framework and the changes that it brings to their
routine. A more extended pilot in both cases, that is
scheduled as a next step of our work, will allow us to
implement the lessons learned from the first two pilot
studies and further improve the results of our
More specifically, an increased number of MiMos
recognized by the system produced a high number of
recommendations, which in general were accepted
positively by users. However, we had an indication
that the number of recommendations should be
slightly reduced, focusing mainly on those that are
absolutely necessary to improve safety, health and
productivity of employees, and sporadically
addressing secondary aspects.
The difference between the perceived workload
aspects of the working task with and without the use
of sustAGE and the respective work-related
recommendations was found to be not significant.
This means that the system did not negatively affect
the perceived workload especially considering some
technical issues with regard to the loss of connection
and the recommendations’ delivery.
The sustAGE recommendations framework and
its supporting ecosystem with the sensors, the
processing modules, and the delivery and feedback
mechanisms will allow to maximise the impact of the
intervention. Moreover, it will provide ageing
workers with a solution that empowers them to keep
their competencies, skills and fitness at a high level
and remain healthy and active in the workforce
throughout the foreseen time-span until retirement
(but also after retirement), setting the preconditions
for and supporting sustainable work and overall
healthy ageing.
This work has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation
programme under the grant agree-ment No. 826506
(sustAGE) (
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