contained in these concepts into a smart sustainable
Nevertheless, due to the novelty of the concept of
a smart sustainable city and also the contradictions
presence between the main provisions of the two
previously separate concepts, the process of
development of the living environment shall be
accompanied by a number of problems discussed in
this article.
In our opinion, overcoming the obstacles in the
implementation of the concept of a smart sustainable
city requires an interdisciplinary approach. Modern
cities generate large amounts of information in all
areas of the functioning of the living environment,
and their effective analysis is possible exactly within
the framework of interdisciplinary projects.
The development of the human life environment
based on the concept of a smart sustainable city will
increase the comfort of life of the subjects of the city
territory, however, in order to achieve the long-term
goals of city transformation, it is necessary to remove
the existing conceptual contradictions, based of an
interdisciplinary approach.
The article was written as part of the work on the
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