layer in the case of DGNN affects directly the training
and response time, which may be incompatible for the
online diagnosis, the DGNN requires in some
applications to perform several pieces of training with
several training databases to obtain interesting results,
which is not possible in some problems of industrial
diagnosis, because sometimes the data are minimal.
-Concerning the high computing capacity required
by the RRBF, R2BF, and Jordan/Elman variant’s
architectures, there is no longer a real problem thanks
to the potent processors developed in the last few
The outcome of this comparison shows that the
RRBF provides some advantages, which another
architecture cannot deal with. Thanks to its high
accuracy and its simple architecture, which is
dedicated directly to industrial systems diagnosis, in
addition to its easiness of understanding and
implementation, make it the recurrent neural network
architecture, which can deal perfectly with the
diagnosis operation.
The implementation of a diagnosis module for an
industrial system imposes different requirements to
be taken into consideration. In these papers, we
highlight the use of recurrent neural networks to
ensure the diagnosis operation; through a
comparative study between the relevant architectures
presented in the literature, we found the RRBF could
deal perfectly with industrial system diagnosis, which
another cannot deal with, thanks to the strengths
offered by this architecture. As an extension of this
work, we will use the RRBF neural network to
elaborate a diagnosis module to ensure discrete event
system diagnosis, which is considered an important
class of industrial systems.
This research was financially supported by the
National Center for Scientific and Technical
Research of Morocco. The authors wish to give their
sincere thanks to this organism for the valuable
cooperation as well as we would like to thank the
editors and reviewers for their constructive comments
and suggestions, which helped us to improve the
quality of this paper.
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