Thus, the scale of the existing tourist flow to the
territory does not exceed the calculated recreational
capacity. At the same time, mechanisms for
regulating recreational loads are not implemented at
this stage. The Government of the Russian Federation
has approved a regulatory act that allows you to
collect fees for visiting SPNA. If a checkpoint is
established, the possibility of visiting the territory of
the projected natural park "Teriberka" may be limited
by the operating mode of such a checkpoint. As a
result, despite the polar day, tourists will not be able
to walk on the route around the clock, which will
increase the one-time load on the territory.
The recreational capacity of the route established in
the framework of this study on the territory of the
projected natural park "Teriberka" and its protective
area should be regularly adjusted taking into account
new data on the nature of tourist development of the
territory, the results of monitoring the state of natural
complexes of the most popular areas, as well as
protected objects. This will make it possible to make
informed decisions on the regulation of recreational
loads, this is a condition for the effective functioning
of SPNA.
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