Interaction in the Coach-child-parents System as a Means of
Improving the Indicators of the Estimated-performance Component
of Success in the Process of Sports Training
A. M. Danilova
and A. D. Voronin
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Keywords: Sports Pedagogy, Additional Education, Components of Success, Self-Esteem, Training, Educational
Programs, Self-Development.
Abstract: Based on the definition of the concept of “schoolchildren's success in the process of sports training”, the
author identified and proposed six components of success in the process of sports training: physiological,
cognitive, moral, technical-tactical, psychological and evaluatively effective. In general, these components
characterize the main directions in the formation of the success of schoolchildren in the process of sports
training. The article suggests that the concept of "schoolchildren's success in the process of sports training" is
integrative, including interrelated and correlated components. From the author's point of view, the evaluative-
resultant component is one of the most necessary to achieve success. The author proposes to improve the
indicators of this component through the trainer-child-parent interaction system, which consists in the
development and application of the educational program of interaction between the coach of the sports school
and the parents of the children involved in “Success of your child”. The article also presents the diagnostics
of the evaluative-effective component, which consists in testing schoolchildren by using the questionnaire of
V.V. Stolin. and Panteleeva I.R. Based on the results of the experimental work, the author made conclusions
about the need for a deeper introduction into the practice of interaction between parents and their children and
the coach.
In the system of additional education, sports schools
of the Olympic reserve act as educational institutions
where children can show their abilities, their
character, and realize their self-esteem. That is, sports
activity is one of the main means of forming a child's
successful personality. In addition, sports have
always been the key to successful socialization. With
the correct structure of the process of sports training,
it can become a very effective means of forming
The success of schoolchildren in the process of
sports training is understood as: “successfully formed
and continuously improving sportsmanship of a
student in the process of sports training, supported by
a positive-adequate self-esteem, accompanied by a
sufficient level of motivation and a positive emotional
state, as well as an adequate social environment of the
student, which in aggregate presupposes achievement
trainees of a positive sports result” (Voronin, 2019).
Let's highlight the main components of the
success of schoolchildren-athletes:
1. Physiological;
2. Cognitive;
3. Technical and tactical;
4. Psychological;
5. Moral;
6. Evaluative and effective.
All of the above components in general terms
characterize the main directions in the formation of
the success of schoolchildren in the process of sports
training, which have independent characteristics:
technical, tactical, physical, psychological. Based on
the content of a certain component, the trainer-teacher
forms specific tasks aimed at improving the
schoolchild's sportsmanship and achieving success.
Danilova, A. and Voronin, A.
Interaction in the Coach-child-parents System as a Means of Improving the Indicators of the Estimated-performance Component of Success in the Process of Sports Training.
DOI: 10.5220/0010672400003223
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems (WFSDS 2021), pages 593-601
ISBN: 978-989-758-597-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
From the point of view of a number of modern
teachers in schoolchildren "the formation of
personality depends, first of all, on the social
environment, on the influence of adults around the
child ..." (Busygina et al, 2016). In addition, a huge
number of researchers speaks about the relationship
between the success of teaching and evaluative actions
of teachers (coaches) and students: the motivation of a
student who does not cope with the tasks assigned to
him in the process of playing sports will be at a low
level, and his confidence in his forces. The coach-
teacher must also arouse and then maintain a cognitive
interest not only in the mastery of physical or technical
actions, but also in the entire process of sports training
in general. As a result of this, all contradictions
between the trainer-teacher and the students, caused
by the organization of the educational and training
process, will be eliminated. And the correct
organization of this process encourages athletes to
conscientiously perform tasks (Voronin, 2018).
It is also impossible not to say about one important
factor influencing the feeling of success in sports
activity, about the impact on the student of his family.
Thanks to the family, the most comfortable conditions
for the life and upbringing of the child are formed, and
the feeling of belonging to the family is very important
for the mental, intellectual, moral development of the
individual (Goryachev, 1998). Often, children become
less motivated precisely in those families in which
there are conflicts and serious disagreements, as a
result of which schoolchildren do not receive the
necessary support, which leads to a decrease in
motivation and the emergence of various kinds of
problems and, as a consequence, the impossibility of
full disclosure of their potential in sports activities
(Christensen, 2009). Moreover, based on the views of
modern educators and scientists, who assert the great
influence of the family on the success of
schoolchildren in the learning process (Brickman,
2007), it can be assumed that the family has the same
influence on the formation of success in the process of
sports training. The only prerequisite is the
involvement of the student's parents in his process of
sports training and the constant interaction of the
coach with them. But the coach also needs to attach
importance to the fact that schoolchildren's priorities
change with age: the authority of their peers among
them increases, and the opinion of parents, on the
contrary, may not be taken seriously.
It is obvious that parental involvement has an
impact not only on the athletic performance of
schoolchildren, but also on their sense of their own
success (Danilova, 2019). Parental expectations about
their children are of great importance (Shiryaev,
From the point of view of the author, it is necessary
to involve parents in sports activities in order to form
success in schoolchildren. But raising parenting
interest is not easy. A quantitative increase in
parenting meetings will not contribute to the planned
result. In addition, parents who constantly miss
planned parenting meetings also very rarely come to
other events, such as: competitions, sports events, etc.
However, it has been proven that the more parents
are interested in any kind of activity of their children
(study, sports, music, etc.), the more successful the
children themselves will be in this area. It follows
from this that the influence of the family of
schoolchildren on their success is of great importance.
Most parents are not interested in and do not want to
be involved in their child's sports activities, such as
educational activities. They show even less interest
when a student reaches adolescence, and taking into
account the low sports results, the involvement of
parents falls to almost zero.
The main tasks of a trainer-teacher in working with
parents are to increase the cohesion of the parental
team and increase the parents' interest in the child's
sports life. Today, these tasks are being simplified in
view of the development of information technology
and multimedia support. For example, it is possible to
organize interaction between parents and coaches
using various social networks (Voronin, 2020). With
a clear understanding by the parents of the
requirements and the training system in the sports
section, it will be easier for them to influence the child
in terms of his sports activities.
However, it should be said that interacting with the
family in order to support the child's desire to achieve
success will only make sense when the family itself
trusts the coach and has a positive attitude towards his
work, as well as to the whole sport in general.
In order to form the success of all the schoolchildren
involved, taking into account the great role of the
family in this process, the authors worked with
parents. The developed program set the following
improving the pedagogical culture of parents;
creating conditions for effective interaction
between the coach and the family;
development of a universal, unified approach
to assessing and shaping the motivation of
schoolchildren in the family and in the sports
The above tasks were solved within the
framework of the developed program "Success of
your child" (table 1), which was adopted at the sports
school of the Olympic reserve - on the basis of which
a formative experiment was carried out.
The implementation of this program was carried
out in three stages: theoretical, practical, and final.
The theoretical stage included parenting meetings,
trainings for parents, individual conversations with
the parents of each child. The practical module
included: joint activities of children and parents,
parents visiting open lessons, joint viewing of
educational videos, extracurricular joint activities
with children. The main problem was to motivate
parents to active sports activities, in view of the fact
that most of them, as their children grew up, did not
particularly care about their sports activities. In
addition, a significant part of the parents did not show
much interest in sports in general.
The first module of the program - "Theoretical
information about the role of parents in the formation
of the child's success in the process of sports training"
- consisted of three sessions, which were conducted
not only jointly by the entire parental team, but also
individually with each parent of a schoolchild
engaged in the sports section. At the first lesson, held
in the form of a parent meeting, the parents were
described in detail the essence of the organization of
the educational and training process; the program
used by the coach, its differences from the traditional
process of sports training; pedagogical means used in
the process of sports training, aimed at the formation
of the success of schoolchildren, their specificity. All
parents who came to this lesson were given specific
examples of how the process of sports training in a
sports school will be organized. They also raised the
question of what parents need to pay attention to at
home in order to motivate the child to achieve success
and to form his cognitive interest in sports every day.
The second lesson for each parent and his child
was conducted individually. In the course of
individual conversations with parents and their
children, the role of the family in shaping the success
of schoolchildren in the process of sports training was
discussed. It paid special attention to the style of
relationships in a particular family, emphasized the
specifics of adolescence, difficulties arising from
certain misunderstandings between parents and their
children. In addition, the parents discussed the need
for a welcoming and friendly nurturing environment
for their children involved in sports, in which the
respective successes and failures will be properly
The third lesson with parents was in a training
format. A very significant topic was discussed at it -
"Helping a child to achieve success in sports." In this
lesson, parents whose children have achieved certain
results in sports activities shared with the rest of the
experience of how they helped and supported their
children on the way to achieving success. Also,
parents of teenagers were given brochures and
booklets with various advice from both parents of
outstanding athletes and from the coach: not to scold
a child for poor results in competitions; emphasize the
importance of playing sports in his life; support the
child in all his endeavors, even the most insignificant
and unrelated to sports activities; notice even his
insignificant successes, and not only focus on the
results of the competition; maintain confidence in the
child, and always advise him that even if he does not
always succeed, he himself does not become bad.
The second module of the program, practical -
"Joint training of parents and their children in the
educational and training process of sports training" -
was implemented in training sessions of adolescents,
with the active participation of their parents. The
latter were not only present, but also engaged in most
physical training classes for adolescent
schoolchildren, were actively involved in competitive
and extra-training activities. The training sessions,
which developed technical and tactical skills, were
conducted in the form of open lessons, which aroused
great parental interest. Through the joint efforts of the
coach and parents, trips to training camps in sports
camps, hiking trips, and various event events were
organized. Children went to the competitions, which
were held in other cities, not only accompanied by a
coach, but also by several more parents.
During joint sports training of a schoolchild and his
parents, the first develops a positive emotional
attitude, improves relationships in the family, sports
team, classroom, in the yard, which also greatly
affects the success of schoolchildren.
At the final stage, the results of the program were
analyzed, family relations were diagnosed, parents
were questioned, and further prospects for interaction
between parents and the coach were determined.
In addition to relationships in the trainer-child-
parents system, an equally important role in the
evaluative-effective component is assigned to such
indicators as self-control, reflection, self-esteem, etc.
Interaction in the Coach-child-parents System as a Means of Improving the Indicators of the Estimated-performance Component of Success
in the Process of Sports Training
Table 1: Content of the program of interaction between the sports school and the parents of the children involved in the
"Success of your child".
Theoretical stage
Recruitment of parents into a group for an educational and sports program. Diagnostics of family relations, analysis
of the educational work of coaches, analysis of the existing system of interaction between a sports school and parents.
Organization of classes with parents of schoolchildren, joint activities, work with a sports school. The theoretical stage
consists of three sessions.
The form of the lesson and its content
1 Parent-teacher meeting. Organization of the traditional process of sports training. Its differences from
the process used by the author. General information about the pedagogical means used in the process of sports
2 Individual conversations with parents and their children. Family relationship style. Features of
adolescence. Methods and means of parental education for the formation of motivation to go in for sports, in
order to achieve success.
3 Training. The role of the family and the influence of family education on the formation of
schoolchildren's success in sports activities.
Practical stage
The practical stage lasted throughout the entire process of sports training remaining after the theoretical lessons. At
this stage, a joint activity was developed between the coach, children and their parents for the formation of success in the
process of sports training. At the practical stage
Direction of joint activities
1 Joint physical training sessions for parents and their children under the guidance of a coach
2 Open training for parents
3 Social media interaction
4 Training camp with the invitation of parents
5 Tourist hike by a sports team
6 Joint travel to competitions
7 Organization and conduct of competitions
8 Watching video with children's performances and joint analysis of mistakes
Final stage
Analysis of the results of the program, diagnostics of family relations, questioning of parents, determination of further
prospects for interaction between parents and coaches of a sports school, analysis of the influence of the family on the
formation of the success of schoolchildren.
To identify the indicators of the evaluative-
effective component, we applied the self-attitude
questionnaire test developed by V.V. Stolin and S.R.
Panteleev (Glukhanyuk, 2005). This test allows you
to determine three levels of self-attitude, divided by
the degree of generalization:
1. global self-attitude;
2. self-attitude, differentiated by autosympathy,
expectations of attitude towards oneself, self-interest
and self-esteem;
3. the level of specific actions (or readiness for
these actions) in relation to your “I”.
The results were determined according to the
following scales included in this test questionnaire:
1. Scale S (integral).
2. Scale I - self-esteem.
3. Scale II - autosympathy.
4. Scale III - expected attitudes from others.
5. Scale IV - self-interest.
In addition to the above five scales, the test
contains seven more scales that determine the severity
of the attitude towards any internal actions towards
the "I" of the subject.
1. Self-confidence.
2. Attitude of others.
3. Self-acceptance.
4. Self-consistency.
5. Self-blame.
6. Self-interest.
7. Self-understanding.
In our work, when determining the indicators of
the evaluative-effective component, both during the
ascertaining experiment (before the introduction of
the program for working with parents) and during the
formative one (after the implementation of the
program), we analyzed not only quantitative
indicators for each scale (what percentage
schoolchildren belongs to each category) (table 2),
but the average indicator for each scale among
schoolchildren in the control and experimental groups
was also determined (table 3).
Table 2: Dynamics of quantitative indicators of the evaluative - effective component.
Indicator name Test group Stage name
Test results
More than
(the sign is
50-74% (the
sign is
Less than 50%
(the sign is not
Global attitude
towards oneself
Control group The ascertaining stage 73% 17% 10%
Control stage 68% 23% 9%
Dynamics - 5% +6 % - 1%
The ascertaining stage 57% 29% 14%
Control stage 71% 21% 8%
Dynamics + 14% - 8% - 6%
Self-esteem Control group The ascertaining stage 50% 17% 33%
Control stage 44% 29% 27%
Dynamics - 6% + 12 % - 6%
The ascertaining stage 14% 72% 14%
Control stage 32% 55% 13%
Dynamics + 18% - 17% - 1%
Autosympathy Control group The ascertaining stage 33% 55% 12%
Control stage 35% 52% 13%
Dynamics + 2% - 3 % + 1%
The ascertaining stage 21% 30% 49%
Control stage 27% 39% 34%
Dynamics + 6% + 9% - 15%
Expected attitudes of
Control group The ascertaining stage 4% 31% 65%
Control stage 6% 34% 60%
Dynamics + 2% + 3 % - 5%
The ascertaining stage 2% 27% 71%
Control stage 6% 38% 56%
Dynamics + 4% + 11% - 15%
Self-interest Control group The ascertaining stage 28% 47% 25%
Control stage 21% 40% 39%
Dynamics - 7% - 7% + 14%
The ascertaining stage 29% 42% 29%
Control stage 31% 48% 21%
Dynamics + 2% + 6% - 8%
Overconfidence Control group The ascertaining stage
18% 39% 43%
Control stage
18% 43% 39%
0% + 4% - 4%
The ascertaining stage
5% 33% 62%
Control stage
13% 47% 40%
+ 8% + 14% - 22%
Interaction in the Coach-child-parents System as a Means of Improving the Indicators of the Estimated-performance Component of Success
in the Process of Sports Training
Table 2: Dynamics of quantitative indicators of the evaluative - effective component (cont.).
Indicator name Test group Stage name
Test results
More than 74%
(the sign is
50-74% (the
sign is
Less than 50%
(the sign is not
Attitude of others Control group The ascertaining stage
11% 37% 52%
Control stage
13% 37% 50%
+ 2% 0% - 2%
The ascertaining stage
6% 38% 56%
Control stage
18% 32% 50%
Dynamics + 12% - 6% - 6%
Self-acceptance Control group The ascertaining stage
50% 27% 23%
Control stage
42% 32% 26%
- 8% + 5% + 3%
The ascertaining stage
34% 39% 27%
Control stage
35% 46% 19%
+ 1% + 7% - 8%
Self-consistency Control group The ascertaining stage
51% 20% 29%
Control stage
47% 27% 26%
- 4% + 7% - 3%
The ascertaining stage
52% 16% 32%
Control stage
58% 19% 23%
+ 6% + 3% - 9%
Self-blame Control group The ascertaining stage
27% 19% 54%
Control stage
31% 15% 54%
+ 4% - 4% 0%
The ascertaining stage
17% 15% 68%
Control stage
13% 11% 76%
- 4% - 4% + 8%
Self-interest Control group The ascertaining stage
36% 31% 33%
Control stage
26% 32% 42%
- 10% + 1% + 9%
The ascertaining stage
18% 36% 46%
Control stage
21% 42% 37%
+ 3% + 6% - 9%
Attitude of others Control group The ascertaining stage
50% 33% 17%
Control stage
47% 38% 15%
- 3% + 5% - 2%
The ascertaining stage
43% 35% 22%
Control stage
55% 29% 16%
+ 12% - 6% - 6%
Table 3. Dynamics of the average values of indicators of the evaluative - effective component.
Indicator name Comparison of indicators
group (n = 62)
Control group (n = 62)
Global attitude towards oneself
(number of points in%)
The ascertaining stage
72,39% 80%
Control stage 76,48% 77,15%
Dynamics + 4,09% - 2,85%
Self-esteem (number of points in%) The ascertaining stage 71,18% 65,59%
Control stage 73,84% 63,91%
Dynamics + 2,66% - 1,68%
Autosympathy (number of points in%) The ascertaining stage 45,15% 66,13%
Control stage 60,29% 67,07%
Dynamics + 15,14% - 0,94%
Expected attitudes of others (points
The ascertaining stage 41,61% 42,26%
Control stage 49,11% 47,62%
Dynamics + 7,5% + 5,36%
Self-interest (number of points in%) The ascertaining stage 60% 78,28%
Control stage 77,93% 56,28%
Dynamics + 17,93% - 22%
Self-confidence (number of points in%) The ascertaining stage 53,08% 73,65%
Control stage 72,51% 76,68%
Dynamics + 19,43% + 3,03%
The ratio of others (number of points
The ascertaining stage 37,35% 40,32%
Control stage 47,14% 43,27%
Dynamics + 9,79% + 2,98%
Self-acceptance (number of points in%) The ascertaining stage 60,10% 82,15%
Control stage 68,77% 76,15%
Dynamics + 8,67% - 6%
Self-consistency (points in%) The ascertaining stage 67,94% 70,97%
Control stage 79,81% 70,57%
Dynamics + 11,87% - 0,4%
Self-blame (number of points in%) The ascertaining stage 54,63% 41,77%
Control stage 43,24% 46,38%
Dynamics - 11,39% + 4,61%
Self-interest (number of points in%) The ascertaining stage 50,37% 65,97%
Control stage 64,58% 59,38%
Dynamics + 14,21% - 6,59%
Self-understanding (number of points
The ascertaining stage 71,29% 80,76%
Control stage 85,90% 77,72%
Dynamics + 14,61% - 3,04%
Interaction in the Coach-child-parents System as a Means of Improving the Indicators of the Estimated-performance Component of Success
in the Process of Sports Training
Using Fisher's criterion, the empirical value is
determined at the level Femp = 3.27 of the dynamics
of the indicators of the evaluative-effective
component in the experimental and control groups of
subjects, which is greater than the critical value of
Fisher's criterion for a significance level of 0.05:
F0.05 = 1.64. Consequently, the differences between
the states of the experimental and control groups are
95% significant.
Based on the results of the experimental work, a
number of changes in the evaluative-productive
component of the success of schoolchildren were
determined. The essence of these changes lies in the
dynamics of self-assessment, consisting of 12 scales.
Based on the results of experimental work on the
evaluative-effective component, the following results
were obtained:
- a global attitude towards oneself - in the
experimental group, the number of schoolchildren
with a pronounced manifestation of this sign “+ 14%”
increased and the number of those children in whom
such a sign manifests itself insufficiently often or
does not manifest itself at all; in the control group,
there is a decline in the number of schoolchildren with
a bright severity of this indicator "-5%" towards the
average severity;
- self-esteem - schoolchildren of the experimental
group on this basis showed an increase in their results
to the manifestation of a bright manifestation of "+
18%", and schoolchildren with a bright manifestation
of self-esteem from the control group, on the
contrary, decreased "-6%";
- autosympathy - according to this indicator, an
increase in the number of schoolchildren with a
pronounced severity is seen in both groups, but in the
control group this result is less "+ 2%" than in the
experimental group "+ 6%". In addition, in the
experimental group, there was an increase in the
number of schoolchildren in whom this feature did
not manifest itself at all to the number of those where
this feature was expressed in a sufficient level of "+
9%", in the control group, on the contrary, this
indicator decreased "-3%";
- the expected attitude of others - in this indicator
and in the control and experimental groups, there was
an increase in the number of schoolchildren from a
low value (the sign is not expressed) to higher (the
sign is expressed, the sign is pronounced) in general
by "+ 5%" and "+ 15% "Respectively;
- self-interest - schoolchildren from the
experimental group became more interested in
themselves, as a result, their level of self-attitude
towards themselves increased. In total, according to
this scale, in the experimental group there was an
increase from the mark "the sign is not expressed" to
higher results by 8%. In the control group, the picture
looks completely different - the number of
schoolchildren who are interested in themselves has
significantly decreased from high marks "the sign is
brightly expressed" and "the sign is expressed" to low
by 14%.
- self-confidence - 22% of schoolchildren in the
experimental group improved their results on this
indicator from low to higher marks ("+ 14%" - the
sign is pronounced, "+ 8%" - the sign is pronounced).
There were no significant changes in schoolchildren
in the control group;
- the attitude of others - in this indicator and in
both groups there was an increase in the number of
schoolchildren from a low value (the sign is not
expressed) to higher (the sign is pronounced, the sign
is pronounced), but the results of "+ 12%" of the
experimental group exceed the results of the control
"+2 %" on 10%;
- self-acceptance - from this indicator it becomes
visible both an increase in the results of
schoolchildren in the experimental group ("+ 7%" - a
sign is pronounced, "+ 1%" - a sign is pronounced),
and a decrease in the number of schoolchildren in the
control group who had a high level of self-acceptance
for the worse values "-8%";
- self-consistency - in the experimental group, the
number of schoolchildren who improved their results
on this indicator increased by 9%, while in the control
group, their peers, on the contrary, demonstrated a
decrease from the level of "the sign is pronounced" to
the level of "the sign is expressed" by 4% and the
increase in schoolchildren to the same level from the
level “the sign is not expressed by 3%;
- self-accusation - the number of schoolchildren in
the experimental group, in whom this symptom began
to manifest itself to a lesser extent, increased by 8%,
and in the control group, 4% of schoolchildren began
to condemn and accuse themselves even more often;
- self-interest - the number of schoolchildren who
began to show more interest in themselves increased
by 9% in the experimental group, and decreased by
10% in the control group;
- self-understanding - the number of
schoolchildren in the experimental group who
improved their results on this indicator increased by
12%, and in the control group, schoolchildren showed
a decrease from the level of "the sign is pronounced"
to the level of "the sign is expressed" by 3% and the
increase of schoolchildren to the same level from the
level “The sign is not expressed by 2%.
Analyzing the above information, it should be said
about the need to deeper implement the practice of
interaction between parents and their children and the
coach. In this practice, in addition to researching
issues affecting the sports life of a teenage
schoolchild and improving his results, discuss social,
pedagogical, legal problems in the system of family
education and upbringing in the process of sports
training in the system of additional education
(discussions, group work, game techniques, social
projects, etc.); increasing parental literacy in
education (pedagogical and psychological forums
and workshops, consultations of specialists at the
request of parents, etc.).
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Voronin, A.D. (2019). The content of the concept of
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Vestnik SamSTU: Series "Psychological and
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Voronin, A.D. (2020). Using Innovative Technologies
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Current Achievements, Challenges and Digital
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Interaction in the Coach-child-parents System as a Means of Improving the Indicators of the Estimated-performance Component of Success
in the Process of Sports Training