7.6% - by the influence of other factors. The t-statistic
criterion used to assess the statistical significance
indicates that the equations obtained for the Central
Federal District in Table. 1 are highly significant. The
parameter - the age composition of the population
over the working age - turned out to be insignificant
for the Belgorod region. In the Bryansk region, the
results showed that unemployment is most influenced
by the size of the population and the age composition
of the population over the working age. For this
region, 93.4% of changes in workers' wages,
population size, the cost of a fixed set of consumer
goods and services, the age composition of the
population over the working age and migration
growth of the population is explained by regression,
and 6.6% - by the influence of other factors. The
parameter, the growth of highly productive jobs,
turned out to be insignificant for this area. In the
Vladimir and Voronezh regions, the situation is as
follows, unemployment is most influenced by the size
and age composition of the population. For the
Vladimir region, 79.4% of changes in the wages of
workers, the population size, the increase in high-
productivity jobs, the cost of a fixed set of consumer
goods and services, the age composition of the
population over the working age and migration
population growth are explained by regression, and
20.6% - by the influence of other factors. For the
Voronezh region, 76.0% of the change in wages of
workers, the population size, the cost of a fixed set of
consumer goods and services, the age composition of
the population over the working age and migration
growth of the population is explained by regression,
and 24.0% - by the influence of other factors. In the
Voronezh region, the parameter turned out to be
insignificant - the increase in highly productive jobs.
In the Ivanovo region, the results showed that the
number of unemployed is most influenced by the age
composition and population, as well as the increase in
highly productive jobs. For the this region, 72.5% of
changes in the wages of workers, the population size,
the increase in high-productivity jobs, the cost of a
fixed set of consumer goods and services, the age
composition of the population over the working age
and migration population growth are explained by
regression, and 17.5% - by the influence of other
factors. In the Kaluga region, the situation is as
follows, unemployment is mainly influenced by the
size and age composition of the population. In this
area, 80.7% of the change in the studied parameters is
explained by regression, and 19.3% - by the influence
of other factors. At the same time, despite the fact that
in the Kostroma and Kursk regions, the obtained
equations (Table 1) also have a high degree of
significance (p-level significance level <0.05), in this
case, the growth of workers' wages and population
growth is very will have little effect on reducing the
unemployment rate. In the studied regions, 87.2% and
88.1% of the changes in the studied parameters are
explained by regression, and 12.8% and 11.9% are
explained by the influence of other factors,
respectively. The parameters turned out to be
insignificant in these areas - the growth of highly
productive jobs and the cost of a fixed set of consumer
goods and services. In the Lipetsk region, the results
showed that the factors under consideration have a
weak influence on the number of unemployed ~
29.6%, and 70.4% are influenced by other factors. In
the Moscow, Oryol and Ryazan regions,
unemployment is most influenced by the size of the
population and the age composition of the population
over the working age. For these regions, 83.6%,
88.5%, 91.4% of changes in the wages of workers, the
population size, the cost of a fixed set of consumer
goods and services, the age composition of the
population over the working age and migration
population growth are explained by regression, and
12, 4%, 11.5%, 8.6% - by the influence of other
factors, respectively. In the Moscow and Ryazan
regions, the parameter turned out to be insignificant -
the increase in highly productive jobs, in the Oryol
region - the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and
services. In the Smolensk and Tver regions, the data
obtained showed that the parameters under
consideration have a weak effect on the number of
unemployed ~ 39.1% and 28.6%, respectively, and
60.9% and 71.4% are influenced by other factors,
respectively. In the Tambov region, the number of
unemployed is mainly influenced by the following
factor - the age structure of the population over the
working age. In this area, 78.0% of the change in the
studied parameters is explained by regression, and
22.0% - by the influence of other factors. In the Tula
region, the results showed that unemployment is most
influenced by the size of the population and the age
composition of the population. For this region, 84.9%
of changes in workers' wages, population size, the
cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services,
the age composition of the population over the
working age and migration growth of the population
is explained by regression, and 15.1% - by the
influence of other factors. The parameter, the growth
of highly productive jobs, turned out to be
insignificant for this area. For the Yaroslavl region
and Moscow, the data obtained showed that the
unemployment rate, changes of the wages of workers,
the population size, the growth of highly productive
jobs, the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and