as professional participants in the stock market. The
changes proposed by the mega-regulator do not
disclose the impact of the new categorization on the
development of the stock market and related financial
markets, and create a
problem of admission of new
investors to the stock market.
Scientific papers on the subject under study are not
numerous, most often they apply a legal approach and
describe the categorization of investors within the
framework of current legislation. In this regard, there
is a need for a systematic theoretical and
methodological justification of the mechanism for
categorizing investors, understanding its application
in the field of state regulation of the stock market,
self-regulation of the activities of professional
participants in the stock market, influence on the
implementation of the redistributive function of the
stock market and, in general, on the development of
the Russian stock market.
In the scientific literature, the categorization of
investors in the stock market is considered from
different positions. The classical typology, which is
presented in Russian and foreign studies, includes the
division of investors into institutional and individual
(retail). The activities of institutional investors are
considered in great detail in the domestic and foreign
literature. Trends in the functioning of institutional
investors abroad are presented in the works of Davis
E. Philip, Steil B. (Davisand Steil, 2001) Maranho, F.
S., Bortolon, P. M. & Leal, R. P. C (Maranho,
Bortolonand Leal, 2020), A. D. Crane, A. Koch, S.
Michenaud (Crane, Kochand Michenaud, 2019), Simi
Kedia, Laura T Starks, Xianjue Wang (Kedia,
Starksand Wang, 2020), and D. Schmidt (Schmidt,
2009). The main focus of research on the activities of
retail investors is the protection of their rights and
interests. This position is presented in the works of
the following authors: Y. M. Mirkin (Mirkin, 2002);
A. E. Abramov (Abramov, 2014); Garg Atin, Chawla
K. (Gargand Chawla, 2015). The methodological
foundations for the typologization of investors in
terms of
the possibility of conscious risk-taking were
laid down in the works on behavioral finance by D.
Kanneman and A. Tversky (Kanneman & Tversky,
1979). Further division of investors into qualified
(accredited, professional) and unskilled ones took
place within the framework of the financial
legislation of individual countries. Scientific research
on the categorization of investors is based on the
regulatory framework and approaches to the
separation of investors
already established by the
State. The applied aspects of the functioning of
qualified investors are presented on the basis of
country-specific features. Thus, the works of
Jog (Jog, 2015), Kamila Veselá (Veselá, 2015),
Kailiang Ma (Ma, 2016) focus on the problems of
information disclosure by issuers of financial
instruments intended for qualified investors. Studies
by a number of foreign authors are devoted to the
recognition procedure and legal features of the
functioning of qualified investors in a particular
country (Roberta S. Karmel (Karmel, 2008),
Hubertus Hillerström (Hillerström, 2007), Karen Lu
(Lu, 2003)). The influence of qualified institutional
investors on the dynamics of national stock markets
is presented in the works of Liping Zou, William
Wilson, Shijie Jia (Zou, Wilsonand Jia, 2017), Lu,
Yang-Cheng, Wong, Jehn-Yih and Fang, Hao (Lu,
Wongand Fang, 2009), Andy Lin, Chih-Yuan Chen
(Linand Chen, 2006), Yu-Fen Chen, Chih-Yung
Wang & Fu-Lai Lin (Chen, Wangand Lin, 2008), Wei
Ting, Sin-Hui Yen and Chien-Liang Chiu (Ting,
Yenand Chiu, 2008). The research describes the
activities of foreign institutional qualified investors in
the stock markets of developing Asian countries. The
problems of functioning of the institute of qualified
investors in Russia are fully reflected in the works of
S. V. Lvova (it is proposed to introduce the concept
of a candidate for the status of a qualified investor)
(Lvova, 2020); N. B. Boldyreva and L. G.
Reshetnikova (Boldyrevaand Reshetnikova, 2017).
Thus, in the scientific literature, the description of the
categorization of investors is mainly based on the
already existing norms of state regulation and the
gradation of the "qualifications" of investors, while
the mechanism of categorization is not an object in
the presented studies.
By the mechanism of categorization, the authors
understand a system that includes components
(subject, object, target, resource, instrumental,
organizational). The components have a mixed
impact on the stock market. Some components lead to
deterrence, while others lead to the development of
the stock market. The analysis of information sources
on the categorization of investors in the Russian
Federation showed that, firstly, following the current
legislation, institutional (qualified investors) do not
disclose information about their strategies; secondly,
aggregated information on the market of qualified