responsibility and seeks to rationally use the available
resources and socio-economic conditions (Alisov,
Grishchenko, 2003).
F.F. Khamidullin defines “small business” as an
economic system, noting that “… it is a complex,
probabilistic, dynamic system, covering the processes
of production, exchange, distribution and
consumption, material goods, and like any complex
system should be considered in different aspects. If
we consider it from the point of view of material
production, then its input is the material flows of
natural and productive resources, information, the
output is material flows of consumer goods, services,
products intended for accumulation and replacement,
goods for export, as well as production waste. In the
socio-economic aspect, its input is certain socio-
economic relations of people in society, the output is
the production relations reproduced and developed by
the system, the content of which is determined by the
regulated and self-regulated ratio of the elements of
property ”(Khamidullin, 2006).
E.V. Romanenko defines the category of “small
business” as a separate sector of the economy that
occupies a certain place in the socio-economic space,
which is a specific systemic formation (Khamidullin,
Within the framework of this study, we propose to
understand “small business” as a complex of socio-
economic and legal features inherent in small
enterprises that meet the criteria defined by Federal
Law No. 209-FZ, and the concepts of “small
business” and “small entrepreneurship” are
considered synonyms, due to the similarity of their
inherent phenomena and processes. The criteria for
classifying business entities as small and medium-
sized enterprises are systematized by the author in an
earlier study (Demiroglu, 2019). The close attention
to the development of small business and the
formation of its proper support are a sign of the
success of Russia and other states, which indicates the
importance of small business for the economy and
social sphere of countries at different stages of
development (Blinov, Rudakova, 2014). Sustainable,
balanced development of the small business sector
indicates a harmonious policy of the country in
relation to small business, a healthy economy, and
trends of successful development. Small enterprises
are an integral part of the system of socio-economic
relations and a part of the economic structure, create
jobs, healthy competition, form the basis for a
technical breakthrough (Blinov, Rudakova, 2014).
The problem of economic contradictions between
the goals of the SBE and the state is not only scientific
but also practical. The digitalization of small
businesses has increased dramatically in 2020 and,
according to experts, can lead to a significant
reduction in the demand for workers in many
professions. In this context, the problems of the
formation of an entrepreneurial environment and the
inclusion of small and medium-sized businesses in
the strategies for transforming the Russian economy
have not been sufficiently studied.
The aim of the study is to analyze the main trends
in the economy of the country and assess the role of
small and medium-sized businesses in solving current
problems and strategies for the integrated
development of the Russian economy.
To achieve the stated goal of the study, we analyzed
statistical data on the development of small and
medium-sized businesses in Russia as a whole and in
the context of organizations in federal districts.
To identify the relationship between the indicators
of the development of the SBE and the dynamics of
macroeconomic indicators of the state of the country's
economy as a whole, mathematical and statistical
methods were used.
It should be noted that the growing role of small and
medium-sized businesses in the country's economy,
in the formation of the prosperity of society, is
primarily associated with their performance of the
economic and social functions and is natural. Despite
the dynamic development of small businesses, there
are a number of reasons that restrain them. To identify
the reasons, it is proposed to use a functional-
integration approach, which allows in the future to
determine measures to support small businesses in
terms of the functions of the support infrastructure
and, at the same time, due to objective reasons for
reducing resources for creating an infrastructure for
supporting small and medium-sized businesses, to
integrate functions into groups in order to concentrate
resources for the solution of large-scale tasks and the
effective implementation of the very functions of
infrastructure support. In terms of infrastructural
support, the integration approach makes it possible to
combine efforts, increase the effectiveness of control
and regulation, and create strong economic relations
in the interaction of infrastructure organizations.