Ensuring Legality, Reasonableness and Fairness of Criminal
Punishment through Criminal Law Sanctions
Ruslan V. Zakomoldin
, Vladimir K. Duyunov
and Inna A. Podroykina
Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia
Rostov Branch of the Russian Customs Academy, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: criminal law impact, punishability, criminal punishment, system of criminal punishments, individualization
of criminal punishment, justice of criminal punishment, criminal law sanction.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the correlation between criminal law sanctions and criminal
punishment. It is noted that the criminal law impact is expressed, among other things as a special activity of
the state in the punishability of criminal behavior. At the same time, punishability has two forms of expression
- dispositive form (foreseeing behavior as a crime in the criminal law) and sanctions (establishing a
threatening punishment). Sanctions express a qualitative and quantitative assessment of prohibited acts and
determine the measure of the state's reaction to their commitment. It is concluded that sanctions are an integral
element of the criminal punishment system and contribute to the achievement of both its goals and the
conditions that are necessary for it and its inherent properties and qualities. In particular, these minimum
requirements are legality, reasonableness, and fairness. At the same time, it is noted that the sanctions
themselves must also comply with these characteristics. Thus, it is stated that the establishment of criminal
law sanctions and the appointment and application of criminal punishment are closely interrelated and
interdependent and provide an effective criminal law impact in the aggregate.
Criminal law influence is a special activity of state
bodies associated with the provision of the necessary
preventive, punitive and educational influence on the
behavior of persons who have committed a crime and
other unstable persons with the help of the resources
of criminal law. In general, we are talking about the
state's response to certain crimes and crime as a
phenomenon. At the same time, this reaction is a
complex dynamic process, including doctrinal
comprehension, normative regulation and practical
implementation (Podroykina, I.A., Duyunov, V.K.,
2020, Дуюнов, В.К., 2021, Дуюнов, В.К., 2020,
Дуюнов, В.К., Закомолдин, Р.В., 2020).
The "criminal law impact" category is closely
related to the phenomenon of punishment.
Punishment is a complex and ambiguous
phenomenon that has a moral, ethical, social and legal
content. In the broadest sense, it is a kind of social and
legal phenomenon. Punishability has a broad and
narrow meaning in criminal law. In a broad sense,
punishability is an inherent property (consequence) of
wrongfulness, i.e. the prohibition of criminal
behavior as such. In a narrow sense, this category
means precisely a certain reaction of the state to the
corresponding criminal behavior. Thus, criminal law
punishability has two forms of expression -
dispositive form (foreseeing behavior as a crime in
the criminal law) and sanctions (establishing a
threatening punishment) (Guzeeva, O.S., 2020,
Tagantsev, N.S., 1994).
The study used both general scientific and specific
scientific methods of cognition of social phenomena
and processes (induction, analysis, synthesis,
comparison, systemic, etc.).
Zakomoldin, R., Duyunov, V. and Podroykina, I.
Ensuring Legality, Reasonableness and Fairness of Criminal Punishment through Criminal Law Sanctions.
DOI: 10.5220/0010661700003224
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Jurisprudence (WFLAW 2021), pages 50-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-598-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
There is a fundamental discrepancy in criminal law
theory and law enforcement practice between the
categories of "criminal punishment", "punishment
provided for by the criminal law" and "punishment
imposed by a court verdict" (Guzeeva, O.S., 2020).
The first has a doctrinal fundamental nature. The
second is of a normative constructive nature and is
expressed through the sanctions of the criminal law
norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code. The
third is of an applied nature and is implemented in law
enforcement. Of course, these categories are closely
interrelated and interdependent, which is natural,
since the system of criminal punishments, being
complex and integral, is not limited by the provisions
of Article 44 of the Criminal Code alone, and is
regulated by the whole complex of criminal law
norms and provisions on punishment, which includes
both the types of criminal punishment themselves,
general and special rules for its appointment, and the
sanctions of articles of the Special Part (Duyunov,
V.K., 2010, Duyunov, V.K., Zakomoldin, R.V.,
2011). It is the integrity of the system that implies that
all of its elements are closely interrelated and
interdependent, and a change in one, inevitably and
naturally causes a change in all the others (Studies in
the general theory of systems: a collection of
translations, 1969). Therefore, the effective
functioning of only one element of the system in
isolation from the others is impossible, since in this
case, it is impossible to achieve the goals facing the
entire system (Valeeva, L.R., 2012).
Sanctions directly fix the qualitative and
quantitative measure of the state's reaction to a crime,
which is why it is appropriate and logical to classify
them as a part of a punishment system. As L.R.
Valeeva rightly notes, their real role in criminal law
is realized only in connection with the criminal
punishment. Therefore, sanctions act as a
measurement tool for a "measure" in this system
(Valeeva, L.R., 2012).
Initially, the individualization of punishment is
aimed at establishing a measure of the state's response
to a crime in sanctions, and then in imposing a
punishment in each specific case in the process of
applying the corresponding norm and its sanctions. In
this regard, as O.S. Guzeeva correctly points out, “it
is necessary to clearly distinguish punishment as an
element of a sanction reinforcing a particular legal
prohibition on the one hand, and punishment as a real
measure of state influence imposed by a court verdict
on the other hand, or in other words, to distinguish the
establishment of criminal punishment and the
application of criminal punishment" (Guzeeva, O.S.,
We believe that in the context and within the
framework of punishability, criminal punishment and
sanction are correlated as content and form, as a
means and measure (Doctrinal and legislative
concepts in modern criminal law of Russia, 2013).
With the help of a sanction, the legislator measures
from the generally envisaged criminal punishment
that of its variety, term, and scope that correspond to
a specific crime. A sanction expresses a state-
imperious reaction to a crime, its assessment, which
provides both preventing (through a hypothetical
fixation of the punishment in a sanction), and
counteraction (through the actual application of the
punishment by the court provided for in the sanction).
We should distinguish between the concepts of
"punishment" and "penalization" in the context of our
research. We assume that they relate as a whole and
as a part. As K.V. Chemerinsky notes,penalization
is the process of establishing the punishability of a
criminal act, expressed through the establishment in
the sanction of an article of the Special Part of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of the type
and amount of punishment that can be chosen by the
court when convicted for this crime” (Russian
Criminal Law. General and Special parts, 2015). At
the same time, we agree with the author that the
application of punishment is outside the scope of
penalization. Although there is a different opinion,
which is expressed, for example, by A.I. Korobeyev
that penalization is both the process of determining
the nature of the punishability of acts and their actual
punishability (Full course of criminal law. Crime and
Punishment, 2008). We believe that when applying
punishment it is more correct to talk not about
penalization, but the individualization of punishment
as an independent stage within a broader category -
punishability. Thus, criminal law sanctions are a
formal expression of penalization.
It is generally agreed that the punishment should
be lawful, reasonable and fair, which is associated
with the sanctions that are predetermined by the
legislator and applied when imposing a punishment.
At the same time, these processes are interrelated and
interdependent, since the establishment and
application of sanctions, in turn, are dictated by the
need to ensure the legality, justification, and fairness
of criminal punishment.
Needless to say, that the category of justice is very
relative. However, in Article 6 of the Criminal Code
of the Russian Federation, the legislator made an
attempt to identify guidelines for the fairness of
criminal punishment, pointing out the need for its
Ensuring Legality, Reasonableness and Fairness of Criminal Punishment through Criminal Law Sanctions
compliance with the nature and degree of public
danger of the committed act. Therefore, sanctions are
an expression of the final assessment of the prohibited
acts from the standpoint of their public danger. Thus,
through the application of sanctions, the
implementation of the principle of justice laid down
in them by the legislator is ensured. For these
purposes, the sanctions must be balanced, i.e. they
must comply with certain requirements for their
content and design in terms of their internal qualities
and properties (Podroykina, I.A., 2021). In particular,
these minimum conditions are:
a) alternative, providing a choice (Lipinsky, D.A.,
Musatkina, A.A. Chuklova E.V., 2018);
b) commensuration (proportionality) to the nature
and degree of public danger of the deed (Burmagin,
S.V., 2021);
c) internal consistency (Banchikova, M.V., 2021).
Any criminal law sanction must be justified. And
we are talking about both social and dogmatic
justification. Social rationale is dynamic and based on
social processes, when regulations change under the
influence of changing external circumstances. The
doctrinal rationale, on the contrary, is static, since it
is focused on the formal component - the compliance
of legislative provisions with the rules of an
established legal technique (Valeev, M.T., 2019).
Both components are necessary and significant, since
they provide dynamic stability of criminal legislation
- a combination of its stability of variability in general
and the effectiveness of criminal law impact in
particular (Duyunov, V.K., Zakomoldin, R.V.,
Butenko, T.P., Galoyan, A.R., 2020).
Thus, the opinion of L.L. Kruglikov, that criminal
law sanctions should be considered not as just an
element of criminal law and an article of criminal law,
but as a legal structure that must comply with certain
rules and requirements for both form and content, is
quite fair. At the same time, without a doubt, the
construction of criminal law sanctions should be
based on the system of criminal punishments and the
system of the bodies of crime (Kruglikov, L.L.,
However, at present, in a crisis of criminal policy,
as experts rightly point out, sanctions are often
designed by the legislator intuitively, without a
proper scientific (first of all, criminal law and
criminological) substantiation. As a result, they are
generally unsystematic, casuistic, and in many cases
do not meet any of their minimum requirements
(Golenko, D.V., 2020).
Thus, the effectiveness of criminal law in terms of
punishability depends both on the establishment of
criminal punishment in sanctions and on its practical
implementation, that is, it is ensured by the
coordinated, interdependent, systemic work of the
legislator and law enforcer. In this regard, it is
appropriate to talk about the dynamic stability of
criminal legislation, that is, a reasonable balanced
combination of its stability and variability, as well as
the need to ensure a balance between its humanization
and repressiveness (Duyunov, V.K., Zakomoldin,
R.V., Butenko, T.P., Galoyan, A.R., 2020).
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Parkhomenko, D.A., Klebanov, L.R., Gorshenin,
A.A., 2019).
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Ensuring Legality, Reasonableness and Fairness of Criminal Punishment through Criminal Law Sanctions