Innovative Approaches to Teaching Сommunicative Сompetence in
Foreign Languages
L. Pavlova
, S. Pesina
Yu. Vtorushina
Yu. Baryshnikova
and T. Baklykova
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: Communicative Competence, Problem Solving, Developing Reading Skills, Cognitive Competence,
Learner’s Autonomy, Modern British Novels, Digital Skills.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of developing communicative competence in a foreign language of
university students by using innovative methods and interactive task formats. The authors believe that the
emphasis should be placed on developing cognitive skills of learners, their autonomy and teamwork skills, as
well as their digital competence. While teaching and assessing students’ communicative competence, the
teacher should provide communicative situations which are based on solving a problem, developing critical
thinking, analyzing data and using modern technologies to collaborate with other learners. The authors aim
to explore how modern British novels can be used in order to increase students’ academic motivation, actively
involve them in learning and effectively develop all components of their communicative competence (i.e.
linguistic, discourse, sociocultural, cognitive and strategic competences). Results of the research presented in
the article offer proof that the new approach to creating tasks has a positive effect on the acquisition of a
foreign language and the development of students’ abilities and skills of different nature.
Nowadays digital competence has become essential
for the specialists working in the humanitarian field.
NMSTU is a participant in the federal project
"Human Resources for the Digital Economy" that
aims to train highly qualified personnel with digital
competencies and skills to personalize the
educational process. One of the conditions for the
successful integration of information and
communication technologies into the educational
process is competent methodological support of
educational activities. We see the solution to this
problem not only in updating the programs of
academic disciplines in terms of integrating digital
skills into all their components, but it is also
necessary to introduce innovative, interactive
teaching methods into the traditional form of
education, new assignment formats aimed at
developing students' skills to independently extract
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b 0001 5320 4726
knowledge, critically interpret the received
information, develop the cognitive and educational
autonomy of students and their ability to work in a
team, as well as to develop students’ digital skills and
abilities. The competence-based model of education
uses such new educational technologies as problem-
based learning technology, game technologies,
project-based learning technologies, and interactive
technologies. It is necessary to use technologies that
would make it possible to mobilize students, to
activate their communicative and cognitive activity,
otherwise it is impossible to form internal motivation
that ensures successful mastering of a foreign
language. Thus, the main motives should be
communicative and cognitive ones, and training
should be based on the active forms of work. When
conducting training sessions, it is necessary to ensure
the development of students' skills in teamwork,
interpersonal communication, decision-making, etc.
The development of all these skills allows to
Pavlova, L., Pesina, S., Vtorushina, Y., Baryshnikova, Y. and Baklykova, T.
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Communicative Competence in Foreign Languages.
DOI: 10.5220/0010670400003223
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems (WFSDS 2021), pages 468-474
ISBN: 978-989-758-597-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
implement new educational technologies. All of the
above determines the relevance of the chosen topic.
The article aims to describe the system of work to
develop foreign language communicative
competence of linguistic students using modern
technologies and new assignment formats.
In accordance with the goal, the following
research objectives were set:
to determine the factors that activate the
educational and cognitive activity of students,
taking into account the specifics of teaching
foreign languages at the university;
to elaborate a methodology for the
development of foreign language
communicative competence of students using
active forms of work based on the material of
modern British novels;
to conduct experimental training in order to
determine the effectiveness of the elaborated
methodology for the development of foreign
language communicative competence of
The material of the research is the actual problems of
the professional training of modern specialists in the
field of linguistics, in particular, the development of
their foreign language communicative competence,
educational and cognitive autonomy and digital
In our article we rely on the following research
methods: theoretical analysis of the literature on the
research problem; study of teaching experience in
domestic and foreign practice; linguistic and cultural
analysis of the texts of modern British novels;
pedagogical experiment (teaching) and methods of
statistical processing of experimental data.
In this study, we focus on the technology of problem-
based reading teaching based on the material of
modern British novels. The technology of problem-
based learning is focused on posing problem
questions, solving problem situations in the process
of developing students' foreign language
communicative competence. At the beginning of the
study, it is necessary to consider the main factors that
activate the educational and cognitive activity of
students in a foreign language lesson. The following
factors can be identified:
approach to the process of mastering a foreign
language as a process of acquiring knowledge;
functional orientation of the process of
teaching a foreign language, which means that
language means are acquired immediately in
the activity;
reliance on group forms of education, when
optimal conditions are created for the self-
realization of each student, stimulating speech
creativity and developing the ability to self-
-the learning process becomes more effective if
students understand what they are learning, are
aware of the purpose of their work, realize the
cognitive and communicative value of the
material being studied, and interact equally
with the teacher and with other students;
organization and implementation of active
forms of education, as well as active forms of
the lesson (Galskova, 2017).
The study explores these factors in the light that
corresponds to the specifics of teaching foreign
languages at university. As examples, we cite some
tasks that were developed by us taking into account
the above factors based on modern British novels.
Participation of NMSTU in the Russian-British
project “Contemporary British Literature in the
Educational Process in Russian Universities "allows
us to build practical classes in the study of English on
the material of modern original works of fiction by
British authors selected by experts in the field of
literature from the University of Oxford.
The approach to the process of mastering a foreign
language as to the process of acquiring knowledge
implies that students are active agents of their
educational and cognitive activities. Language
teaching is teaching students to solve certain
communicative tasks of a cognitive, behavioral,
problematic nature. For training to be a cognitive
process, educational material should present to the
student’s personal significance. Another important
point is setting the problem to the student in the form
of insufficient initial data, choosing one of several
options, or overcoming obstacles on the way to
solving a communicative task.
In this study we will consider how the teacher can
implement these tasks in home reading classes based
on the novel by Julia Darling "The Taxi Driver's
Daughter" (Darling, 2004), which tells about the
crisis in the family of a driver named Mac, his wife
Louise and their two teenage daughters Karis and
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Communicative Competence in Foreign Languages
Communicative competence is an integrative
quality of a person. Setting foreign language
communicative competence as a goal of foreign
language teaching emphasizes the focus of the
learning process on communication and cognition.
Foreign language communicative competence
includes speech competence, linguistic, social and
cultural, educational and cognitive, and
compensatory (Galskova, 2017). Next, we will
consider how the teacher can effectively develop
these competencies in the process of teaching
university students reading skills in the framework of
the problem approach.
Let us start with speech competence, which
involves the development of communication skills in
four types of speech activity, namely speaking,
reading, listening and writing. Although in this study
we focus on teaching reading, it should be clarified
that, since foreign language communicative
competence is integrative in nature, we consider it is
necessary to simultaneously develop not only reading
skills, but also speaking and, if possible, writing.
When elaborating tasks for the speech competence
development, we relied on the following
methodological principles, reflecting the features of
teaching reading as a type of speech activity.
First, teaching reading should be teaching speech
activity aimed at solving certain communicative
cognitive problems (Pulekha, 2016; Solovova, 2014).
Speech activity is known to be realized in the form of
specific acts of verbal communication, the result of
which is the solution of this problem. Reading should
provide verbal communication.
Second, teaching reading should take place as an
active learning process. Cognitive activity of students
is stimulated by completing the problem-search
assignments. Being focused on obtaining
information, reading is a cognitive activity, which
also determines the educational and upbringing
Third, teaching reading should become the basis
for the development of skills that integrate speech
skills at the level of reception and production in both
oral and written speech. While reading the perception
of the material should lead to the productive activity
of students, the expression of value judgments and
their own thoughts about what they have read.
In the search for adequate forms of work during
practical classes we proceeded from the fact that
teaching reading is built as a system of problem-
search communication tasks that develop universal,
general cultural (Konopatskaya and Fakhrutdinova,
2015) and professional competencies of students and
form internal cognitive motives of educational
activity necessary for successful learning.
We believe that one of the most important types
of work on a work read is the discussion of various
issues of a problematic nature. The use of content
questions leads to the literal reading of fragments of
the text and does not contribute much to the formation
of a mechanism for the independent construction of a
statement. Problem questions allow not only to check
the content of what has been read, but also to discuss
the motives of the behavior of the characters, their
actions. For example, working on The Taxi Driver's
Daughter allows us to discuss issues such as A
Typical Family, Parents and Children, Difficult
Teenagers, School Bullying, Crime and Punishment,
Truancy, etc.
In our opinion, it is important to base problem
tasks on the examination of the same events from
different points of view. Conflict situations should be
chosen as a basis, for example, a father's visit to
school due to absenteeism and poor performance of
his daughter. Students read letters from the main
characters (father and two daughters), which they sent
to the editorial office. The student's task is to write the
answers, taking into account three different points of
view. Let's give an example of this task:
Read the letters which Mac, Caris and Stella sent
to the Agony Aunt Column. Write a reply to the
letters taking into account the feelings of all the
members of the family.
“Dear editor! I’m writing to ask you for advice.
A letter from Caris: “My mother stole a shoe from
the shop and assaulted a policeman. My mother is a
thief! She said she didn’t know what she was doing. I
sometimes wonder if any of the birthday presents my
mother gave me were stolen. I know my mom talked
about the crime to my sister behind my back. I have
questions no one will answer. There is no one I can
confide in.”
A letter from Mac: “My wife is in prison for
shoplifting. She hit a police officer with the stolen
shoe. I’m ashamed of my wife. I’m afraid of the
future. I have driven taxis for 18 years. I earn my
living by hard graft! Now it seems to me other taxi
drivers laugh at me. I’m trying to think positive and
I’m trying to understand! My mother-in-law has
moved in. But she is no help. She’s a bad influence
on my younger daughter. She lets her stay off school.”
A letter from Stella: “…I feel abandoned. My
mother is in prison. It’s a short sentence… The
trouble is that my younger sister won’t listen to me or
our dad. Now that my mother is in prison I feel there
is no one I can confide in.”
Tasks of this kind solve the upbringing issues,
teach students to understand the state of mind of the
characters in the text and empathize with them, enrich
their sensual experience.
Another type of tasks that we use in our home
reading classes is to comment on the text. For
comments students are given a number of statements
in the direct speech of the characters (or the words of
the author) and the question about how these words
characterize them. Students should evaluate the
statements based on their ideas about the world,
compare different points of view. Students can also
be given a task to expand or refute this idea. Example:
What do teachers know? Look at me I left
school with nothing. She’s probably too clever
for them?
Mac wishes that children were like Ikea
furniture… he could pack them into a box and
keep them under bed.
He sometimes feels as if his interior is unlit, or
not charged like other people’s.
Another task that gives students the opportunity to
learn how to respond to the content of the text, to
correlate the author's position with their own point of
view is the task "Ask the writer a question". The form
of this task can be individual tasks that stimulate
communication activities in English in real
communication with the writer and his environment
through the use of modern information and
communication technologies. Most modern writers
have their own websites on the Internet, or there are
pages created by fans of the writer. In this case, you
can use the site, where
friends and readers of Julia Darling communicate,
since the writer herself died in 2005. Students can
leave their comments on the web page, expressing
their understanding of the work. Also, as a task,
students can ask questions to other readers or people
who knew the writer intimately. In addition to the fact
that such tasks have a high communicative value and
provide real communication practice with readers
from around the world, they also contribute to the
development of students ' digital competencies.
The dramatization of the passage, prepared by the
students themselves, is also characterized by a fairly
high level of problem solving. The method of
dramatization allows students to create such
conditions under which they must somehow act in
relation to the speech material, think through the
script, use their imagination, create their own speech
product, working in a team. The method of
dramatization relies on the personal experience of
students, thereby giving a personal meaning to the
educational work, helps the student to open up,
relying on their sense of empathy towards the actors
in the scenario and the situation being played. The
method of dramatization includes the external side:
the problem situation and the search for its solution,
and the internal side: personal experience, emotions,
planning. Dramatization can have both a
reproductive-productive and a productive (creative)
Here is an example of productive dramatization.
With a partner, plan a reporters interview with
one of the book characters. Think of things you would
like to know about the character that were not in the
book. Think of questions and brainstorm answers.
Write the interview in the form of questions and
answers and act it out for the class.
Let's turn to the consideration of the possibilities
of developing language competence within the
framework of the problem approach. Language
competence means proficiency in language tools in
accordance with the topics and situations of
communication, knowledge of the linguistic
phenomena of a foreign language and different ways
of expressing thoughts in the native and foreign
languages. We believe that in home reading classes,
the emphasis should be placed as much as possible on
the productive activities of students, so if possible, we
should give a communicative character to lexical
exercises. Here is an example of such an exercise:
Find expressions which describe the way Mac
drives a taxi and the way he feels about it (e.g. to drive
like a man in a pot of treacle, to shake one’s head, to
long for trips to the airport, to half listen to the radio,
to answer quiz questions out loud, to crave
acceleration, to roar out of the airport, to swerve in
the slow lane, to drive recklessly). What is his attitude
towards taxi-driving? Which words and expressions
show that he was weary of driving a taxi?
It should be noted that the language of the book
"Taxi Driver's Daughter", on the one hand, is quite
simple and clear, and on the other hand, the author
uses many original metaphors, epithets, comparisons,
allusions and symbols. These stylistic characteristics
of the text make it possible to develop the ability to
evaluate not only the content of the text, but also its
language features, form, and, in general, the skill of
its execution (Solovova, 2014). As they read, students
are asked to identify the stylistic techniques used by
the author, explain how they help to understand the
inner state of the characters, their attitude to what is
happening, and analyze the effectiveness of their use.
Examples of such expressions include the following:
in a dutiful navy jacket; Stella takes off her practical
school shoes, ties the straps and throws them up; a
huge suitcase covered with boastful stickers from all
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Communicative Competence in Foreign Languages
over the world; friendliness has been squeezed out of
it; house looks unloved, and many others.
The process of forming social and cultural
competence based on the material of modern British
novels passes through all levels of the structure of the
secondary language personality, each of which
corresponds to its own content-knowledge, practical
skills and skills of intercultural communication
(Millrood and Maximova, 2016; Vetrinskaya and
Dmitrenko, 2017; Pesina et al., 2020). First, as our
analysis of the modern novels texts shows, such
linguistic units of the verbal-semantic level as non-
equivalent and background vocabulary, nominative
units, as well as grammatical means are the reflection
of the specifics of widely represented cultural values.
To form the linguistic and cognitive level of the
language personality, it is necessary for the student to
have mastered the sum of knowledge about the
picture of the world. Units of this level can be
represented in the form of idioms, proverbs and
sayings, which are found in large numbers in the texts
of novels. In addition, students at the linguistic and
cognitive level form subject-specific knowledge
about the national peculiarities of everyday life, the
natural and climatic conditions of the country of the
language being studied, etc., as well as knowledge of
behavior scenarios in social situations and means of
expressing speech etiquette in typical situations of
everyday communication (Nasarova and Pesina,
2016). Based on the material of novels, we can
introduce cultural concepts of a cognitive nature and
teach students to see their manifestations in the
cultural picture of the world (the concepts of "home“,
”common sense“, ”challenge“, ”good will“, ”friend“,
”friendship“, ”privacy", etc.).
The units of the pragmatic level represent the
communicative needs determined by the entire
paradigm of the social behavior of the individual. The
modern novel is not only a special way of mastering
reality, but also in terms of displaying reality is a way
of expressing the national mentality. At the pragmatic
level, students can form a knowledge of cultural
values and the forms of their manifestation in the
models of behavior and speech of heroes (Pavlova,
Baryshnikova and Artamonova, 2019; Solonchak and
Pesina, 2015) knowledge about the ways of
manifestation of cultural values in the structure of
speech acts (Byram and Michael, 2020; Karamalak
and Pesina, 2017); knowledge of the concepts of
psychological-behavioral and moral-evaluative
character and their manifestations in the cultural
picture of the world (the concepts of "success”,"
politeness”, "wealth", "individualism", etc.); the idea
of the English national character; the idea of the
national features of English humor, as well as the
ability to identify the manifestations of cultural values
in the speech and non-speech behavior of the
characters; the ability to build verbal behavior in
accordance with the norms of English culture, etc.
(Baryshnikova, Yemets and Vtorushina, 2018).
The foreign language picture of the world is
boundless and changeable in its essence, which
makes it impossible to create a complete list of
cultural knowledge of a verbal and non-verbal nature,
sufficient for its mastery (Pesina, Kiva-Khamzina and
Rubanova, 2019). In this regard, it is important for
students to learn to independently master the
language means and cultural concepts. For this
purpose they need to have a way of mastering this
knowledge, which can serve as reflection (Pavlova et
al., 2014). In accordance with this, students need to
develop practical skills and reflection skills that are
part of the socio-cultural competence. Within the
framework of this study, we consider relevant the
following skills: the ability to enter a reflexive
position in the process of carrying out any activity;
the ability to recognize gaps in knowledge for their
further filling; the ability to understand the reflected
situation to find ideas about such situations in their
own experience; the ability to understand the reasons
and motives for actions carried out in the reflected
situation; the ability to bring the reflected situation
under different categories, to consider it from
different positions.
The forming process of reflection affects not only
the cognitive, but also the emotional level of the
secondary language personality, as it leads to the
development of empathy, tolerance, the ability to
understand the feelings and motives of a
representative of a foreign language culture, ensuring
the emotional readiness of the student to conduct an
intercultural dialogue (Makhmutova, Andreeva and
Dmitrenko, 2016). The novels reflect not just the
reality, but also the attitude to it, because there is
always a hidden assessment and emotiveness in it.
Discussing such important concepts based on the text
of novels can not only form students ' understanding
of the national and cultural content of these concepts,
but also their attitude to them. Therefore, the use of
modern novels allows us to create moments of
emotional involvement in the activity, when
intellectual activity is experienced emotionally. This
helps students not only to be aware of their own
emotions and feelings, but also to learn how to
manage them and, ultimately, to form the empathy
that is necessary for effective cross-cultural
Let's turn to the consideration of educational and
cognitive competencies as components of
communicative competence. Educational and
cognitive competence is understood as the ability to
independently master a foreign language using
modern technologies. This competence is based on
the following components: ability to use rational
methods of cognitive activity, awareness of oneself as
a subject of this activity, readiness to solve problem-
cognitive tasks, development of such a quality of
personality as independence.
Consider these components:
preparation for the learning process and active
participation in it (take notes, use a dictionary,
make a response plan);
use of methods of active learning (active
reading) and, accordingly, the activation of
cognitive processes (analysis, comparison,
generalization, search);
self-orientation in the task, the organization of
their communicative and cognitive activities
(planning statements, formulating thoughts
using a certain set of language tools);
organization of their communication and
cognitive activities (work in pairs, groups,
individually, check, assess and correct their
Independence is based on the skills and abilities
of cognitive activity. Independence is a dynamic
category and develops gradually in the process of
mastering students ' conscious methods of action for
the accumulation, combination, generalization and
use of foreign-language educational material in
educational and cognitive activities.
Considering educational and cognitive
competence as the ability to master a foreign
language independently, it is impossible not to touch
on such an aspect as the use of modern technologies
in this process. Performing the tasks developed by us,
students carry out independent search, analysis,
selection, processing, critical comprehension,
subsequent use of information or its transfer in
accordance with the communicative situation and
personal significance.
The forming process of compensatory
competence is integrated with the forming process of
educational and cognitive competence and involves
the formation of skills to use linguistic and contextual
guesswork, skills of paraphrasing and clarification,
the use of words-descriptions of abstract concepts, the
use of explanations, as well as the use of facial
expressions and gestures in the case of a lack of
language means to express communicative intent.
We will analyze the results of experimental training
on the development of foreign language
communicative competence of third-year students
majoring "Linguistics", the profile "Translation and
Translation Studies" in the "Nosov Magnitogorsk
State Technical University" during the 2020-2021
academic year. Two experimental groups (EG-1 and
EG-2) and two control groups (CG-1 and CG-2)
participated in the experimental training, in which the
training was conducted according to the developed
The assessment of the development level of the
components of foreign language communicative
competence was carried out according to the
following criteria:
the ability to use lexical and grammatical
material constructing an utterance in English;
the ability to extract information about the
culture of the country of the target language
from the linguistic units of the text of a modern
the ability to choose language forms in
connection with the factors of the
communicative situation;
the ability to build a dialogue in accordance
with the norms of English-speaking culture;
the ability to extract from the text of a modern
British novel background information about
the culture of the country of the language being
the ability to independently search, analyze and
apply information to solve communicative and
cognitive problems using digital technologies.
The results of the experimental teaching showed
that all the students of the experimental groups had a
significant increase in the level of formation of the
skills that are part of the foreign language
communicative competence practically according to
all the identified criteria. On average, this increase
was 41.2%. At the same time, the students of the
control groups, on average, improved their results by
only 9% compared to the initial assessment test.
We believe that, in general, the results of
experimental training have shown the effectiveness of
the methodology we have developed for the
development of foreign language communicative
competence based on modern British novels.
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Communicative Competence in Foreign Languages
Completing the consideration of this problem, we
come to the following conclusions:
Modern educational technologies used in the
process of foreign language education at the
university should be innovative and mobilize
students, activate their communicative and
cognitive activity and internal motivation,
ensuring the successful mastering of foreign
language communicative competence. When
conducting training sessions, it is necessary to
develop students' skills of teamwork,
interpersonal communication, decision-
making, etc. For this, the teacher should
provide factors that activate the educational
and cognitive activity of students, taking into
account the specifics of teaching foreign
languages at the university.
The conducted educational experiment
confirmed the effectiveness of the system of
work elaborated by the authors to develop the
foreign language communicative competence
of linguistic students using modern
technologies and new formats of assignments
based on the material of modern British novels.
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