The concept of sustainable growth is an important
area of economic thought and is reflected in various
marketing developments. Sustainable marketing not
only formulates modern goals and objectives of
marketing work, but also imposes new value
requirements for marketing itself. Sustainable
marketing goals for environmental protection and
social justice are consistent with regional
management goals. At the microeconomic level,
sustainable marketing is embodied in the
environmental culture and social responsibility of the
entrepreneur. Particularly full disclosure of the value
aspects of marketing in the development of a business
The research considers marketing as a tool for
project sustainability. The marketing sustainability of
the project is aimed at both preserving its financial
and commercial parameters and embodying the value
aspects of the entrepreneur's activity - consideration
of environmental and social outcomes.
The research proposes forming an independent
management system of marketing sustainability of
the business projects, which should be integrated with
other subsystems of project management and with the
functions of enterprise management.
Building marketing sustainability systems for
projects requires skilled effort and complex work. To
support it, it is recommended to create a marketing
information system that can be implemented at the
regional level and provide the necessary analytical
support for business projects. Thus, the region
contributes to the development of marketing
sustainability systems in the territory's enterprises.
This enhances the sustainability of regional
The proposed approaches are rather new for
marketing, but their development is significant for
improving economic management for ensuring stable
and sustainable growth of regional economies.
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