One of the first essential questions one must an-
swer is what type of knowledge representation will be
used? In our literature review part of this paper, we
mentioned what representation types are used in simi-
lar systems. A classic approach would be to use rules;
however, it would be more beneficial to use some on-
tology or concept maps due to the nature of Service
Desk data. It is essential to consider that the pro-
posed system has multiple modules that work with the
knowledge stored in the Knowledge Base; therefore,
they must be able to effectively and correctly work
with the knowledge.
To ensure the quality of the knowledge stored in
the knowledge base, we propose for the individual
types of the knowledge domains to be ”owned” by a
specific expert in that field, who is also a member of
the staff of the company or corporation. This way, the
expert can supervise and control the knowledge store
and ensure that it is appropriately stored and the in-
formation provided by the Knowledge Base entry is
sufficient for both the system and its users (incl. op-
erators). These tasks should also be covered and en-
couraged by the company’s Knowledge Management
Department or its Service Desk subdivision.
The role of automation in the Service Desk is indis-
pensable and will keep being important in the future.
Thanks to employing automation methods, the pro-
cesses of the Service Desk and related knowledge
management can be optimized and improved. In our
position paper, we proposed a theoretical model of
an Automated Service Desk System that consists of
a number of modules. We would like to build a proto-
type of such a system and perform feasibility tests in
our future research.
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