, current SBRS is mainly based
on implicit item rating, where session viewed items
are equally rated in terms of user interest. The pro-
posed algorithm in this paper is motivated by the idea
that the user-item interaction in a given session can in-
dicate the level of the user interest in the items viewed
so far.
This section presents the User Interest Aware
(UIA) SBRS framework. In this framework, we pro-
pose a novel method to predict the user interest (rat-
ing) for an item in the given session and use the pre-
dicted rating in the RS algorithms(Item-Item CF and
In the proposed UIA framework (Fig. 1), we have
created a method to predict users’ interest levels on
the item by taking into account their implicit feedback
and recommended products based on their behaviours
in the on-going sessions. The framework consists of
three main phases. The first phase is the data collec-
tion, data pre-processing and feature selection. The
second phase is interest level prediction, which could
be seen as a way for converting implicit to explicit rat-
ing, and the last phase is utilising the derived ratings
on SBRS models.
3.1 Phase 1: Data Collection,
Preparation and Analysis
This phase consists of data collection from the com-
pany, data preparation and dataset analysing steps.
In the data preparation step, we apply label encod-
to categorical IDs, and we refine items which are
viewed only one time in the whole dataset and some
sessions consist of one viewed item, in which they
do not provide enough information to build connec-
tions with other items and the sessions. We use two
datasets in these work. The first dataset is the Fresh
relevance dataset. This dataset was collected for a 15
day period from a real-world e-commerce website
The second dataset is the Yoochose RecSys dataset
which stores click events from an e-commerce web-
site. Table 1 shows the statistics about the number of
unique items, sessions and total interactions in each
Table 1: Dataset statistics used in this work.
dataset Sessions Items Interactions
fresh relevance 71596 36605 1917985
yoochose 197601 37220 3291424
3.2 Phase 2: Interest Level Prediction
In this phase, we analyse the users’ behaviours and
their contributions to calculate the final users’ interest
level on items.
A user can be directed to a website from different
sources, for example, from Google search or an adver-
tisement link shown on a website. The first item that
the user look for can be considered as the most rele-
vant item for the user initial intention. After visiting
a product, the user will get recommendations based
on the item’s content or other users’ tastes. The point
in RS is to get user attention to visit items in the rec-
ommendation list. If recommended items are interest-
ing for the user, he/she will click and will look at the
detail of the suggested product. If the user is happy
with the item user browsed, user can add this item
to cart. Otherwise, the user will keep searching until
he finds his favoured items or user will leave the sys-
tem. Sometimes, the user can have some uncertainties
about buying products added to cart. In that case, the
user will not proceed to purchase the item added to
cart, or the user can give up browsing products and
leave the system.
3.2.1 Simple Implicit Feedback
Simple implicit feedback can be considered as posi-
tive feedback if a user views an item. Since we do not
have explicitly given ratings by users, we have two in-
dicators U
for the simple implicit feedback, in which
if the user uεU interacted with the product iεI or not
in a session sεS. For the proposed framework, we
used Equation 1 for the simple implicit feedback(One
Class) rating representation.
f (x) =
1, if U
0, otherwise
For any interactions, regardless users’ basket out-
come, purchasing behaviour or click behaviour, if
there is an interaction with a product, this can be con-
sidered as positive feedback otherwise 0, means a user
has not seen the items yet. Also, as mentioned in
(Reusens et al., 2017), implicit feedback is a relative
indication that shows if a user likes an item or not.
However, having an interaction on an item can be as-
sumed a minimum interest level (Wan and McAuley,
2018; Pan and Scholz, 2009).
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: User Interest Aware Framework(UIA).
3.2.2 Behaviour Mapping
Mapping implicit feedback(behaviour) to numerical
implicit rating can help better represent user interest
on the items. However, implicit mapping feedback is
not trivial work since each different domain has dif-
ferent factors to be considered (Reusens et al., 2017;
nez-Valdez et al., 2018). The motivation of the
UIA framework is to see whether there is an improve-
ment on RS performance by analysing user activities
in terms of their different behaviours on e-commerce
websites, and deriving users’ interest level on items
as the numerical implicit rating.
Other researchers (N
nez-Valdez et al., 2015;
Reusens et al., 2017) proposed methods to convert
implicit feedback to numerical implicit rating by giv-
ing weights to users’ behaviours on an e-book appli-
cation, and job domain, respectively. We follow a
similar way to construct the numerical implicit rat-
ings(interest level), and we define actions a user can
have on e-commerce system and their weights(see Ta-
ble 2). If any of these actions have not appeared in the
dataset, their contribution will be 0.
Table 2: Most common actions that define the users’ be-
haviour in an e-commerce platform.
ID Name Weight
F1 Browse Behaviour w1
F2 Basket Behaviour w2
F3 View Duration w3
F4 Purchase Behaviour w4
In order to understand the process of explication
converting process, Table 2 is explained in detail. ID
indicates different behaviours and used in mathemat-
ical notation defining stage, Name explains the be-
haviour that the user showed in the system. Weight
shows the contribution of a given behaviour on the nu-
merical implicit rating conversion process. For exam-
ple, if a user did not like an item he browsed, he may
have the intention to click another item in a minute.
3.2.3 Mathematical Model to Convert Implicit
Feedback to Numerical Value of Implicit
Feedback (Interest Level)
We define different mathematical equations to indi-
cate user uεU interest level on item iεI. The aim of
using mathematical equations is to interpret users’ ac-
tions to have a numerical value of implicit feedback
which we call explicit rating of user behaviour or nu-
merical implicit rating. After having users’ explicit
rating, they can be utilised in different RS methods
to analyse explicitly modelled user-item interactions.
Our final rating score will be between 0 and 4, which
means 0 shows that the user has not interacted with
item yet and 4 means item took user’s attraction at the
highest level.
As mentioned in (Jawaheer et al., 2010), each
domain has different implicit feedback modelling
method, even for similar domains but in different e-
commerce applications, the interpretation method for
the implicit feedback changes. Thus, we may have
different weights and their contributions for final ex-
plicit rating calculation for each dataset.
F1: This indicates the click count contribution to
the numerical implicit rating.
This indicates the click count contribution to the
numerical implicit rating for each item for a session.
In order to have a normalised value for this indicator,
we formulate the calculation of this indicators contri-
bution in Equation 2. In this equation t
shows total
click count in a session s, and c
shows the click count
for the item i in the session s. In this equation, we will
get a value between 0 and 1 as item’s click contribu-
tion to implicit rating based on total click and item’s
click in the session
Improved Session-based Recommender System by Context Awareness in e-Commerce Domain
F1(i, s) =
F2 : indicates level, in which if item i is added to
basket in session s (Eq. 3) The contribution of adding
an item to basket shows an interest level for the item
but this depends on users’ habit. For example, if a
user adds more than one item to the basket, the inter-
est level for the each item can be different compar-
ing to adding one item to the basket. Therefore, in
the Equation, t
shows total number of added items to
basket, and t
shows how many item i is added to bas-
ket in a session s. The user’s interest contribution of
adding to basket for each item is restricted between 0
and 1. This equation is valid only if there is any item
is added to the basket in the session (t
> 0).
F2 =
Basket outcome has three categories: b means item
only browsed. ba means item added to the basket but
not purchased. t means item is purchased. We as-
sume item purchasing is strong interest indicator that
we calculate its contribution in F4, adding to the bas-
ket is high-interest indicator however it is relatively
less than purchasing, and browsing is minimum inter-
est indicator however we already calculated its con-
tribution in click count indicator F1; thus we will not
give any interest level contribution for browsing the
F3 : This represents the duration factor. We can
think that if a user spends more time on an item, this
means the user has more interest level than less time
spend. The Equation 4 is used to calculate the user’s
interest level on an item using duration factor. In this
equation, total session duration represented as t
, and
duration spend on an item i in the session s. Calcu-
lated F3 value as the consequence of duration factor
for interest level calculation on an item is in range be-
tween 0 and 1
F3 =
F4: shows if the item i is purchased in a session
s or not. This will have an important interest level
indicator for user on an item in the session. It is cal-
culated using Equation 5. In this equation, t
is the
number of total purchased item in the session s, and
is the number that shows how many of item i is
purchased in the session s. This interest level has a
score between 0 and 1 for the each item in a session
s. This implicit factor is valid when at least one item
is purchased in the session s (t
> 0).
F4 =
3.2.4 Final Numerical Implicit Rating
We use weights for final score calculation, these
weights are showing importance levels of the factors.
The sum of these weights is equals to 1 (Eq. 6).
= 1 (6)
After we have numerical equivalents of implicit feed-
back using factor equivalence of user behaviours, we
create the final numerical rating score by applying ag-
gregation of each numerical equivalents with consid-
ering their weights (Eq. 7). The best weight com-
bination in this equation learnt by applying a cross
validation method, in which in each cross validation
the performance of RS models are evaluated and the
weights for the best found performance are selected.
score = w1 F1 + w2 F2 + w3 F3 + w4 F4 (7)
3.3 Phase 3: Evaluation
In this phase, we evaluate the proposed framework
with different metrics. First, we split datasets as test
and train. For testing, we allocate one month and one
day for Yoochose RecSys dataset and Fresh relevance
dataset respectively. Secondly, RS models are trained
with two different types of datasets; the dataset con-
sisting of simple implicit feedback, and new dataset
with explicit feedback. In the model evaluation step,
models are evaluated by giving interacted items in the
sessions to trained RS models and getting recommen-
dations from the models. Ground truth items will be
hidden, and the recommendations from the model and
items in ground truth will be compared to evaluate the
performance. Note that we do not use derived numer-
ical implicit rating for the ongoing item interaction
but previous items since in practice we cannot utilise
numerical implicit rating concurrently, in which after
user view next item we can utilise numerical implicit
rating for the previous item.
In this section, we explain the experimental setup de-
tails, evaluation metrics, evaluation methods lastly,
we discuss the results of the experiments.
4.1 Experimental Setup
We use in this work two different RS models which
are the FR model and Item-Item similarity CF model.
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
To run the experiments, we use Graphlab machine
learning tool
4.1.1 FR Model
If any side data is not presented in the FR model, it
acts as a standard MF model. We used two differ-
ent types of FR. The first one is for implicit feedback
which is one class implicit feedback and the second
one is for derived numerical implicit rating.
4.1.2 Item-Item Similarity CF Model
We use the Item-Item similarity CF model to compare
the result of one class implicit rating data and derived
numerical implicit rating. For evaluation, Jaccard and
Cosine similarity metrics are used in the Item-Item
similarity CF model. In the Jaccard similarity metric,
only interacted items are important regardless of rat-
ings on items. On the other hand, Cosine similarity
takes into account the user ratings on items.
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
In the literature, accuracy, precision, recall and cov-
erage are some metrics used in RS (Herlocker et al.,
2004). recall@n(Eq. 8) and precision@n (Eq. 9)
have been used widely in the top-n ranked list RS
(Ricci et al., 2015; Herlocker et al., 2004; Gunawar-
dana and Shani, 2009). Since RS can only recom-
mend a few items at a time, users are expecting to
see relevant items in the first page. Thus, we pre-
fer recall@n as an evaluation metric to measure the
performance of our method on top n recommenda-
tions. recall@n metric shows how the model is good
to predict the items in ground truth, precision@n de-
scribes how our model’s recommendations are good
to predict items in ground truth. Also, we employ
user coverage metric to see the ratio of the number of
users that get at least one correct prediction.
recall@n =
|Recommended Items Ground Truth|
|Ground Truth|
prec@n =
|Recommended Items Ground Truth|
|Recommended Items|
coverage@n (Eq. 10) describes the ratio of the num-
ber of the users retrieved at least one correct recom-
mendation U
to all user U in test data (Mesas and
ın, 2017).
coverage@n =
|U |
4.2.1 Dataset Splitting
For dataset splitting, we apply 10-fold cross-
validation to have reliable performance results. In
each validation loop, we split sessions as train and
test. For test dataset, we select 10 % of whole ses-
sions in each fold. We do not add any session-item
interaction to train dataset from test sessions. In other
words, our models are blind to the test sessions. The
experiment results show the average values of the 10-
fold cross-validation.
Sessions in train dataset
Sessions in test dataset
Figure 2: Dataset Splitting method for Sequence Aware
Calculating the Weights. The values of the
weights of the behaviours w
n {1,2,3,4 } are de-
cided by the experiments’ results. The main approach
followed is to assume that, browsing(w
) an item is
the weakest level for users’ interest indicator. If an
item is added to cart(w
), it is presumed that the user
has an intention to buy this product and that, thus,
he/she has a higher interest level than when just view-
ing the item. Also, the duration(w
) that the user spent
on the item shows an interest level, if it is more than
a certain level, as explained in Section 3. Lastly, if an
item is purchased (w
) in the session, it is taken that
the user explicitly indicated he/she liked it and is in-
terested in it. In fact, purchase action has the highest
interest rate among the other action types. After ex-
perimenting with different weight values by consider-
ing the above assumption which inspired by (Jannach
et al., 2018), the best ones are identified, as shown
in Table 3. The search space for the weights are re-
stricted between 0 and 1.
Table 3: Best weights for the user behaviours.
Contributing Factor weight indicator value
F1 w
F2 w
F3 w
F4 w
Improved Session-based Recommender System by Context Awareness in e-Commerce Domain
4.2.2 Experiments
We choose two different recommendation models
which are Item-Item similarity CF (Ka
ak et al.,
2016) and FR models (Rendle, 2010). We analyse
Item-Item similarity CF with two different similarity
measurements, which are Cosine and Jaccard. Co-
sine similarity is applied to numerical implicit rating
data while the Jaccard similarity metric is applied to
one-class implicit ratings. In Item-Item similarity CF,
64 most similar items are selected for each item as
neighbour since experiment results showed above 64
nearest neighbour does not make a difference in per-
For the FR model, we select Sthocastic Gradient
Descent(SGD)(Shi et al., 2020) as the optimisation
method. In Graphlab tool, we can adjust if our dataset
consists of implicit feedback or explicit feedback by
defining the target attribute. If the model is trained
with a target attribute, it means we are using explicit
feedback and model will be trained with the standard
SGD optimisation method. Otherwise, when the rat-
ings are not available, the ranking will be done by
SGD optimiser that SGD will optimise logistic loss
function such as observed items is pushed to 1, and
the unobserved sample is pushed to 0. In the FR
model, since the dimension of latent factors is an im-
portant parameter to represent item latent factors and
user latent factors, we set this parameter 100 as train-
ing FR model is computationally expensive and ex-
periments shows that above 100 for the dimension of
the latent factors does not show enough improvement
on the performance.
For each interacted item(item sequence), we
retrieve top@n nε[20] recommendation, and we
evaluate top@n recommendation with recall@n,
precision@n and coverage@n metrics. Length of
item sequence changes regarding the length of hid-
den items to predict. Our aims in this experiment are
two-fold. Firstly, we investigate the performance of
RS on numerical implicit rating data which is derived
from user behaviours and one class implicit rating
data. Secondly, we analyse the effect of the sequence
length, which has been used as interacted items on RS
The overview of our experiment method for se-
quence aware recommendation is simulated in Fig. 3.
As shown in Fig. 3, at the beginning of a session, the
number of the items in ground truth is 30, the items
in the ground truth will be predicted by the model
base on interacted item(s). For a given interacted
item/items in a session, the recommendation outcome
is ranked based on the similarity scores of the given
item/items. Over time, the length of interacted items
increases until the ground truth length reduces to 1.
Figure 3: Test method followed in Sequence Aware Recom-
4.3 Result and Analysis
We report the results of experiments in Tables 5, 4,
6 and 7. In Tables, G shows the number of items
in the ground truth. As seen in Figure 3, the aim
is recommending accurately these items. For exam-
ple, if G is 1, it means that except last interacted
item, all previously interacted items in the session
are used for getting recommendations, and the tar-
get is predicting correctly this hidden item. Also,
impl. and exp. indicate evaluation results of the im-
plicit(baseline) and estimated numerical implicit rat-
ing, respectively. As users are more likely interested
in top items in the recommendation list, we chose
recall@n and precision@n evaluation metrics. For
model effectiveness, the experiment results are also
analysed in terms of coverage@n metric. We com-
pare the proposed framework on Item-Item similar-
ity CF and FR models on each dataset. Tables 4
and 5 show the performance results for the Item-Item
CF and FR RS models on Yoochose RecSys dataset,
while Tables 6 and 7 show the evaluation results for
Item-Item CF and the FR RS models on Fresh rele-
vance dataset.
Table 4: Performance comparison on different length of
user interaction of Yoochose RecSys dataset with Item-Item
similarity CF model.
recall@20 precision@20 coverage@20
G impl. exp. impl. exp. impl. exp.
1 0.32450 0.31900 0.02170 0.02160 0.43400 0.43200
2 0.30725 0.30125 0.04172 0.04122 0.56800 0.57700
3 0.29016 0.28966 0.05912 0.05990 0.63150 0.65750
4 0.26437 0.27337 0.07445 0.07692 0.68400 0.72200
6 0.22991 0.24558 0.10075 0.10617 0.74050 0.79900
10 0.12950 0.15535 0.09957 0.11510 0.63750 0.68400
15 0.09861 0.12629 0.12187 0.14330 0.69047 0.74404
20 0.08402 0.10910 0.14312 0.17302 0.75601 0.81786
30 0.05200 0.08222 0.13800 0.19400 0.74666 0.89333
Tables 5 and 7 show that the FR model has per-
formed better for all evaluation metrics when the
models trained on derived numerical ratings. Also,
the results of Tables 5 and 7 show that when the
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 5: Performance comparison on different length of
user interaction of Yoochose RecSys dataset with FR model.
recall@20 precision@20 coverage@20
G impl. exp. impl. exp. impl. exp.
1 0.01350 0.03450 0.00067 0.00172 0.01350 0.03450
2 0.01650 0.03475 0.00165 0.00347 0.03150 0.06300
3 0.01700 0.03400 0.00255 0.00510 0.04350 0.08650
4 0.01762 0.03387 0.00352 0.00677 0.05700 0.10450
6 0.01716 0.03250 0.00515 0.00975 0.07800 0.13750
10 0.02330 0.03105 0.01165 0.01552 0.15550 0.19500
15 0.02212 0.02748 0.01659 0.02061 0.20089 0.22767
20 0.02061 0.02543 0.02061 0.02543 0.22680 0.25429
30 0.02222 0.02488 0.03333 0.03733 0.29333 0.33333
Table 6: Performance comparison on different length of
user interaction of Item-Item similarity CF model on Fresh
relevance dataset.
recall@20 precision@20 coverage@20
G impl. exp. impl. exp. impl. exp.
1 0.25150 0.24850 0.01277 0.01180 0.25550 0.23600
2 0.21875 0.21700 0.02101 0.03474 0.42031 0.41327
3 0.19466 0.19466 0.02502 0.04691 0.50050 0.48277
4 0.18050 0.18050 0.02682 0.05552 0.53648 0.51798
6 0.15741 0.15766 0.02471 0.05491 0.49427 0.47450
10 0.10500 0.10530 0.02640 0.05955 0.52816 0.50201
15 0.10709 0.10762 0.02139 0.04888 0.42783 0.41408
20 0.07374 0.07537 0.03042 0.06818 0.60839 0.59790
30 0.07365 0.07419 0.03179 0.07135 0.63592 0.59708
Table 7: Performance comparison on different length of
user interaction of FR model on Fresh relevance dataset.
recall@20 precision@20 coverage@20
G impl. exp. impl. exp. impl. exp.
1 0.01900 0.02700 0.00147 0.0017 0.01900 0.02700
2 0.01729 0.02155 0.00482 0.0053 0.03318 0.03971
3 0.01876 0.02378 0.00658 0.00704 0.05167 0.06028
4 0.01752 0.02181 0.00845 0.00889 0.06166 0.07040
6 0.01604 0.01978 0.01012 0.01040 0.08168 0.09105
10 0.01400 0.01695 0.01222 0.01247 0.21629 0.23340
15 0.01247 0.01478 0.01391 0.01451 0.25773 0.26460
20 0.01070 0.01209 0.01486 0.01643 0.31118 0.32517
30 0.01068 0.00976 0.01553 0.01771 0.18446 0.16504
FR model knows more interacted items from the ses-
sions, it performed better in terms of recall. Inter-
estingly, when the length of interacted items are de-
creased (length of ground truth increased), the perfor-
mance difference between the FR model trained on
two different datasets reduces. The reason for this re-
sult could be that when a few items are available in
the interacted items, FR model which is trained with
derived implicit ratings may not be able to create a
correlation between ongoing session and other items.
However, after a certain length of interacted items,
the FR model trained with derived implicit rating per-
forms better in recall since using ratings derived from
user’s behaviour through the session may help to cre-
ate better session-item connections.
Furthermore, results of Tables 4 and 6 indicate
that when the Item-Item similarity CF model know
more item interactions about the sessions, similar to
the FR model, the Item-Item similarity CF model’s
performance has improved in both rating type (one
class rating, derived numerical rating). Neverthe-
less, the performance difference of the models trained
on the different type of ratings for Fresh relevance
dataset does not show constant superiority.
Moreover, the coverage rate of the Item-Item sim-
ilarity CF model for both datasets has performed bet-
ter than the FR model. Also, the models trained on
derived implicit ratings showed robust coverage rates
compared to one class rating dataset. This result has
supported that taking into consideration users’ actions
in the sessions may help create well session-item cor-
Overall, we can confirm from the results that when
the model knows more interaction about an ongoing
session, it performs better in terms of recall metric.
Also, when we train the models with derived ratings,
the models have better performance on all metrics due
to taking into account users’ preferences on the items
in the sessions. Lastly, the overall results show that
the Item-Item similarity CF model fit better than the
FR model in SBRS domain.
In this study, we proposed a user behaviour aware
framework called UIA to integrate user behaviour
awareness to the SBRS models. In this framework,
we derived numerical implicit ratings from users’ be-
haviours in the sessions, and we utilised derived nu-
merical implicit ratings as the context factor in the
two different RS models namely FR and Item-Item
CF models and compared the models’ performances
which are trained on derived numerical implicit rating
dataset and one class implicit ratings dataset. Also,
we analysed the effect of sequential awareness on the
models’ performance. We evaluated the UIA frame-
work on two real-world datasets and three evaluation
metrics to see how the proposed framework performs.
We believe that our study has several important
1. Integrating users’ behaviours besides other con-
text factors in the sessions help to improve SBRS
2. SBRS models are performing better when the ses-
sions have more item interactions.
3. Using derived numerical implicit ratings en-
hanced FR model more than Item-Item similar-
ity CF model. However, evaluation results for all
metrics showed that Item-Item similarity CF mod-
els have better performance on SBRS. This results
support why the Item-Item similarity CF models
are mostly preferred in SBRS (Quadrana et al.,
2018; Ludewig et al., 2019).
For future works, different approaches can be ap-
plied for deriving implicit numerical feedback from
Improved Session-based Recommender System by Context Awareness in e-Commerce Domain
user behaviours. Also, different user behaviours such
as only viewing, adding to cart and time spending on
items can be integrated RNN based recommendation
in addition to item feature embedding and user fea-
ture embedding. In this work, we split the sessions
from different levels, and we used all items in the
first side as interaction, as seen in the experiment sec-
tion. However, instead of using all items as interacted
items, one can design a different method to analyse
the effect of inputs one by one or different input com-
binations as the interacted items from the first part of
the split session.
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