compliance with the nature and degree of public
danger of the committed act. Therefore, sanctions are
an expression of the final assessment of the prohibited
acts from the standpoint of their public danger. Thus,
through the application of sanctions, the
implementation of the principle of justice laid down
in them by the legislator is ensured. For these
purposes, the sanctions must be balanced, i.e. they
must comply with certain requirements for their
content and design in terms of their internal qualities
and properties (Podroykina, I.A., 2021). In particular,
these minimum conditions are:
a) alternative, providing a choice (Lipinsky, D.A.,
Musatkina, A.A. Chuklova E.V., 2018);
b) commensuration (proportionality) to the nature
and degree of public danger of the deed (Burmagin,
S.V., 2021);
c) internal consistency (Banchikova, M.V., 2021).
Any criminal law sanction must be justified. And
we are talking about both social and dogmatic
justification. Social rationale is dynamic and based on
social processes, when regulations change under the
influence of changing external circumstances. The
doctrinal rationale, on the contrary, is static, since it
is focused on the formal component - the compliance
of legislative provisions with the rules of an
established legal technique (Valeev, M.T., 2019).
Both components are necessary and significant, since
they provide dynamic stability of criminal legislation
- a combination of its stability of variability in general
and the effectiveness of criminal law impact in
particular (Duyunov, V.K., Zakomoldin, R.V.,
Butenko, T.P., Galoyan, A.R., 2020).
Thus, the opinion of L.L. Kruglikov, that criminal
law sanctions should be considered not as just an
element of criminal law and an article of criminal law,
but as a legal structure that must comply with certain
rules and requirements for both form and content, is
quite fair. At the same time, without a doubt, the
construction of criminal law sanctions should be
based on the system of criminal punishments and the
system of the bodies of crime (Kruglikov, L.L.,
However, at present, in a crisis of criminal policy,
as experts rightly point out, sanctions are often
designed by the legislator intuitively, without a
proper scientific (first of all, criminal law and
criminological) substantiation. As a result, they are
generally unsystematic, casuistic, and in many cases
do not meet any of their minimum requirements
(Golenko, D.V., 2020).
Thus, the effectiveness of criminal law in terms of
punishability depends both on the establishment of
criminal punishment in sanctions and on its practical
implementation, that is, it is ensured by the
coordinated, interdependent, systemic work of the
legislator and law enforcer. In this regard, it is
appropriate to talk about the dynamic stability of
criminal legislation, that is, a reasonable balanced
combination of its stability and variability, as well as
the need to ensure a balance between its humanization
and repressiveness (Duyunov, V.K., Zakomoldin,
R.V., Butenko, T.P., Galoyan, A.R., 2020).
Therefore, this requires a modern science-based
criminal policy (Efremova, M.A., Rogova, E.V.,
Parkhomenko, D.A., Klebanov, L.R., Gorshenin,
A.A., 2019).
Duyunov, V.K., Zakomoldin, R.V., Butenko, T.P.,
Galoyan, A.R. (2020). Dynamic stability in the
changeable world and its legal provis. Revista Genero
& Direito, 9, 4. pages 557-579.
Efremova, M.A., Rogova, E.V., Parkhomenko, D.A.,
Klebanov, L.R., Gorshenin, A.A. (2019). Trends of
modern russian criminal policy in the Russian
Federation. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and
Economics, 10. 1(39). pages 144-154.
Podroykina, I.A., Duyunov, V.K. (2020). Criminal law in
the national security system of Russia. Proceedings of
the XIV European-Asian Congress «The value of law»
(EAC-LAW 2020). Part of series «Advances in Social
Science, Education and Humanities Researc». 498.
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neostorozhnye prestupleniya kak kriterij ih
spravedlivosti. Ugolovnoe pravo: strategiya razvitiya v
XXI veke. pages 362-366.
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sudoproizvodstve. Nravstvennye nachala v ugolovnom
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Valeev, M.T. (2019). Kriminologicheskoe obosnovanie
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Valeeva, L.R. (2012). Special'nye pravila naznacheniya
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kriterii naznacheniya nakazaniya kak element sistemy
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