learning model, and a set of existing NLP methods
such as text pre-processing and word embedding
leads to successful multilingual sentiment analysis.
We compared five deep learning models by
training them on 14,400 (80%) tweets from our
dataset and testing them on 3,600 (20%) tweets. Our
CNN model achieves the best accuracy of 85.91%
and an F1-score of 84.61%.
A second experiment was carried out by applying
the winning CNN model on a balanced set of tweets
with emojis collected from Twitter. The CNN model
achieved satisfying accuracy (higher than 90%) for
the European languages, while its accuracy for Arabic
tweets is 86%. This difference can be explained by
the translation software's inability to translate non-
standard Arabic to English and the wide use of non-
standard Arabic on social media.
Future work may explore the ability of
transformer-based models to successfully tackle the
sentiment analysis problem for corpora containing
documents in multiple Arabic dialects.
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