not only from local residents, but also from the
Internet. Parents are afraid that after poor initial
training they will not go to a good school.
4.5 Finances
In this group of statements, we are talking about
family income, parents' salaries and readiness for
financial investments in high-quality education of
children. An interesting fact is that in a third of the
cases reported on the Internet forum, non-state school
education is paid for by the student's grandparents.
4.6 Preparing for the Unified State
Parents of students in grades 10-11 told on the
Internet forum the history of transferring
schoolchildren from public schools to paid education
in order to provide senior high students with high-
quality preparation for the Unified State Exam (USE).
According to the informants, such a solution saves
time and money, as well as preserves the health of
graduates. Parents do not consider tutors to be an
alternative to school.
4.7 Digitalization of Education
Digital teaching methods were in the last place in the
ranking of motives for choosing a non-state school.
Parents love whiteboards, helpful online resources,
and distance classroom assessment and testing. The
informants hope that new didactic approaches will
increase the digital literacy of students in education.
But parents do not support the transition to distance
learning at school in general.
The sociological study identified seven groups of
reasons why families choose non-state school
education for their children. Parents believe that in
private gymnasiums and lyceums, the quality of
education is significantly higher, the safety of
children is ensured, and it is also possible to
individualize the student's educational route. In
addition, families strive to find a good school closer
to home, have the opportunity to pay for the education
of their children, and support digital teaching
methods. Among the practical recommendations of
the project is to improve the accessibility and quality
of school education, to provide strong preparation for
passing the Unified State Exam at school. The next
task of the empirical research is to analyze the
motives of the family choice of non-state schools at
different stages of schooling.
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project
number 19-011-00947.
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