Figure 3: Directions for the development of innovations in
municipal management.
A key innovation in this context is the
introduction of technologies called e-government.
The main components of this innovation should
include, first of all:
a site that allows for high-quality public control
of the provision of various types of electronic
services to the population in the system of
municipal and state administration;
distribution of SMS-notifications about the
receipt of various kinds of funds, transfers,
implementation of the principles of one
the introduction of the Internet of Things is one
of the most pressing problems of innovation in
the socio-economic development of the
Internet technologies today make it possible to
provide the capabilities and needs of municipalities in
solving such problems as registering the population
for an appointment with a doctor, organizing
participation in public projects, the possibility of
using proactive budgeting mechanisms, paying utility
bills and calling utility employees using applications
for smartphones, etc.
Regulatory and legal innovations, first of all,
represent the prompt delivery of feedback in the
process of improving regulatory and legal acts,
changing laws and various kinds of regulations,
instructions, rules, etc (Savina, Stepanov and
Sepanov, 2018)
Personnel innovations involve the use of new
technologies for the selection, assessment, selection
of effective workers for the management system of
municipal services, etc. These innovations primarily
formation of a system of training highly
qualified personnel for the implementation
of projects of innovative development of
projects to improve the organizational
structure of the management of
ensuring the system of material and
technical supply of housing and communal
services and the municipal formation;
creation of an information and digital
environment in order to increase the
efficiency of the implementation of the
innovative potential of the municipality;
a system of measures to strengthen the
reputation, increase the authority and
strengthen the image of the self-government
system and municipal administration.
Social innovations are aimed at creating
favorable working and recreation conditions for the
Technological innovation involves the
innovative development of education, healthcare,
trade, etc.
Innovations in municipal transport technologies
are aimed at comprehensive mechanization and
automation of all processes that meet the needs for
transport services of the population, enterprises,
organizations and institutions. Among such
innovations are the use of information boards at
transport and stops, the use of GPS transmitters for
monitoring the movement of municipal transport, the
use of electronic payment devices for passenger trips,
the use of LED equipment for interior lighting, the
wider use of electric and ecological transport, the
development of mobile applications for obtaining
information about the time and expectation of the
arrival of municipal vehicles (Zainetdinov, 2018)
Innovations in the field of housing and
communal services are based on the use of the
concept of a "smart city".
The main directions of these innovations are:
electric power industry: cost reduction,
increase, energy efficiency;
intelligent processes of generation and
transmission of electrical and other energy;
reduction of losses of energy transmission
from the generator to the consumer;
smart electricity meters;
intelligent technologies of street economy
(energy-saving lamps, motion sensors, etc.)
(Dudin and Stepanov, 2019).
The development of the project of the municipal
innovation system should be carried out in stages: