Toward a Digitalized Holistic and Integrated Healthcare Vision
Driven by Deep Learning and IoT
Hayat Zaydi and Zohra Bakkoury
École Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Ibn Sina Street, RABAT, Morocco
Keywords: Survey, Deep Learning, Applications, IoT, Healthcare, Holistic Approach.
Abstract: Internet of Things, deep learning, and smart Healthcare are terms that have been very popular over the last
decade, with hundreds of searches being conducted around the world on one or more aspects related to all
three words. Some of them are surveys on the use of Deep Learning in Healthcare, and others are surveys on
the use of Deep Learning in sensor networks; some have focused on the emergence of IoT in Industry 4.0 for
the Healthcare sector or deployment of deep neural network architecture in sensor networks. The present work
is a shortcut to several studies on different aspects, all dealing with three elements mentioned above, giving a
critical analysis of missed aspects or which would be bringing more value to these works.
Deep Learning, IoT, and smart Healthcare have been
increasingly co-existing and cooperating in the last
few years.
Indeed, the fast progress in technology that the
world of data has experienced, specifically the
emergence of management, storage, and processing
of voluminous data platforms, contributed to this.
This volume, which was a significant challenge for
infrastructure that existed not very long ago, is itself
a valuable asset that has given the height of artificial
intelligence technology with all its sub-domains,
particularly Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
This huge volume of data is also due, among other
sources, to the connected objects explosion with
arrival of IoT concept, which is one of the areas that
have experienced an exponential emergence and
development of fastest in history of information
technology, with more than 50 billion devices at the
end of the previous year 2020 (Ray et al., 2016). This
field [(Abawajy & Hassan, 2017)] has a wide range of
use cases, from industry, telecommunications,
entertainment, smart cities, smart homes to one of the
most sensitive areas for humanity; I refer to the field
of health and medicine, continues to generate interest
and is driving studies and research, especially in the
age of industry 4.0.
Our interest focuses on the intersection of these
three technologies, in particular deep learning
techniques applied to data collected from connected
medical objects, which is an Artificial Intelligence
aspect for the internet of medical things IoMT.
The present work offers a shortcut to studies and
research related to one or two elements of the triplet
of our paper (DL, IoT, and Healthcare), with the
purpose to summarize, analyze and discuss research
addressed in this work; moreover, we will bring out
points and axis that these researches could have
strengthened, that can open new researches
This paper is structured as follows, after
introduction, section 2 presents methodology
followed, Section 3 discusses the core of the work,
namely the presentation of related work, discussion
and criticism with the opening of new horizons and
new research axis and, then a conclusion and
references used to construct this paper.
The survey in this article is conducted as follows:
After identifying an extensive collection of articles
from 2016 to 2020. An in-depth reading has been
done with a view to identifying the essence of
concerned article, article type and, key points
After, a cross-analysis was carried out on all of
these summaries, which allowed us to identify the
Zaydi, H. and Bakkoury, Z.
Toward a Digitalized Holistic and Integrated Healthcare Vision Driven by Deep Learning and IoT.
DOI: 10.5220/0010727900003101
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Modelling and Machine Learning (BML 2021), pages 33-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-559-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
shortcomings in the insights discussed above and to
conclude the need for a shortened point to these
research panoplies presented in our paper; figure 1
summarizes said methodology.
Figure 1: Followed methodology
In (Gavrilović & Mishra, 2020) paper’s, the software
architecture part dedicated to the IoT for Healthcare
was addressed. They first proposed a global
architecture for all sectors potentially affected by IoT,
as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Global IoT architecture for a variety of industries
(Sethi & Sarangi, 2017)
They then proposed dedicated architectures for
three sectors: Smart Cities, Healthcare, and
They also emphasized the importance of using a
software architecture dedicated to the Healthcare
sector, as shown in Figure 2. To meet
IoT system
, any IoT architecture must be functional,
scalable, available, and resilient. In the Healthcare
field, an IoT architecture allows the interconnection
of several functionalities and collects data from
several sensors types (portable, inertial, location, and
physiological sensors) using a dedicated sensor layer
(Kamienski et al., 2017).
(Yao et al., 2018) have attempted to provide
answers to 4 key questions to propose and design a
Deep Learning framework applied to IoT data from
sensor networks; these questions are: What neural
network structures can efficiently process and merge
data from connected objects? How to take into
account the low consumption of resources by the
connected objects in the design of neural network
architectures, given that these architectures have a
very high resources consumption? What are the
metrics to be measured to determine the relevance of
Deep Learning models for the IoT? And finally, they
highlighted the significant need for labelled data in
the training process in these cases and the need to
minimize it for performance gains. They also
proposed using a neural network compression
algorithm called Deep IoT, and for measures of
accuracy of obtained results, they proposed the use of
the RdeepSense algorithm (Yao et al., 2017), which
allows making precise and well-calibrated estimates
by changing objective function.
In the same spirit (Fadlullah et al., 2018)
have proposed a solution based on deep neural
networks, specifically the CNN convolutional neural
network on the data retrieved from the IoT devices of
individual users to translate the analysis and
processing of these data from the Cloud to the edge
of the IoT network to overcome the problem of non-
tolerance to delay of certain types of data that are
sensitive in the Healthcare process.
The proposed solution involves three phases,
namely data collection, chosen neural network
training , and prediction from new data via the model
generated in the second phase.
They evaluated the relevance of the proposed
solution through Python programming of a simple
neural network using the Keras library, the Theano
library and Tensorflow.
This solution could have been extended by testing
its operation and measuring its relevance at the three
possible sites in IoT network architectures, namely
Cloud, Edge, and Fog Computing.
On the other hand, the application of Deep
Learning and Machine Learning algorithms to
Healthcare data, in general, has been the subject of
many articles and research works.
Among these researches, we have (Pandey &
Janghel, n.d.); according to this work, the most
relevant deep neural network architectures for these
use cases are Autoencoder, Restricted Boltzman
Machine, Deep Belief Network, Recurrent Neural
Literature review on the interval
[2016, 2020]
Summaries cross-analysis and
deficiencies identification.
Result Need for a shortcut to
these studies.
Network, Convolutional Neural Network, and
Generative Adversarial Networks.
All these Neural Network architectures apply to
the Healthcare field, with both advantages and
The application of these deep neuronal
architectures on data obtained from medical IoTs has
been the subject of another research.
Indeed, (Dourado et al., 2021) have proposed an
online Framework in the context of computational
intelligence to be used with IoT devices.
This Framework has the particularity of not
requiring any advanced skills or knowledge in AI or
image processing: any user can load his images, and
perform training of algorithm and then generate the
appropriate model.
This Framework is validated using data from three
medical databases and is based on the CNN
(Convolutional Neural Network), which is one of the
most important neural network architectures; CNNs
are mainly used to classify images, group them by
similarities, and then perform object recognition.
Many algorithms using NDCs can identify faces,
traffic signs, and animals.
(Granados et al., 2018) have proposed an IoT
platform for ECG analysis (electrocardiogram, which
is a graphical representation of heart's electrical
activity using connected electrodes placed on
patient's skin in the area of heart); this intelligent
system has consisted of connected ECG sensors, a
web gateway from the smartphone and a server in the
Cloud integrating a deep neural network as shown in
the following figure 3:
Figure 3: Cloud-based ECG analysis platform based on Deep Neural Network and the IoT (Granados et al., 2018)
(Suneetha et al., 2020) proposed a review of some
works that have proposed platforms for analyzing
Healthcare data collected from IoT devices to
diagnose and predict diseases to anticipate and
improve people's health global condition.
The authors of this work reviewed 12 papers.
{ (Kaur et al., 2018); (Lakshmanaprabu et al., 2019);
(F. Ali et al., 2018) ; (S. A. Ali et al., 2020) ; (Chen
et al., 2017) ;(Din et al., 2019) ;(Satapathy et al.,
2015); (Gupta et al., 2017) ; (Liu et al., 2019) ;(Kaur
et al., 2018) ; (Samuel et al., 2017) ; (Zhang et al.,
2018) }
And then, they listed the types of Deep Neural
Architectures used, the number of diseases involved
in each work, the constraints faced as well as the
metrics and methods used to measure the relevance of
each model generated.
Most of the articles approached by this review
deal with heart disease cases; thus, it is concluded that
the study is interesting. It would be more interesting
if it covered a wide spectrum of diseases; moreover,
the datasets used are not all generated by the IoT
As concerns (Zikria et al., 2020), they discussed
application of Deep Learning algorithms on smart
they also highlighted the need to orient the
conception and design of next-generation wireless
networks towards high autonomy and robustness in
order to overcome the limitations of IoT devices,
especially in terms of computing power, energy
autonomy, and memory. They also highlighted the
significant challenge of merging the techniques of
Deep Learning and Machine Learning with the
functionalities provided by IoT devices to improve
IoT applications. The optimization of these
applications depends on the software and hard
architectures as well as the site of implementation;
they can be deployed in the Cloud, Edge, or Fog
Toward a Digitalized Holistic and Integrated Healthcare Vision Driven by Deep Learning and IoT
(Irshad et al., 2020) have gone beyond the building
of intelligent systems using Deep Learning, IoT for
health care data analysis; they have focused on
optimizing these systems, especially biological
systems. In this perspective, they proposed a smart
system based on RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)
and LSTM (Long short-term memory) combined with
state-of-the-art probabilistic methods to predict
performance needs and anticipate situations. This
system would have more impact and usability if
expanded to cover all intelligent Healthcare systems,
specifically those based on AI and IoT. Other research
has focused on the security aspect of Deep learning
and IoT and the privacy respect in the Healthcare
field. In this context (Thakkar & Lohiya, 2020) have
focused on using Deep Learning and Machine
Learning algorithms to predict potential intrusions in
IoT devices in all fields, particularly the detection of
attacks in IoT networks. These intrusions are
increasingly numerous, and they are very harmful, in
particular, in the healthcare domain because there is a
need to preserve patients' privacy while handling data
collected from IoMTs;
In this research, there is neither a segmentation of
security risks nor a focus on the criticality of this issue
at Healthcare level.
Nowadays, research is focused on challenges posed
by data specificities collected from IoMT, as well as
on nature of devices that generate these data, in
particular, sensors with memory, energy autonomy,
and computing power constraints.
Others focused on the technical aspect by
presenting the mathematical and algorithmic details
of the various deep neuronal architectures. While
others have been focused on the aspect of using these
algorithms for a specific purpose, which may be the
intrusions detection in IoT networks, the automation
of Healthcare processes through the application of DL
on medical sensor data, or purely medical purpose
including the prediction of various diseases through
images analysis, patient’s data analysis and patient's
vital signal This is done for several purposes,
including early intervention by the medical
profession, the prescription of more appropriate
treatments, prediction of the evolution of a disease
and more.
In this paper, we have discussed the gaps, the
omitted facets, the aspects that could have been
included in each research overview as it is discussed.
The main thing we have concluded is the fact that
while there has been an enormous amount of research
on these topics, mainly on Deep Learning, Machine
Learning, IoT, Healthcare, security, software
architecture, we lack a holistic approach to bring all
these elements together in the same Framework, the
same study, the same survey, thus providing a single,
shortcut access to this large and vast world structured
around three dimensions, notably Deep Learning, IoT
and Healthcare, with all the hidden aspects behind
each of these three dimensions.
We propose, after this study, to design, develop
and deploy a Framework that fulfills this holistic
In this paper, we have tried to summarize all these
aspects describing synergies and interactions between
Deep Learning, IoT, and the health industry, to create,
first, a shortcut to these different aspects from a single
point which is this article, second; we have
highlighted the lack of holistic study and research that
integrates all these elements into a single survey.
The purpose of this article is to bring all these
elements together in one place with, as a scientific
contribution, a layer of analysis and discussion.
This work also allows us to focus, for the next
work, on application aspects related to these same
topics to propose design, development, and
deployment of a global solution, and this, by
combining Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and
IoT techniques for Healthcare.
Indeed, based on this study, we propose to design,
develop and deploy a Framework that meets this
global approach. It is planned to design the
Framework to be customizable according to a specific
configuration (various types of Deep Neural
Architectures) and depending on the use case and the
location of its deployment (Cloud, Edge or Fog or
other depending on the evolution of science) along
with a security dimension considering its crucial
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Toward a Digitalized Holistic and Integrated Healthcare Vision Driven by Deep Learning and IoT