After passing all the analysis stages, our econometric
model takes the following form:
lifeexpectancy 3.43 ∙ loggdppc 2.94
∙ logdiabetes 0.09719 ∗ gini
The factors such as the percentage of smoking
women (smokingfemale), child mortality
(childdeath) were excluded from the model after
checking the significance of regression coefficients
based on t-statistics.
According to VIF test, the model is not
multicollinear (Table 2).
Table 2: VIF-test.
log(gdppc) log(diabetes) gini
1.232833 1.035453 1.211515
Heteroscedasticity was revealed in the model.
After adjusting for heteroscedasticity, the gini factor
was insignificant. However, if we exclude it from the
model, R
will decrease from 0.8 to 0.71, which
significantly affects the model quality.
Moreover, the heteroscedasticity in our model is
very weakly expressed, this is evidenced by a rather
high 𝑝 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒0.01104. So, it was decided to
leave the gini factor in the model.
With 95% probability, the factors that are
included into the model collectively have a
statistically significant effect on the change in
lifeexpectancy (the regression is generally
Most of the phenomena and processes in the economy
are closely related. Its identification and analysis is a
primary task at the initial stage of developing a
forecasting model. This allows us to discard
insignificant factors, to understand the process of
cause-and-effect relationships between factors. It is
very convenient to investigate dependencies using
correlation-regression analysis.
In light of the impact of COVID-19 on life of
people, the current topic of research is the forecast of
life expectancy, taking into account significant
factors and possibility of further development of the
necessary measures. The econometric model obtained
in the course of research shows that life expectancy
in a country depends on such factors as the gross
domestic product per capita, prevalence of diabetes
among the population, and Gini index.
So, the following stages of data analysis were
based on open statistic data, the set of 11 factors
that affect life expectancy was formed;
insignificant factors were excluded from the
model: healthexpenditure1. Using the software
product, VIF test was performed in R-Studio to
check the factors for multicollinearity. The
insignificant factors were excluded from the
model, such as: alcohol, hconsump;
econometric model was obtained and tested for
The resulting methodology can be applied in life
expectancy analysis, and can also be used by
specialists in the process of forecasting various
decisions in the adoption of regional policy.
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