Sustainable Development of Society as a Historical Necessity
N. O. Ismailov
History, Economics and Law Research Institute, Michurinskiy prospect, 16, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Justice, Freedom, Responsibility, Ecologization, Sustainable Development of Society, Needs, Interests.
Abstract: The article concerns the concept of sustainable development of society as a historical necessity. The author
proposes the concept of sustainable development as one of the most important conditions of the historical
progress of society and the implementation of the principle of social justice. The concept based on the
principles of human and social security. The author researches the concept of sustainable development as a
necessary condition for reflecting the actual realities of the modern world and makes an attempt to identify
provisions in it that contribute to a more complete implementation of social justice in the context of current
social realities. The transition to the principles of the concept of sustainable development of society in the
conditions of the realities of modern society shall be proclaimed by the author as a historical necessity as the
only possible way for the survival of mankind as a biological species. The author proposes to consider the
problems of modern world in the field of ecology and other global problems of our time exclusively in the
context of the interconnection and interdependence of all spheres of public life. The research of the strategy
of sustainable development of society in the context of the problem of justice requires rethinking of
fundamental social values and the need to form people's new worldview. A new alternative model of social
development can be considered a historical necessity, contributing to the provision of harmony between man
and nature, a more complete life of people, the preservation of mankind and the biosphere. This article is a
further development of individual ideas of the author, laid out by him in his works from the References.
In different historical epochs, in individual local
societies, there were problems of primary importance
for these societies, the solution of which was often
possible without outside help. In each new era new
problems arose, generated by new historical
circumstances. This situation was the result of the life
of relatively isolated societies, of course, if these
possible problems did not come into contact with the
interests of neighboring countries. However, over
time, different countries have become much more
dependent on each other. With this state of things,
many problems could no longer be limited to a
national scale and could be resolved within the
framework of the activities and decisions of an
individual society.
In the conditions of modern realities, various areas
of life in the world community are interconnected to
such a degree, that the solution of many important
problems for any society is due to the activities of the
entire world community. That is, in reality, many
problems become global. Now these problems for the
fate of the world are becoming top priority, since they
began threate the mankind existence. The most
important such problem, in our opinion, is the
problem of the survival of mankind as a biological
species. In the current era, people have begun to
invade nature more and more often, disrupting the
ecological balance of the planet with their actions,
contributing to its death. We regard such a selfish way
of using natural and human resources by people as
unreasonable and irresponsible. It is a dead-end and
is disastrous for humanity.
For many centuries, people have used natural
resources formed over millions of years without
trying to restore the natural ecological balance of
nature. At the present stage, the planet's raw materials
have begun to decline sharply, and the activities of
people to meet their needs, related to their impact on
nature, are only increasing, with necessity generates
a violation of the planet's eco-balance. And this
contributes to a sharp deterioration in people's health.
Ismailov, N.
Sustainable Development of Society as a Historical Necessity.
DOI: 10.5220/0010663800003223
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems (WFSDS 2021), pages 59-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-597-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
“And all this is done by certain social forces, for the
sake of obtaining the maximum possible immediate
profit” (Ismailov, 2014).
In the context of the current world realities, the
achievement of a more complete measure of justice,
social freedom, equality, guarantees of human
security, the solution of other major problems of
public life outside the solution of global problems is
not fully possible. We believe that the most pressing
global problems are the survival of mankind,
measures to restore the planet's ecological balance,
preserve the biosphere, etc.
The research of social justice, the problems of
freedom and responsibility in the context of the
concept of sustainable development naturally
generates inside the people a reassessment of many
social values and ideals, a reassessment of the
understanding of morality, the spiritual foundations
of social life, forms a new worldview, which should
contribute to the revival of the former harmony
between man and nature now.
Thus, we suppose that a new alternative model of
social development is an objective necessity for
humanity. A new fair model of the development of
society should exclude the predatory and destructive
"attitude to natural and human resources, ensure the
necessary balance between the socio-economic
development of society and the preservation of nature
and its restoration. The new concept of social
development is the concept of sustainable
development ”(Ismailov, 2014).
As a methodological basis for the research of
sustainable development of society, we use the
principle of development, considering this problem in
change and development, the principle of historicism,
considering the dynamics of environmental and other
global problems in conjunction with specific events
of the current era.
We also use an integrated approach, trying to
consider the problem from a systemic-philosophical
standpoint, from the standpoint of an axiological
The axiological approach makes it possible to
reveal people's attitude to current global problems in
the context of their existing values, through the prism
of various concepts of morality. In this regard, it is
important to assess the activities of people to
implement the principles of sustainable development
in the context of the concept of justice and the
formation of harmony between man and nature, the
preservation of the biosphere and its balance.
In our research of the concept of sustainable
development of society, we come from an
understanding of this process as a reflection of the
new historical realities of the life of society, reflection
in the research environment of the new needs of
society, that is, from the point of view of a
materialistic understanding of history.
It seems that we should point out the
interdisciplinary nature of the research of global
problems of our time and the concept of sustainable
development of society. Each of the sciences studying
this problem can make its own contribution to the
holistic understanding of these processes. However,
we believe, first of all, that in such a study it is
necessary to rely on a philosophical interpretation of
these processes. Since philosophy contains the results
and achievements of the various sciences.
The world community has already realized the
injustice and fatality of man's predatory attitude
towards nature. This path of development meets the
momentary interests of those social forces that,
pursuing their own selfish goals, produce a huge
amount of goods and services, destroy the biosphere,
produce weapons, etc. The market economy tries to
meet the growing needs of the people, of course.
However, in order to obtain more profit in different
ways, people are indoctrinated with the idea of the
need for much more consumption than they really
need. This path of development is beneficial to those,
whose well-being is growing due to the depletion of
natural resources and the robbery of the broad masses
of the people. “Of course, promoting the so-called
reasonable needs cannot artificially restrain people in
their desire to live better and consume more best
goods. For it is unfair to forcibly determine the
measure of the reasonableness of their needs for
people, but it seems that it is possible to unobtrusively
form their interests and values” (Ismailov, 2014).
Therefore, society can engage in the development of
various preventive measures to prevent such
predatory and excessive consumption, since such
consumption does not include measures to restore the
ecological balance.
At the current stage of the development of society,
an obvious contradiction has appeared between
the constantly growing needs of people and the
inability of the biosphere to satisfy them. The concept
of sustainable development of society is an attempt to
resolve this contradiction. It offers reasonable
universal human values, free from an unrestrained
robbery and predatory attitude towards nature and
also from an uncultured and irresponsible attitude
towards it, which also fouls its ecological balance
(Ismailov, 2014).
An alternative model of social development,
guided by a sustainable development strategy,
contributes to the rethinking of many well-known
values that people now see from a different
perspective. For example, the well-known problem of
freedom and responsibility shall be subject to
rethinking. Now, freedom shall be understood as an
environmental responsibility before the world
community and future generations for the
preservation of life on earth. Among other things,
freedom should be interpreted as a natural human
right to life and the ability to build their future.
However, it's clear that this will be hindered by
irresponsible actions of certain categories of people.
“Freedom should be considered within the boundaries
of environmental safety, within the limits of the need
to preserve nature, human living conditions, within
the limits of the need for every person to have decent
living conditions” (Ismailov. 2014).
If we consider the problem of equality in this
context, then it seems fair to raise the question of
equality between generations. Using natural
resources in the interests of the present generation,
people shall be eager to preserve them in the interests
of future generations. As noted by the Russian
Academy of Sciences academician V.I. Osipov,
sustainable development is interpreted as
“continuous, constantly supported (renewable)
development that satisfies the needs of living people
and does not threaten the preservation of such
opportunities for future generations” (Osipov, 2012).
Also, the questions related to the consideration of
the historical process shall be subjected to rethinking.
Exploring the meaning of the historical process, a
prominent specialist in sustainable development of
society, N.M. Mamedov points out that the historical
process is determined by the co-evolutionary
inherently self-organizing anthropo-sociocultural
genesis that is taking place on the surface of our
planet. He thinks that this picture of the historical
process will be incomplete if the role of natural
factors in the development of human activity shall be
not taken into account. And the concept of sustainable
development brings fundamentally new moments to
the understanding of the historical process
(Mamedov, 2010).
In the context of the need for mankind's transition
to a new model of social development, nature should
now be considered not as an exclusively raw material
resource of the economy, but as a common home for
people. In modern society, more and more people are
talking about the need for people to obey reason and
create effective measures to save the world.
Surely, humanity should not abandon scientific
and technological progress, but at the same time it
should strive to preserve the ecological balance of the
planet, to preserve the natural resources available at
this historical stage and to transfer them to future
generations. It seems that such measures are an
objective necessity. “The main indicator of
sustainable development is the harmony between
socio-economic and environmental development in
the system of cultural values, therefore, the value of
nature, attitude towards it, is of fundamental
importance” (Mamedov, 1996), considers N.M.
Mamedov. Relationship of the people and their
attitude to nature constitutes the dual basis of culture
and determines its features. He notes that culture is a
method and a result of adaptation of people's life
(Mamedov, 2012).
The fundamental task of the sustainable
development strategy is greening, but the solution to
this task shall be presented in conjunction with its
economic, social, political, legal and moral aspects.
To implement this strategy, it is also necessary to
form a new worldview. For these aspects of the
problem are dialectically interdependent. At the same
time, measures to ensure sustainable development
shall be undertaken, both at the national and
international levels, within the framework of the
activities of both public and political organizations.
The posing of the question of the need for
sustainable development of society was, at first,
mainly associated with the problem of limited natural
resources and environmental threats resulting from
the scientific and technological progress of society.
As the concept of sustainable development was
further developed, “three main components of the
problem were identified: environmental
sustainability, economic sustainability, and socio-
political sustainability” (Afanas'eva, 2012).
Sustainable development of society is a solution
to environmental questions, but also a scientifically
based socio-economic policy. This is the creation of
appropriate conditions in society for the development
of the individual, equality of rights and freedoms, the
security of citizens and the mechanism of legal
protection, relations between various social groups
based on the principles of social justice, freedom and
responsibility, relations based on the de facto equality
of all before the law (Ismailov, 2009).
Sustainable Development of Society as a Historical Necessity
The realization of the principles of sustainable
development objectively contradicts the individual
interests of representatives of certain social groups in
the economic plan of the most developed countries of
the world. Now they must limit themselves in the
consumption of various goods they are accustomed.
This was done earlier through the use of natural and
labor resources of other countries. With that there are
calls to move to the principles of sustainable
development, limiting the consumption of material
goods in developing countries.
So, we can state the fact of the existence of the
concept of sustainable development in modern
conditions, predominantly as a declaration, since
programs for the implementation of the principles of
this concept, in all fairness, should not consolidate the
current dominance of economically developed
countries in the world. Of course, the solution of the
accumulated environmental problems is very
important for the transition to the provisions of
sustainable development, but such measures should
not be implemented through the transformation of
some countries into an ecological and raw material
appendage of others.
Modern science rightly states that the necessary
transition to the principles of the concept of
sustainable development is a common human
problem. However, with that, from our point of view,
there is an erroneous opinion that the idea of
sustainable development is unique in terms of the
absence of politicization in it, that it is suit
representatives of all social forces, all political
movements, as V.M. Platonov (Platonov, 2001).
The absence of politicization in the concept of
sustainable development is not possible, because
some countries may try to solve existing problems by
infringing on the interests of others. Also, within
individual countries, some social groups may try to
solve various questions of sustainable development at
the expense of infringing on the interests of others.
The transition to the principles of sustainable
development contradicts the interests of those social
forces that predatory use natural resources and
impose on people a not always reasonable level of
consumption of material benefits (Ismailov, 2014).
Thus, the concept of sustainable development of
society contains elements of expression of ideology
and political interests. It evidences by the conflict of
interests of various social forces. With the possible
transition of the world community to the principles of
sustainable development, some countries and social
groups will certainly try to solve their problems by
infringing on the interests of others.
Consequently, the principle of social justice
should be a prerequisite and ideological justification
for a possible transition to sustainable development.
The concept of sustainable development and the
concept of justice are, of course, interrelated and
complementary. Any other interpretation and vision
of the problems we have outlined here cannot be
In the context of the problems we are examining,
let us touch upon the question of Russia's interests.
We think that the defining goal of Russia's transition
to the principles of sustainable development is to
develop its own way of a transition, which would take
into account its own experience in this direction, the
geopolitical position of the country, the volume of
natural resources, the value system, traditions and
worldview in general of all peoples representing it.
Also it should take into account the actual scientific
and technological potential of the country and the
level of education. All activities in this direction
should be guided by the principle of social justice.
V.G. Fedotova believes that Russia could become a
producer of a high scientific and intellectual product,
according to its capabilities. Unfortunately, this
perspective is undermined by the current education
reform (Fedotova, 2011).
As one of the main goals of the entire education
system, we see the formation of a worldview that
would represent a person as a particle of nature,
emphasize his inseparable unity with nature, and
emphasize the impossibility of a full and reasonable
development of any society without respect for
nature. It is advisable to bring the entire system of
lifelong education into adequate conformity with the
concept of sustainable development. Certain
questions related to the concept of sustainable
development can, perhaps, cause controversy, but in
general, as V.P. Shantsev points out, no one should
doubt “the validity of the general principles of
sustainable development” (SHancev, 2013).
The fundamental goal of society's transition to the
principles proclaimed by the concept of sustainable
development should be, among other things, the
creation of appropriate conditions for personal and
public security, an ideology of solidarity and social
harmony. “Exactly so called “concept of sustainable
development” with a legislative basis can become the
basis of the state ideology and national idea supported
by the majority of the population, institutions of state
power, and the clergy,” V.M. Platonov. The real
transition to the principles of sustainable
development can only begin when this development
model is gradually included "in the real legal,
political and other socio-cultural normative systems,
including morality and even religion" (Platonov,
Summing up the results of the sustainable
development of society as a historical and objective
necessity research, it seems appropriate to point out
the lag of social consciousness behind social life at
the current historical stage, the lack of adequate
reflection by public consciousness of the issues
caused by the problem of the need for modern society
to transition to the principles of sustainable
development. In the context of the realities of the
modern world, public consciousness as a whole is
clearly lagging behind social life and, unfortunately,
does not reflect to the necessary extent all the
complexity of the global problems hanging over the
world community.
We can only hope that the current global problems
should necessarily induce people to fully realize the
importance of solving the identified problems, since
the achievement of this goal, as we think, is a
historical necessity for the world community.
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