The Role of Construction Universities in Sustainable Development
Valery Telichenko
, Andrey Benuzh
and Orlan Wayne Yeye
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Universities, Educational Programmes, Moscow State University of Civil
Engineering, The Technical University of Kenya.
Abstract: Sustainable development is viewed as the pathway to economic and social transformation while construction
universities are viewed as institutions with high potential and moral responsibilities to promote and
disseminate know-how and best practices among students, educators, professionals and the general public,
fostering behaviour change and expectations and promoting sustainable practices in architecture and
construction. This article investigates how the National Research Moscow State University of Civil
Engineering and The Technical University of Kenya develop educational programmes and extracurricular
activities to prepare future generations of professionals as well as political and social leaders for responsible
actions toward sustainable development. This study also investigates the extent to which these two institutions
of higher learning are playing their role as agents of change and in what areas they can cooperate to promote
sustainable development. Literature review, administering interviews and filling in questionnaires by a
representative sample of the Heads of Departments, lecturers and learners provided data. Obtained data was
discussed, analysed and presented. The study found that the universities have a critical role to play in
enhancing sustainable development through designing more effective policies and educational programmes
to meet the dynamic needs of higher education. The research results have practical implications for
universities and can support administrative politics and the advancement of educational programmes related
to sustainable development.
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
(MGSU) shown in Fig. 1. below, is a National
Research University and one of the largest technical
universities in the Russian Federation. The university
plays a leading role as far as studies in construction
related fields is concerned (Molokova, 2020). MGSU
trains architects, urban planners, engineers,
construction managers and many other professionals
for the construction industry (Panteleeva, 2012). The
university is equipped with modern research
laboratory facilities and equipment that promote
studies in science and technology. The university has
signed international cooperation agreements with
Higher Education Institutions and other research
institutions from over 30 countries (Molokova, 2020).
Figure 1: National Research Moscow State University of
Civil Engineering.
The Technical University of Kenya (TU-K) is a
public university in Nairobi, Kenya that was founded
Telichenko, V., Benuzh, A. and Yeye, O.
The Role of Construction Universities in Sustainable Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0010669200003223
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems (WFSDS 2021), pages 391-399
ISBN: 978-989-758-597-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
as a result of the upgrade of the Kenya Polytechnic
University College to a full-fledged university in
2013 (Robert, 2017) and as such became the first of
its kind, established in line with the provisions of the
Universities Act, 2012. Just like MGSU, TUK’s
mandate is to offer relevant higher education and
cutting edge research in engineering science and
technology. The technical university, was created to
develop capacities and skills that will foster and
support the interaction of engineering science and
technology for sustainable development as enshrined
in the Kenya Vision 2030 (Robert, 2017). The
motivation lied in the fact that elsewhere in the
advanced economies, development was achieved
owing to the major roles technological universities
played (Robert, 2017). Launched in 2008, the Vision
2030 is Kenya's development programme, based on
economic, social and political pillars, whose
objective is to help transform Kenya into a newly
industrializing, middle-income country capable of
facilitating its citizens with avenues for a high quality
life in a clean and secure environment by 2030.
Figure 2: The Technical University of Kenya.
Sustainable development has gained prominence
around the world due to concerns about the impact of
human activities on the environment. The concept of
sustainable development was defined in 1987 by the
Brundtland Commission (formerly the World
Commission on Environment and Development) as
“development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own” (UN General
Assembly, 2015). This definition appreciates the fact
that development is necessary to meet human needs
and improve the quality of life, and that it must be
achieved without negatively affecting the ability of
the environment to meet the needs of the present and
future (UN General Assembly, 2015). The
Sustainable Development Agenda has broadened and
campaigned on the fact that sustainability protects
both the interests of future generations and the Earth's
resilience. Initially, development policy focused on
the environment, but since 2002 it has begun to
include social justice and poverty alleviation as key
principles of sustainable development (Wright,
A UN Resolution, called the 2030 Agenda or
colloquially, Agenda 2030 houses the 17 interlinked
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) designed to
be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more
sustainable future for all" (Ramos, 2016).
SDGs put emphasis on the relevance of higher
education in endeavors toward a better future
(Ramos, 2016).
The 17 SDGs are shown in Figure 3 below
Figure 3: The 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainable development requires a change in
people's way of thinking and provides a basis for
further decisions and actions. In accordance with this,
a “new learning culture” is needed [8, 9], which
should be focused on self-organization and
competence. This is where construction education
comes in. The goal of construction education is to
supply professionals to the construction industry,
who will take the lead in planning, designing,
building for a sustainable future, by providing a
bridge between science and society. In this role, the
construction professional must actively promote and
participate in multidisciplinary teams with other
professionals such as environmentalists, economists
and sociologists, and work with the served and
affected communities to effectively address
sustainable development issues and challenges.
(Cortese, 2003).
Construction universities offer good quality
education, which is an essential tool for achieving a
more sustainable world. This was emphasized at the
UN World Summit in Johannesburg in 2002 where
the reorientation of current education systems was
outlined as key to sustainable development (Cortese,
2003). Higher Education Institutions, of which
construction universities form part, facilitate
knowledge development, impart skills, promote
understanding, and pass values and engage in
meaningful activities that ensure social, economic
and environmental sustainability (Altabach, 2008;
Cerone, 2014; Cortese , 2003). The concept of
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
developed largely from environmental education,
which has sought to enable development of behaviors
in people to care for their environment (UNESCO,
2017). ESD aims to empower people to make
decisions and take action to improve our quality of
life without harming the planet by integrating
sustainable development associated values into
education (UNESCO 2017; Elias 2006). Through the
initiatives of ESD, construction universities supply
the construction industry with architects that make
good designs that improve the quality of life. For
instance, the possibility of coming up with building
designs that maximize space to allow for socializing,
privacy and hobbies. Such good designs like
prioritizing air quality and daylighting come along
with many health benefits, further contributing to
quality of life. Quality, comfort and appearance of our
homes is made possible by these professionals. This
features effect our mood and our mood has significant
influence on overall quality of life.
Many documents in the form of agreements and
conventions that house approaches and mechanisms
for sustainable development in universities have been
enacted (Wright, 2002; Elias, 2006). Such documents
are listed in Table 1. below.
The Role of Construction Universities in Sustainable Development
Table 1: Declarations related to sustainability in higher education (adapted from (Wright, 2002 & Elias 2006).
1972 The Stockhol
Declaration on The Human Environment
1990 Universit
residents for a Sustainable Future: The Talloires Declaration
1992 Association of University Leaders for Sustainable Future (founded in 1992 in the USA)
1993 Ninth International Association of Universities Round Table: The Kyoto Declaration
1993 Association of Commonwealth Universities’ Fifteenth Quinquennial Conference: Swansea
1993 The Halifax Declaration
1994 The Conference of European Rectors (CRE) Copernicus Charte
1996 Ball State University (USA) Greening of the Campus Conference
1997 International Conference on Environment and Society Education and Public Awareness for
Sustainability: Declaration of Thessaloniki
1999 Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (EMSU) conference
2000 Global Hi
her Education for Sustainabilit
2001 Lunebur
Declaration on Hi
her Education for Sustainable Develo
ment, German
2004 Declaration of Barcelona
2005 Graz Declaration on Committing Universities to Sustainable Development, Austria
2009 Torino (Turin) Declaration on Education and Research for Sustainable and Responsible
ment, Ital
2010 International Sustainable Campus Network ISCN/Global University Leaders Forum (GULF)
Charter 2010
Thousands of higher education institutions from
all over the world have signed these documents, and
as such, shown their commitment to pursue matters of
sustainable development. This commitment is
evidenced by the high scores by MGSU and other
universities on the UI Greenmetric University
Rankings. The UI Greenmetric University Rankings
rate universities based on six parameters:
infrastructure convenience, transport policy,
recycling programs, energy efficient technologies,
water conservation, and education in the field of
sustainable development. The university was
recognized as one of the most active national
coordinators of the UI Greenmetric World University
Rankings Network, whose goal among others is to
inform other universities about current rating
conditions, conducting awareness and information
events, sharing experiences on sustainable
development of universities, and demonstrating the
best achievements in the field of ecology, resource
conservation and environmental education. Such an
achievement is an inspiration to other universities to
improve energy efficiency, organize separate garbage
collection and implement eco-education
programmes. However, these achievements are not a
common occurrence in all universities.
In many cases however, little success has been
recorded thanks to inadequate resources,
uncoordinated staff involvement and lack of interest.
In such a situation, effective and efficient
implementation of the principles of sustainable
development remains jeopardized (Elias, 2006). This
means that sustainable development is far more than
policy matters. Concrete action should therefore
accompany strategies and action plans pursued by
universities. For instance, research, campus activities,
the curriculum, green and open space management
offer a solid platform on which actions geared
towards achieving sustainability in universities can be
implemented (Elias, 2006). Construction universities
are considered to be change agents in many issues
including creating sustainability awareness (Miotto et
al., 2018).
Research shows that access to quality
construction education is crucial and a pre-requisite
for the achievement many of the of the other
sustainable development goals. Higher education in
the field of construction facilitates social mobility,
empowers people through critical thinking and
provides them with the skills needed in a rapidly
changing labor market. Responsibility; emotional
intelligence; interdisciplinarity; future orientation;
personal involvement; and the ability to take action
are key sustainability competences one can acquire at
university (Mochizuki et al., 2018). For instance,
Principles for Responsible Management Education
(PRME), which is a platform promoting sustainable
development at universities around the world by
providing students with the ability to make social and
environmental changes, underlines the necessity of
universities being able to develop business leaders
with appropriate skills to meet the complex
challenges that society is facing these days (PRME,
2007). PRME member universities aspire to develop
social skills, business skills, personal skills,
intercultural skills like volunteering, social
responsibility, global mindset, ethical awareness. All
these skills promote the wellbeing of people either
directly or indirectly (PRME, 2007).
Previous researches also indicate that construction
universities provide cutting-edge research, high
quality education, and ground-breaking innovation,
which account for goal 4 and 9 of the SDGs
(European Universities Association, 2019). Strong
universities are an important part of civil society
(Goal 16) and are excellent advocates for global and
local partnerships (Goal 17). By contributing to these
four goals, universities contribute to all other goals.
Notably, universities support students in developing
the rigorous scientific thinking, curiosity, and
entrepreneurship needed to craft the solutions needed
for sustainable development (European Universities
Association, 2019). Researchers, faculty and
university students work in partnership with citizens,
the private and public sectors to collaborate to create
knowledge that can provide solutions. It is the
combination of these core missions that gives
universities a unique place in the common effort to
achieve the SDGs (European Universities
Association, 2019). A number of universities have
incorporated the SDGs into their institutional
strategies in both governance and teaching and
research. Sustainable campus management has
become important to many universities and is often
considered part of the institution's social
responsibility. Sustainable management can include
energy saving measures, resource efficiency and
waste reduction, as well as the sharing of services,
infrastructure and facilities with other universities or
external partners (Calder and Clugston, 2003). A key
element in all sustainability strategies is the “whole-
institution approach”, meaning all parts of the
university community, including external
stakeholders, are involved in the efforts (Calder and
Clugston, 2003).
According to European University Association,
higher education contributes in various ways to
making people more resilient and able to face various
challenges. Recent statistics from the Organization
for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) confirm that people with a higher education
degree are less likely to be unemployed and earn on
average 54% more than those who only completed
upper secondary education (European Universities
Association, 2019). A university education, thus,
better protects against poverty. According to the same
research, graduates of higher education institutions
for which universities form part, are better shielded
from depression as compared to their counterparts
without higher education qualifications.
According to (European Commission, 2012),
through both formal and non-formal education,
universities are able to impart sustainability
competencies in learners. Both forms are important
given that they allow learners to acquire experience
through culture, youth work, and voluntary work as
well as sporting activities. Extracurricular activities
boost the development of interpersonal,
communicative, and cognitive skills, which are
strongly connected to sustainable development
(European Commission, 2012).
A report by UNESCO also indicated that
Education for Sustainable Development contributes
to learning for decision-making for an economic,
environmental and social future. Supporting the
introduction of resilience into curricula in order to
achieve more positive perceptions can significantly
change learners’ attitude towards sustainability
(European European Union, 2010). Through this,
learners are able to develop ecologically and socially
friendly skills and attitudes which are recipe for
sustainable development (European Commission,
To explore the role of construction universities in
sustainable development, this research used two
universities as case studies. The National Research
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and
The Technical University of Kenya, are major
universities in Russia and Kenya respectively. They
train students for their professional careers by
offering academic programmes that have a
connection to their respective national priorities. This
is important given that the knowledge passed to
learners is relevant and serving national interests
(Molokova, 2020; Panteleva, 2012).
The research objective of this article was to
explore how these two universities develop
educational programmes and extracurricular
activities in order to enable their staff and learners to
shape sustainability competencies which are
necessary ingredients to promote sustainable
development. The study was conducted based on a
critical literature analysis on the role of higher
education in achieving sustainable development, a
desk research analysis of the universities’ educational
programmes, and quantitative research among
representative samples of Heads of Departments,
lecturers and students. Semi-structured online
The Role of Construction Universities in Sustainable Development
interviews were adopted because the idea in mind was
to ask more open-ended questions, allowing lengthy
discussions with the interviewees. This method of
data collection was thought to present a possibility of
obtaining sensitive data that may not have been
captured by administering and filling in of
The first target was to establish whether the
universities mentioned above offer sustainability-
oriented educational programmes. The other target
was to find out which extracurricular activities are
provided for at the universities for staff and students
to promote their well-being. The research analysis
enabled us to understand how the two universities
offered their students the opportunity to develop
competencies that enabled them to identify and
address sustainability challenges accordingly; to what
extent students engaged in activities related to
sustainable development; and the students’
perception of non-formal education for sustainable
development. The other target was to understand
which facilities were available in the university
territories that promoted sustainable development.
Translating provisions of international declarations
into institutional responses requires adjustments to
academic priorities, organizational structures,
financial and audit systems (Gemma et al., 2017).
This means that the changes advocated for do not just
happen, but, they must be led (Elias, 2006). A web
search reveals that there are several leadership for
sustainability initiatives across the two universities
used as case studies; MGSU and TUK. These
initiatives target managers from various departments
in the universities. The availability of these leadership
development opportunities for managers in various
departments justifies the good progress towards
sustainability in these two institutions. For example
the Students Association of the Technical University
of Kenya (SATUK) leadership forms part of the
management of the university. These students absorb
the sustainability culture induced on them by
initiatives put in place by the university; and as such
could become sustainable leaders of tomorrow
(Alshuwaikait and Abubakar, 2008). They may guide
organizations to pass through an adaptive process of
learning towards a more sustainable state, capable of
dealing with complexity and goal conflicts between
the social, economic, and environmental aspects.
Official data published by the universities on their
websites indicates that these universities created a
wide range of formal education possibilities by
offering courses that address the various aspects of
sustainable development. These courses are taught
both at undergraduate and postgraduate studies. For
instance, at the Technical University of Kenya, in the
School of Architecture and the Built Environment,
Bachelor of Building Construction is offered. In the
first year of the programme, learning is focused on the
fundamental principles of construction, including
visits to construction sites. The second year
concentrates on the building construction practice
while at the same time preparing the students for an
optional industry based learning that spans a period
of three months. This industry-based learning is
emphasized as it enables learners to establish a link
between classroom content and actual industry
practice as well as aid in preparing them for
subsequent academic years. In the course of study,
among many others, ‘critical and creative thinking’ is
offered as a compulsory study subject. Other subjects
taught further into the degree programme include
communication skills, society and culture, health
education, appropriate technologies in construction,
environmental management among others. These
subjects aim to impart in learners competencies that
are advocated for by PRME. These skills include (UN
General Assembly, 2015).
Social skills like teamwork, communication,
presentation skills;
Business skills like marketing, sustainability
enhancement, entrepreneurship, project
management; -
Personal skills: critical thinking, self-
awareness, decision making, leadership,
among others
Intercultural skills such ability to conduct
academic research, business models,
planning and coordination;
Service skills like volunteering, social
responsibility, global mindset, ethical
The same can be said about MGSU, where the
first two years of Bachelor of Civil Engineering cover
the basics of construction engineering. The third and
fourth years lay emphasis on the practical aspects of
civil engineering programme in the real world. These
last two years are considered formative years for
students to visit other European countries for
exchange programmes. In the course of study, MGSU
offers modules that give an overview of the green,
sustainable and high-level technologies of the
construction industry such as; urban sustainability,
sustainable urban transportation, social aspects of
sustainable urban development among others
(Molokova, 2020). These programmes prepare
graduates to become conscious of sustainability
(European European Union, 2010).
MGSU has also incorporated The BREEAM
Approved Graduate (AG) programme into its courses.
The BREEAM AG refers to a programme that has
been created and designed for Higher and Further
institutions of learning that offer built environment
study areas such as; architecture, urban planning and
design, construction engineering and technology,
surveying, facility management, construction
management, environmental sciences and many
more; and wish to feature a thorough and practical
programme that trains learners in sustainability and
prepares them to be job-ready. BREEAM AG offers
5 lectures covering the following subjects (Corcoran
and Wals, 2004).
Lecture A Reasons to talk about
Lecture B – Mitigating life-cycle impacts
Lecture C- Incorporating best practice with
environmental frameworks
Lecture D Integrating BREEAM
throughout the design process
Lecture E – Learning for the online test.
By providing learners with a thorough
understanding of both theory based and practical
skills based on the lectures listed above, graduates of
this programme are well equipped with the education
and vision required to help create a sustainable future
for the construction industry (Corcoran and Wals,
2004). Learners have a good understanding of the
broader principles of sustainable development while
also understanding the reasons and processes behind
the development of environmental assessment
methods (Corcoran and Wals, 2004).
MGSU offers the module ‘Environmental design
and assessment of buildings and structures according
to green standards’ to students in the design of
buildings and structures master’s programme. This
module, aims at equipping the learners with the
competences required to address the challenges
facing humanity in response to climate change,
availability of resources, environmental degradation
and consumption of energy. This module has caused
widespread awareness of the role that buildings play
in the current climate crisis, together with the
technical requirements arising from new regulations.
(Telichenko et al., 2018). The end result is the
production of graduates who enter the job market as
professionals with advanced skills in sustainable
design and energy efficiency.
This study also found that both TUK and MGSU
engage in social responsibility issues. The
universities engage in extracurricular activities and
support socially responsible actions like making
learners take it upon themselves as responsible
citizens of the world to donate blood, and contribute
to charity organizations that serve community in
various responsible ways. Events concerned with
environmental and animal protection, health and
safety as well as equality and social inequalities in the
communities that we live in, are a common
occurrence at TUK. These activities support
communities and their health systems in safe and
sustainable ways.
A section of the respondents from MGSU believe
that the fact that MGSU facilitates people-to-people
contact, presents a platform on which sustainable
development can thrive. Thousands of mobile
students and professors cross borders to gain and
exchange knowledge in construction and bring
understanding of sustainable construction practices in
their own countries to their hosts, through
programmes like Erasmus+, DAAD programme
“Strategic partnership”, DFG programmes. This can
be attributed to the fact that MGSU has broad
international relations with universities, scientific
institutions, and construction companies from both
former USSR states and other countries. For instance,
currently, MGSU cooperates actively with 108
foreign higher educational institutions from 35
countries (Molokova, 2020). This cooperation around
the globe, enables building networks and developing
the know-how needed to sustain innovation
worldwide thus working towards the achievement of
goal 16 and 17 of the SDGs (European Universities
Association, 2019).
A section of respondents from TUK argued that
university facilities have influence in shaping
sustainable development. For instance, university
healthcare facilities play a significant role in the
public healthcare system. They train new generations
of professionals in the medical field, provide care to
thousands of patients and conduct research that helps
find innovative solutions to cure and prevent diseases
of all nature. This can be supported by the fact that
TUK has a dispensary within the university premises
that partially contributes to this. Other facilities like
sports complexes as seen in MGSU contribute to the
wellbeing of staff and students within its
This study found out that these universities are
closely connected to their regions, playing a crucial
role in the education, innovation, culture and civic life
of their local communities. These universities are also
The Role of Construction Universities in Sustainable Development
employers, and as such make considerable economic
contributions to their regions.
The research also found out that MGSU and TUK
can partner to promote better understanding, and
more effective implementation of strategies for the
incorporation of ideas that support sustainable
development in both institutions and set an example
for other higher education institutions, both in Kenya
and Russia. The two universities can work together
towards identifying, sharing and disseminating
effective strategies, models and good practices for
promoting the knowledge they offer for sustainable
development (Telichenko et al., 2018). This can be
partly achieved by both universities committing to
support exchange programmes for their students and
Sustainable development is a multi-faceted agenda
for which construction universities have a role to
play. External pressure for the construction industry
to become more sustainable is piling and educating
the industry's key resource - its people is viewed as
the best response. To achieve this, higher education
institutions should incorporate sustainability content
into their construction programmes by covering
environmental issues and material in the already
existing areas of study, by offering particular
sustainable development courses, by offering
sustainable development as an area of specialization
in the faculty of construction, or by offering
sustainable development in construction as a study
program both in undergraduate and post graduate
levels of study.
When this agenda is implemented effectively, its
integrating potential is significant. However,
achieving change for sustainable development from
universities is challenging, and requires more than
knowledge of or commitment to principles of
sustainable development. Despite the fact that it’s
challenging, the academics at MGSU and TUK seem
to be in possession of a strong will to learn and
discuss the role of these universities in sustainable
development theme. The cutting edge researches,
government incentives, socio-economic expectations,
partner platforms, student leadership, etc. contribute
to change. Leaders of these universities must now
help bring together these points of activity in a way
that aligns core practices with sustainability
innovations in the institutions. At the moment, senior
management teams are key to transforming higher
education so that it can play its part in transforming
social, economic and environmental practices and
contribute to more sustainable construction practices.
Universities also should strive to become
ambassadors for sustainable development. Except in
a few cases, university campuses often cover large
tracts of land, providing excellent starting points for
authentic learning about nature and biodiversity. That
means campuses can restore an emotional affinity to
nature by getting students and staff to become
stewards of campus open space and natural areas, turn
the campus into a site showcasing examples of
sustainability, such organic food production,
consumption and climate smart technologies and
combine all these ideas to increase access to higher
education for economically and socially
disadvantaged groups.
The researchers involved in this study recommend
that MGSU and TUK enter into a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) given that both universities
offer construction-related programmes and are
involved in research that can be considered beneficial
to mankind. Based on this MOU, the two universities
are tipped to offer exchange programmes and perform
joint studies, researches and other learning activities
of mutual interest.
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The Role of Construction Universities in Sustainable Development