entrepreneurship, the scientific works of foreign
researchers from R. Cantillon to J. Schumpeter and
J.M. Keynes, as well as domestic scientists from M.I.
Tugan-Baranovsky to A.A. Aganbegyan. Among
modern studies, it is worth highlighting works that
consider the problems of the development of small
and medium-sized businesses in foreign countries
(including the post-Soviet space) (di Federico and
Dorigatti, 2020; Edmiston, 2007; Herr and
Nettekoven, 2017; Mazzarol and Reboud, 2020;
Sheppard, 2020; Kirby and Watson, 2017, etc.), as
well as in Russia and its regions (Barinova et al.,
2019; Bykovskaya et al., 2018; Chaplyuk, Sorokina
& Al' Humssi, 2019, etc.), including in a pandemic
(Lola, 2020). A number of scientific studies have
considered the mechanism of state support, certain
aspects of the regional economic policy of small
business organizations (Belanova, 2020; Golovetskii
et al., 2018; Kalmykov et al., 2019, etc.). It should
also be noted that at present the state mechanism of
influencing small business is shifting from the federal
to the regional level, which necessitates scientific
analysis and substantiation of developing processes in
regions and municipalities.
The research was based on the analysis of the
current legislative framework for the development of
small business at both the federal and regional levels.
To assess the factors of change in the small business
sector, the parameters of the National Project and an
intersectoral strategic planning document were used.
To analyze the situation provoked by coronavirus
infection, we used research by the National Rating
Agency (NPA, 2020), government documents, the
Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), materials
published on specially organized information sites for
population and business, etc. The analysis of small
business (SB) and its support was carried out in the
region of the Central Federal District of the Russian
Federation - the Vladimir region.
The most frequently used to assess the development
of the institution of small business is the number of
its subjects. If you look closely, then in the Vladimir
region (as well as in Russia as a whole) until 2016
there were relative stability and even a slight increase
in the number of small enterprises. However, since
2017, we have seen a negative trend. In almost all
spheres of activity decreased the number of
entrepreneurs and in 2020. As of January 10, 2021,
the number of small enterprises (including
microenterprises) amounted to 16.5 thousand units (in
2019 - 17.8 thousand units).
However, the growth of small businesses differs
significantly from year to year. In order to conduct a
deeper analysis of the dynamics of MB subjects, let
us turn to the indicators of business demography,
namely, the rates of «fertility» and the official
liquidation of enterprises per 1000 organizations
(Figure 1). In the modern world economy, about 50%
of small businesses live for 5 years, and 33% for 10
years. In Russia and its regions this figure is much
The data presented in Figure 1 clearly
demonstrate three main stages in the development of
entrepreneurial activity over the past 15 years. The
first stage (2005-2010) - active growth of small
business, when the birth rate significantly exceeded
the death rate, despite the slowdown caused by the
global financial crisis in 2008.The second stage
(2011- early 2016) is characterized by significant
instability and convergence of rates, and in 2015 even
a drop in the official liquidation rate. The third stage
(since 2016) is marked by a significant increase in the
closure of small enterprises and a decrease in their
number, especially since 2018.This indicates a steady
and significant outflow of entrepreneurs from this
sector of the Russian economy even before the start
of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus COVID-
19. In 2020, this situation was further aggravated after
the adoption of restrictive measures to counter the
pandemic. All this leads to a sharp decline in the
number of employed workers and the turnover of
small businesses (Figure 2).
With regard to the sectoral structure, the first
place among the number of enterprises was occupied
by wholesale and retail trade (24.7%), the second and
third most important spheres were manufacturing
(9.82%) and enterprises engaged in construction
(9.64%). The smallest number of small businesses in
education, culture, sports, leisure and entertainment.
If we compare these data with the indicators for
Russia as a whole, we can see that in the small
business sector the first places are also occupied by
wholesale and retail trade (36%), construction (13%)
and manufacturing (9%).
Analyzing the change in the volume of
investments for the period from 2017 to 2019, we can
observe a decrease in investments in fixed assets of
small enterprises (by 41.9%).