objectives, their networks and methods are quite
same. Similarly, the concrete operation in these cities
proved to be much the same. There is no one
organized way of how the benchmarking is to be
conducted. From the knowledge management
practises there is the gathering of the data, sometimes
referred to as empirical material, and the organizing
thereof (Choo, 2002; Hellsten and Myllärniemi,
2019). Each area may have a different way of doing
this, even inside of one city. The systematic way, or a
model, is not there. We offer a possible approach for
the future benchmarking activities (Figure 2.).
Figure 2: Proposed approach for public sector
This is a condensed version of the theoretical
models found in the literature and presents a
simplified way of organizing the actions. A notable
detail is that the outcome includes also the decision-
making based on discovered results of the inquiries.
This might offer an answer to the issues found in
the interviews where the systems and applications are
reportedly being used sporadically. In some cases
there are some form of tool sets in use, however, quite
often this is not the case. The applications are not
utilized to their full capacity to say the least. The
effective organization of the knowledge forms the
basis for the effective knowledge dissemination,
which in turn, is a starting point of well executed
knowledge-based management. Based on the
research the knowledge sharing, the results from the
benchmarking, are unevenly distributed and
sometimes in an occasional manner. Of course, there
are weekly meetings in teams, in some cases in
service areas, and a bit more seldom management
teams where these issues may come up. Or not.
As a summary, the amount of tacit knowledge is
large. This means that the knowledge indeed resides in
people. The phenomenon is recognized and only when
acknowledged it may be addressed so that the
organization may benefit from the vast knowledge base
that is the employees (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995).
The future step may be to define the present state of
knowledge management by e.g. employing a
questionnaire regarding this and elaborate the findings
thereof and thus formulate a road map for the future
endeavours in this area. Benchmarking is an obvious
asset of implementing KM in the city’s operation and
especially the improvement of the operation.
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