The reasons for the gap in the development of
methodological issues of criteria and indicators of
economic security of the regions various researchers
associate with different circumstances: the lack of
modification of used indicators, characterizing the
economic security of specific regions in modern
conditions, the contradiction of different
methodological positions, the problem of unification
of regional statistical data that are used to assess the
level of regional economic security.
In this case, the author's scientific hypothesis is
that it is proposed to proceed from the formulated
most common views on the economic security of the
region when this term means the state of protection
from external and internal threats, in which economic
conditions for the implementation of strategic
national priorities of the Russian Federation, in
general, are provided, basic criteria for assessing the
state of the socio-economic system (Ukaz Prezidenta
Rossijskoj Federacii from 31.12.2015 №683), as well
as indicators of stability of regional socio-economic
system of the region(Karanina Е, 2017;
Innovacionnoe upravlenie tekhnologicheskim
razvitiem promyshlennosti regiona, 2018).
The key legislative provisions of the Russian
Federation are formulated based on the fact that the
content of economic security includes not only
assessment but also the management of the state of
sustainability of national and regional socio-
economic system ("ensuring economic security -
implementation by public authorities, local
authorities and the Central Bank of the Russian
Federation in cooperation with civil society
institutions of a complex of political, organizational,
socio-economic, informational, legal and other
measures aimed at countering challenges and threats
to economic security and protection of national
interests of the Russian Federation in the economic
Therefore, the selection and justification of
criteria and indicators for assessing the socio-
economic system of the region require a deeper
disintegration of the objects of analysis, including the
level of system-forming subsystems.
In practice, the system of national accounts
(SNA), which, under the methodological provisions
on statistics, is a system of interrelated indicators used
to analyze and assess macroeconomic processes in
more than 150 countries with market economies
(Building the System of National Accounts, 2014),
and used as a system of target indicators of economic
The system of national accounts employs the
grouping of economic agents by sectors, which is a
set of institutional units with similar objectives,
homogeneous in terms of functions performed and
sources of financing, which determines their similar
economic behavior. It should be noted that production
and income generation accounts are compiled not
only by the economy as a whole and by sectors but
also by industries. Aggregation of indicators at the
mesolevel makes it possible to assess the state of
sectoral production complexes. The methodological
problem is as follows:
On the one hand, the production and income
generation accounts are not generated
regionally. Therefore, their use as an
information base for selecting criteria for
assessing the targets of sustainable
development of the region is problematic.
On the other hand, aggregating indicators does
not at all imply simply summing up threats and
Therefore, in our opinion, it is erroneous to form
the economic security model of the socio-economic
system of the region based on disaggregated
evaluation criteria used in the economic security
model of the national socio-economic system.
Moreover, as a rule, the current budgetary and tax
legislation does not take into account the industry
specifics of the region, the specifics of productive
forces location within the formed financial and
industrial groups, natural monopolies, transnational
companies. Hence, the system of criteria and
indicators involves significant differences in
threshold values for different regions.
The analysis of methodological approaches to the
assessment of economic security of socio-economic
systems has allowed us to formulate the basic
provisions used to form a system of criteria and
indicators, namely:
Economic security is as hierarchical as security
in the most general sense;
The concept of economic security is complex,
as it includes the main types of security;
The subjects affecting the state of economic
security are the threat sources themselves, as
well as the interaction between them;
An essential role in the formation of economic
security at all levels is played by the state
administration, including the system of state
regulation of economic relations.
As an element (subsystem) of the macroeconomic
system of the national economy, the region is