Inclusive Competences as a Natural Development Pattern of the
University 4.0 Model in the Post-analog Age of Education
Oksana Mineva
and Elina Polyanskaya
Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russia
Keywords: University 4.0, Inclusive Competences, Digital Competences, Process Architecture Design, Humanisation of
Education, Higher Education, Competence-based Model.
Abstract: Digitalisation of society, significant changes in technology and transformation of labour markets are leading
to a change in the educational paradigm. The familiar University 3.0 model is being replaced by the University
4.0 model, which further depersonalises learners while deepening their professional personification. Existing
papers on the competence-based model called University 4.0 identify four types of competences needed to
train a skilled professional of the future: these are hard skills, soft skills, self skills, and systems thinking.
However, the peculiarity of digital reality with its “immaterial digital profile” of an individual is not
compensated in any way by the development of ethical skills, especially inclusive ones. People with mental
or physical disabilities account for about 10% of the world’s population and about 8% of the Russian
population. Without the development of social and professional communication skills, professionals of the
future provoke the development of significant discrimination in the labour market of the post-analog era.
These arguments were the starting point for the research, the results of which are presented in this article, and
the formation of the authors’ competence-based University 4.0 model, which encompasses inclusive
competences as universal competences. We give the authors’ interpretation of the definition of “inclusive
competence”, which is based on the principle of harmonisation of the future society and assumes that the area
of inclusive competences of all learners in educational institutions should be expanded.
From the time of the first Platonic Academy (386 BC)
until the beginning of the 20th century, the entire
history of university education was based on the
principle of interactive communication between a
teacher and a student. The main type of competence
taught was professional, nowadays called hard skills,
and this was quite understandable. The length of the
Kondratieff technological wave was about 50 years.
This was well within the period of one generation’s
active working life.
The Humboldt University of Berlin was
established at the beginning of the 19th century, when
the traditional paradigm of university education was
supplemented by research work involving more
advanced communication soft skills.
A century later, by the beginning of the 20th
century, the Kondratieff wavelength shortened
considerably to an average of 25-30 years, which
implied several cycles of learning during working
life. The catalogue of educational programmes also
changed, with adult education programmes gaining
ground alongside basic education. In turn, this also
created a demand for fee-based education
programmes in new promising professions, the
outlines of which began to emerge with the
convergence of the university and business
communities. Small innovative enterprises at
universities such as start-ups and spin-offs were
actively developing. This actualised the introduction
of modules that develop entrepreneurial skills in the
educational programmes. These were the main trends
in analog education.
The post-analog or digital age of university
development expands the range of competences
required by specialists of the 21st century,
Mineva, O. and Polyanskaya, E.
Inclusive Competences as a Natural Development Pattern of the University 4.0 Model in the Post-analog Age of Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0010670600003223
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems (WFSDS 2021), pages 482-486
ISBN: 978-989-758-597-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
introducing digital competences into the orbit of
central competences.
The digital age divides people significantly when
face-to-face communication is replaced by virtual
communication and, going out in real life, Generation
Z often has a very dim view of people with
disabilities. That is why, in our view, inclusive
competences should also be introduced into modern
educational programmes. This, in our view, is crucial,
because after Generation Z, who were raised in the
post-analog age, generations of the digital age will
come. They will grow with innate technological
literacy, but with an even more idealised paradigm of
perception of life.
The hypothesis of our research was the idea that the
competence-based paradigm should be expanded in
the post-analog age of education towards its
digitalisation and humanisation. The rationale for this
approach was very clearly outlined by contemporary
philosopher Maria Manikovskaya. She sees
digitalisation as “one of the tests for the ontological
embeddedness of morality and ethics in society” and
points to “the increasing distance between the
obvious (digital reality) and adequate reasoning”
(Manikovskaya, 2019). The same scholar insists that
digital reality shifts the focus from a live perception
of the other person to a “disembodied digital profile”
without empathy, ethics or morality. Contemporary
scholars agree that digital reality deforms personal
identity, identifies others as a digital profile and leads
to a possible dehumanisation of society.
We are aware of a large number of works on
updating educational programmes and developing
digital competences (Rodríguez-García, 2018),
(Tomyuk, 2019), (Brash and Pfeil, 2007), (Lapteva,
Projoga, and Pakhmutova, 2019), however, we did
not encounter works on implementing inclusive
competences as cross-cutting for new professionals of
the digital age.
There are highly specialised programmes for
training professionals to accompany persons with
disabilities in adapting to real life and working life,
but we are not aware of considering inclusion as a
naturally developed competence for all graduates,
regardless of their professional field.
As a methodological framework, we used
literature review and sociological research methods in
the form of interviews with employers, learners and
representatives of the university community.
3.1 Digital Competence
The concept of digital literacy was initially
introduced in 1997 by Paul Gilster as “the ability to
understand and use information in multiple formats
from a wide range of sources when it is presented via
computers” (Gilster, 1997).
Paul Gilster highlighted the following skills as criteria
for achieving digital competence:
Media competence which means the ability to
perceive information expressed in different
semiotic systems;
Information competence which means skills
required to find the information you need and
tools to work with it as well as the ability to
learn these tools quickly;
Communication competence which means
communication skills with other users.
Ten years later, Allan Martin and Dan Madigan
extended this definition to the following form:
“digital competence is the awareness, attitude and
ability of individuals to appropriately use digital tools
and media to identify, access, manage, integrate,
evaluate, analyse and synthesise digital resources, to
build new knowledge systems, and to communicate
with others” (Martin anf Madigan, 2007).
The work of Professor Soldatova stands out
among the works of Russian scholars, who
understands digital competence as “an individual’s
ability to confidently, effectively, critically and safely
choose and apply information and communication
technologies in different areas of life (information
environment, communication, consumption,
technosphere), based on the continuous acquisition of
competencies (knowledge, skills, motivation,
responsibility), as well as their readiness for such
activities” (Soldatova, 2015). This scholar identifies
four types of digital skills:
Media competence which means knowledge,
skills, motivation and responsibility associated
with seeking, understanding, organising and
critically reflecting on digital information, and
creating information objects using digital
resources (text, image, audio and video);
Communication competence which means
knowledge, skills, motivation and
responsibility required for different forms of
communication (email, chat rooms, blogs,
forums, social media, etc.) and with different
Technical competence which means
knowledge, skills, motivation and
Inclusive Competences as a Natural Development Pattern of the University 4.0 Model in the Post-analog Age of Education
responsibility to use technical and software
tools effectively for various tasks, including the
use of computer networks, cloud services, etc.;
Consumer competence which means
knowledge, skills, motivation and
responsibility to solve various daily tasks
related to specific life situations involving
different needs using digital devices and the
When applying the skills of digital competences
laid down by Gilster almost 25 years ago and skills
outlined in Soldatova’s work, one is struck by
consumer competence, which repeatedly actualises
the total penetration of digital competences into
everyday life.
The importance of the consumer competence
increased manifold during the 2020 lockdown caused
by the COVID-19 pandemic, when people were
forced to become users of developed digital solutions
overnight in order to solve current daily problems.
The following digital literacy skills were
highlighted at the 2017 G-20 Summit:
Information literacy;
Computer literacy;
Communication literacy;
Media literacy;
Attitude towards technology or innovation.
It is the fifth skill that shapes digital competence
(attitude towards technology and innovation) and
demonstrates the relevance of the need to constantly
compensate for the “digital gap” arising in a situation
of progressive information technology and device
development and the group resistance to change
existing in society among generations X and Y.
Our hypothesis is that skills of process
architecture design should be highlighted within
digital competences. By these skills we mean an
awareness of the essence of the system and its key
properties which determine its behaviour,
composition and evolution and which influence the
appropriateness, usefulness and manageability of the
system. The design skills in this case will provide the
flexibility to modify key properties of the process to
achieve specified parameters.
These skills will be particularly important for
training engineers, as elementary programming skills
have been named as embedded soft skills in the Atlas
of New Professions.
3.2. Inclusive Competence
According to statistics, about 11.8 million people of
all disability groups are registered in Russia in 2020
(about 8% of the Russian population), which
significantly highlights the problem of professional
socialisation of this group of people. The problems of
people with disabilities have always been a focus of
the state, but there are persistent social patterns of
exclusion from barrier-free entry into the labour
market. In an age of total digitalisation, these groups
have every chance of becoming members of the
precariat class. The higher education system must
therefore pioneer the trend for establishing self-
learning socially oriented companies, created by the
cooperation of social and functional insourcing in the
implementation of training in accordance with the
latest digital trends. And for that, Generation Z and
their descendants need to have sustainable inclusive
When analysing existing educational and
professional standards, we found that there is almost
no training for students in inclusive competences.
Inclusive competences are found exclusively in
the educational standards for training specialists in
the field of medicine and education. All other training
areas do not ensure that the majority of graduates are
prepared to meet people with disabilities in their
everyday and working lives.
Ilmira Khafizullina gives the following definition
of inclusive competence. “Inclusive competence is an
integrative personal formation that determines the
ability to perform professional functions in the
process of inclusive education, taking into account
different educational needs of students and ensuring
the inclusion of children with disabilities in the
environment of a general education institution,
creating conditions for their development and self-
“Inclusive competence includes a set of
interrelated components, such as motivational,
cognitive, operational and reflective components”
(Khafizullina, 2008). Natalya Korneeva defines this
concept as “the ability to perform professional
functions, ensuring the inclusion of people with
disabilities in the environment of a professional
institution, creating conditions for their development
and self-development”. ( Korneeva, 2011).
Inclusive competence includes the following
Cognition which means perception and
awareness of inclusive education as an object
of attitude, its conceptual idea, essence, the
factors determining its effectiveness;
Communicativeness which means the ability to
organise interaction and communication with
those involved in inclusive educational
settings, and to find and master appropriate
means and techniques of communication;
Reflexivity which means analysis of the
effectiveness of the communication process
when working with people with disabilities.
According to the research carried out by scholars
Romanovskaya and Khafizullina, even experienced
educators’ level of inclusive competence was almost
equal to zero. However, after taking the competence
development programme “Inclusive Competence for
General Academic School Teachers”, there was an
increase in skills above the average level
(Romanovskaya and Khafizullina, 2014).
Table 1: Inclusive competence of educators, %
Demonstration of
residual skills
Demonstration of
ed skills
and low
zero and
97.5 2.5 0 5 55 40
Based on the results of this study, it can be
concluded that even if trained inclusion educators
show a pronounced tendency towards skill
obsolescence, those not trained to work and
communicate with such professionals of the future
will simply ignore them in their social and working
In the current context, we consider it necessary to
extend the reach of inclusive competences to all
learners in educational institutions. Fostering
tolerance and empathy with all members of society
can counteract to some extent the syndrome of the
“digital disembodied profile” of a modern human.
It will also reduce social tensions in society,
where potential employers and colleagues view
people with disabilities as some kind of burden, often
because they do not have a coherent understanding of
existing disabilities and the mechanisms available to
communicate with them.
To test our hypothesis, a sociological survey of
employers, students and representatives of the
university community from the cities of Astrakhan,
Tambov, Saratov, Maikop, Nalchik, Moscow, Atyrau
(Republic of Kazakhstan) and Baku (Republic of
Azerbaijan) was conducted, the results of which are
shown in Table 2.
In the survey, we asked the interviewers two
Should the set of digital competences be
extended with the skill of process architecture
Should inclusive competences be introduced
into existing learning standards as universal
Table 2: Results of a sociological survey of employers,
learners and representatives of the university community on
the inclusion of digital and inclusive competences in the list
of mandatory competences for professionals of the future
Digital competences Inclusive
1231 2 3
87 5 8 93 2 5
where, 1 is should be included; 2 is should not be included;
3 is difficult to answer
As the results of the sociological survey show,
almost 90% of respondents said it was important and
timely to expand the competence-based paradigm in
the post-analog age of education in the direction of its
digitalisation and humanisation.
3.3 Discussion of the Results
The transformation of education in the post-analog
age must meet the requirements of the University 4.0
concept, according to which universities will be the
driving force behind the use of all digital tools to
flexibly change communication between the main
actors of the educational process. University 4.0 aims
to provide not only knowledge, but also a new
paradigm of thinking that involves fine-tuning the
demands of learners and the educational organisation
to the requirements of the labour market.
At the strategic session on the formation of the
Big University in Tomsk in 2019, the University 4.0
model was presented, which substantiated that the use
of digital tools (artificial intelligence, data analysis,
big data management) allows synchronizing
educational programmes and demands of employers
who act as customers, promptly presenting adaptive
learning and individualization of educational
trajectories (Fadeev, Zmeev, and Gazizov, 2020).
The same authors define qualified graduates as
having the following competences:
Hard skills (professional skills and abilities,
applied knowledge);
Soft skills (soft skills, communication skills);
Self skills (development of personal qualities);
Systems thinking.
It should be noted that the University 4.0 model
does not consider humanisation of education.
Therefore, it seems necessary to complement the
model presented above with inclusive skills.
Inclusive Competences as a Natural Development Pattern of the University 4.0 Model in the Post-analog Age of Education
We define inclusive competence as “an
individual’s ability to carry out social and
professional functions in a harmonious way when
interacting with persons with disabilities, taking
maximum account of their physical and
psychological development, not discriminating
against them and creating comfortable conditions for
their adaptation at work and subsequent self-
Based on our reasoning, we propose the following
University 4.0 competence model.
Figure 1: University 4.0 competence model
Within the framework of our proposed addition to
the existing competence model, the digital and ethical
development of modern society will be harmonised.
The digitalisation of society and education system as
well as the emerging profile of a professional of the
future reveal personalised skills of working and
interacting in a team with people who are not
physically or psychologically disabled. Meanwhile,
the problem of socialisation of persons with physical
and psychological disabilities, given the significant
transformation of the labour market and the extinction
of their traditional professions, makes it urgent to
develop new educational programmes that shape
inclusive competences of Generation Z graduates and
their descendants to prevent social and professional
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