Table 1: Seven ‘strict templates’ used for making 70 subset sum instances. A value such as 4b randomly generates a corre-
sponding integer of exactly 4 bits, meaning it is randomly chosen between 8 and 16. The templates vary in eccentricity, ST
being the most eccentric, and ST
being the flattest possible. For each template, one corresponding instance is given as an
Strict Template Example Instance
(1b,1b,1b,1b,1b,4b,4b,5b,9b,13b,17b,21b) {0,1,1,1,0,10,12,17,478,7899,90607,1638220}
(1b,1b,2b,2b,3b,4b,5b,6b,9b,12b,15b,18b) {1,1,3,3,6,15,23,40,423,3422,24181,251636}
(1b,1b,2b,4b,4b,5b,6b,7b,9b,11b,13b,15b) {0,1,3,8,14,30,45,79,324,1145,4332,19120}
(1b,2b,3b,4b,5b,6b,7b,8b,9b,10b,11b,12b) {1,2,6,12,19,35,115,247,305,563,1534,3828}
(3b,3b,4b,4b,5b,6b,7b,8b,8b,9b,10b,11b) {7,6,9,13,16,55,109,175,230,330,909,1686}
(4b,4b,5b,5b,6b,6b,7b,7b,8b,8b,9b,9b) {11,11,30,26,49,49,84,80,166,156,484,317}
(6b,6b,6b,6b,6b,6b,7b,7b,7b,7b,7b,7b) {58,54,35,61,50,49,122,71,111,119,108,92}
of ‘strict’, which means that a template entry of 6b
results in an integer of exactly 6 bits, and not fewer.
This constraint ensures that all instances in all cohorts
have exactly 78 bits in total, making all experimen-
tal instances equal in both n and m. Still, despite this
stringent uniformity, the exact assignment of informa-
tional bits within the input has a formidable impact on
an instance’s hardness.
Centrally located in the list of strict templates is
, that increases linearly: 1b, 2b, 3b...12b, which,
from an information theory perspective, could be seen
as ‘scale free’ (Section 4). Below it, all templates
get increasingly flatter, reaching the flattest possible
template of 78 bits in 12 entries in ST
, which con-
sists of six 6b-entries and six 7b-entries. The three
templates above the central template are increasingly
eccentric, with a flat beginning but rising increas-
ingly faster towards the end. Unlike the lower half
of the strict templates, that ranges from linearly in-
creasing to maximum flatness, the top half does not
range to maximum eccentricity. A maximally eccen-
tric strict template for 78 bits and 12 entries is given
by (1b,1b, 1b...1b, 67b), which would produce eleven
zeroes and ones, and one extremely large integer. So
even though the range of eccentricity extends a long
way upward, we did not incorporate any of these ex-
tremes. In its current setting, we think that the up-
per half of the table is representative for all templates
more eccentric than ST
In this experiment, the eccentric subset sum instances
all have the exact same hardness, fixed at 2048 re-
cursions. This is well explainable: the preprocess-
ing step, which sorts the integers largest to smallest,
ensures the first recursion subtree immediately ex-
ceeds the target value t and thereby requires no fur-
ther recursions, discarding half of the total search tree.
There can be only one integer s
in an in-
stance of the partition problem of this size, and such
an integer is present in all instances generated from
templates ST
, ST
, ST
and ST
. Computationally
speaking therefore, the presence of such an integer
sets an upper bound of 2
recursions on the in-
stance’s hardness. The rest of the search tree, contain-
ing at most half the summed value distributed over 11
integers, needs to be fully checked to ensure the best
approximation, requiring exactly 2
Descending through Table 1, the instances in ST
cohort are the first to show a little variation in their
computational cost (also see Fig. 1). In this region,
the largest integer in the instance no longer automat-
ically constitutes half of the set’s total, but also the
algorithm sometimes performs one more step than
many other branch and bound implementations, be-
cause its target t can be approximated from below and
The most interesting patterns however emerge
from ST
, ST
and especially ST
. In this area,
most subtrees are non-prunable because the integers
reside in the same range of values, which causes all
of the search tree to be exhaustively searched in the
worst case (even though this never happened in this
experiment, likely because t =
for all in-
stances). But computation time doesn’t only increase
in these regions; there are also significant setbacks
in computational cost. These occur when instances
have exact solutions, and the search can be halted
altogether once one is found. As instances flatten,
mostly in the ST
-area, exact solutions become ever
more rife, causing the search process to halt earlier.
But the instances without an exact solution are in-
deed harder, so the somewhat paradoxical conclusion
is that in this region, the hardest instances and the
easiest instances are very close together, tightly in-
termingled in the same confined area of ST
. In this
area, instances’ integers can be said to have mutual
information, a concept well-known from information
theory, the broader ramifications of which will be dis-
cussed next.
ECTA 2021 - 13th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications