(N.A. Solomatina, Z.A. Nagimova, D. Boginya, A.
Kolot, I. Petrova, L. Balabanova, V. A. Yadova, V. I.
So Peter Drucker developed a theory of
motivation based on management by goals (Drucker,
2003). The idea of this concept is that in all the
diversity of the organization's goals (not only the
traditional profit maximization, but also the focus on
motivation), the task of a rational manager is to
optimally combine the various goals of the
Using this concept as a method of improving
organizational performance helps to integrate
planning and control, increases the involvement of
managers at all levels in the process of setting goals
and stimulates feedback processes.
F. Hedouri and M. Mescon define motivation as
"the process of stimulating oneself and others to work
aimed at achieving the individual and general goals
of the organization."
Adam Smith believed that money is the only
motivating factor, seeing people as purely economic
beings who work only to obtain funds to buy food,
clothing or housing. But today it is known that an
employee can be motivated by the desire to receive
not only material profit.
For some workers, universal respect and
recognition may be the most important on the scale of
needs. Satisfaction of needs is expressed in the form
of rewards, which are divided into internal and
external. A person receives internal reward from the
very process of work, feeling the significance of his
work, or receiving satisfaction from friendly relations
with colleagues. Accordingly, external needs are
salaries, promotions, symbols of service status and
In his works, N.A. Solomatina, Z.A. Nagimova
give a definition of motivation as "the internal state
of a person, an integral part of character, associated
with his interests and determining his behavior in the
organization" (Solomatina, 2011).
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Yadov offers his own
view of motivation within the framework of the
dispositional theory of personality. According to his
theory, human behavior is regulated by his system of
dispositions (attitudes of various levels). What level
of dispositions play a role at the moment is
determined by actual needs and the situation
(Poisons, 1983).
Moscow professor V.I. Gerchikov developed a
model based on the selection among the personnel of
persons with a predominance of one of the five types
of motivation. Gerchikov summarized the basic rules
for applying incentive systems to employees who
differ in the type of labor motivation (Gerchikov,
Despite the fact that modern authors do not have
a single definition of the concept of "labor
motivation" and each has its own vision and
interpretation, all definitions have a common feature
- motivation acts as a motivation for a person to work.
The analysis of all foreign and domestic
esearchers in the field of methods of motivation and
incentives confirms that additional and new
directions of scientific research in the field of
motivation and incentives are required.
The main research method used in the work was
system analysis, the essence of which is to find the
relationship between various phenomena and
The theoretical, methodological and
informational base of the study was the works of
domestic and foreign scientists dedicated to the
development and construction of systems of
motivation and incentives in market conditions of
Based on the analysis of the above definitions and
features of methods of motivation and incentives, the
author believes that there are still little-studied issues
in the field of building a system of motivation and
incentives for personnel in the era of sustainable
So O.A. Kozlova in her article "Features of
employee motivation in the formation of the digital
economy" notes that the digitalization of the economy
and society requires the system of motivation to
adjust to reveal the personal qualities and abilities of
a person, the ability to think critically, the ability to
work in a team, initiative, perseverance, and
sociability (Kozlova and Selezeneva, 2018).
As a result, it becomes necessary to correct the
motivation system based on achieving a balance
between the methods of material incentives and
methods that open up the possibility of self-
realization of workers, the growth of their interest in
work and obtaining not only material, but also moral
satisfaction from work.
To ensure competitiveness, employees need to
constantly improve their skills, master related
professions, and raise the level of knowledge and
Professor of the Department of Economic Theory
of the Academy of Management under the President
E. Lutokhin in his article "Motivational" thresholds