general education (Decree of the President of the
Russian Federation "On National Goals and Strategic
Objectives of the Development of the Russian
Federation for the Period Up to 2024" dated May 7,
2018. No. 204).
Educational policy must meet the needs of the
economic, social, cultural development of society,
with the aim of competitive strength in the world
labor market. According to our scientists, for the
implementation of projects of the education system, it
is necessary to lay the foundation already at an early
age from 3 to 6 years, which will significantly reduce
the risks of school failure, directly affecting the social
and economic development of society.
In accordance with the law "On Education in the
Russian Federation", a new level of general education
has been introduced - preschool education. The
Federal State Educational Standard has been
developed, which provides for mandatory preparation
for school.
The high level of quality of Russian education and
the appearance of Russian universities in the ratings
of world leading universities is an important task that
must be carried out from the legislative, financial,
organizational and pedagogical points of view.
Among all the changes, the leading position is
taken by the digitalization of education, which is
characterized as a revolution of the 21st century and
is compared with the appearance of the printed book
and the mass school in the past centuries. The term
"digitalization" is used today so often and in regard to
all spheres of human life that the fact of the transition
to a digital society is out of question. The Russian
state is known to be the main initiator of innovative
processes of digital transformation of society and
economy. This is proved by the program "Digital
Economy of the Russian Federation" (Order of the
Government of the Russian Federation dated July 28,
2017 No. 1632-r), aimed at "creating conditions for
the development of a knowledge society in the
Russian Federation, improving the well-being and
quality of life of citizens of our country by increasing
the availability of the quality of goods and services
produced in the digital economy using modern digital
technologies, raising awareness and digital literacy,
improving the availability and quality of public
services for citizens, as well as security within the
country and abroad". In 2016, the federal project
"Modern Digital Educational Environment in the
Russian Federation" was launched, approved by the
Government of the Russian Federation as part of the
implementation of the government program
"Development of Education" for 2013–2020. Within
this project, it is planned to "modernize the system of
education and vocational training, bring educational
programs in line with the needs of the digital
economy, widely introduce digital tools for
educational activities and integrate them into the
information environment, provide an opportunity for
citizens to study according to an individual education
plan throughout their lives - anytime, anywhere".
The education system should provide society with
a confident transition to the digital era, focused on
gain in productivity, new types of work, human
needs, which is possible by including all segments of
the population in the learning process, building
individual learning courses, managing their own
learning outcomes, virtual and augmented reality.
Digital resources used today in daily human activities
make it possible to overcome the barriers of
traditional learning: the pace of mastering the
program, the choice of a teacher, forms and methods
of teaching.
In education, digitalization is aimed at ensuring
the continuity of the learning process, the so-called
life-long-learning, as well as its individualization
based on advanced-learning technologies. There is no
established definition of this term yet, but it includes
the use of big data in teaching about the process of
mastering individual disciplines by individual
students and in many respects automatic adaptation of
the educational process based on them; the use of
virtualization, augmented reality and cloud
computing and many other technologies.
The term "digitalization" (in the English version -
digitization, and sometimes digitalization) of the
economy and society is often understood as
transformation in the socio-economic sphere by way
of the mass introduction of digital technologies for
the search, creation, processing, exchange and
transmission of information. In various areas of the
economy, the concepts of "digital ecosystem",
"digital environment", "digital community", "digital
economy", "digitalization of education" are being
introduced. The digitalization of education leads to
changes in the labor market, in educational standards,
identifying needs in the formation of new
competencies of the population and is focused on
reorganizing the educational process, rethinking the
role of the teacher.
What should be a modern school, school in the
period of digitalization?
New digital technologies are making substantial
changes in the content of education, with innovations
affecting all levels of education. In preschool
institutions, interactive didactic materials are used to
develop logic, thinking, and intelligence. Companies
developing a digital educational environment offer