Analytical Solution of Homogeneous Groundwater Flow Equation
using Method of Separation of Variables
Lhoussaine El Mezouary
, Samir Kabbaj
and Bouabid El Mansouri
Laboratory of mathematical analysis, non-commutative geometry, and applications, Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail
University, Campus Maamora, BP. 133 1400 Kenitra, Morocco Geosciences
Laboratory of Natural Resources, hydroinformatics Team, Faculty of Sciences, University Ibn Tofail, Campus Maamora,
BP. 133 1400 Kenitra, Morocco
Keywords: Method of Separation of Variables, Groundwater Equation, Diffusion Equation, Porous Media, heat diffusion
Abstract: This paper presents an analytical solution for predicting the one-dimensional (1D) time-dependent
groundwater flow profile in an unconfined system. This hydraulic charge prediction problem is modeled as a
boundary value problem governed by the heat diffusion equations. The solution technic employs the
separation of variables method, the results are compared to the numerical solution, and the solution displays
a reasonable flow head during different periods.
The groundwater equation governed through Darcy
law and the continuity equation was the subject of a
set of research. Among the first researchers
concerned with this equation (Bansal and Das, 2011;
Bear, 2013; Chapman, 1980; Childs, 1971; Glover,
1960; Hantush, 1967; McDowellBoyer et al., 1986;
Simmons et al., 2001; Verhoest and Troch, 2000;
Wooding and Chapman, 1966). Initially, these
researches focused on trying to understand the
behavior of groundwater and its flow mechanisms in
porous media. These researches have focused to find
solutions to the groundwater equation, the researchers
analyzed the mechanisms of evolution and regular
groundwater flow regeneration in the aquifers. as a
result, it has been proposed and developed a set of
analytical solutions (Manglik et al., 1997; Pauwels et
al., 2002; Rai and Manglik, 1999; Verhoest and
Troch, 2000).
In the same context, some recherche has focused on
finding in obtaining analytical solutions to the linear
Boussinesq equation by adopting the uniform
recharge of the rainfall rate, therefore these solutions
are exploited to estimate the groundwater levels
change and drainage flow (Pauwels et al., 2002;
Serrano, 1995; Verhoest and Troch, 2000).
Other research focused on researching analytical
solutions for the same equation, taking into account
the hypothesis of temporal variation of the level of
rainfall (Dralle et al., 2014; Park and Parker, 2008;
Pauwels et al., 2002; Ram and Chauhan, 1987; Su,
1994; Thomas, 2013).
Some other research has worked on the Laplace
Transform method to develop an analytical solution
to express the distribution of groundwater levels
(Bansal and Das, 2011; Kim and Ann, 2001; Kumar
et al., 2016; Pauwels et al., 2002; Sun et al., 2011).
On the other hand, special studies have worked on
the use of some numerical solutions as a mechanism
for studying and developing models of groundwater
flow equation (Draoui et al.; El Mansouri and El
Mezouary, 2015; El Mezouary, 2016; El Mezouary,
El Mansouri, and El Bouhaddioui, 2020; El Mezouary
et al., 2015; El Mezouary, El Mansouri, Moumen, et
al., 2020; EL MEZOUARY et al., 2016; Sadiki et al.,
2019) as a model of forecasting and simulating the
dynamic behavior based on boundary conditions.
El Mezouary, L., Kabbaj, S. and El Mansouri, B.
Analytical Solution of Homogeneous Groundwater Flow Equation using Method of Separation of Variables.
DOI: 10.5220/0010729900003101
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Modelling and Machine Learning (BML 2021), pages 143-147
ISBN: 978-989-758-559-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The present study focused on the method of
Separation of Variables for solving the groundwater
equation using Darcy’s law as a theoretical basis and
applied the principle of mass conservation (the
continuity equation) to govern the groundwater flow.
The general groundwater flow equation is deducted
from Darcys law and the continuity equation. The net
rate of penetration of a fluid in a control volume is
exactly equal to the net rate of change of storage of
the mass of fluid in the same control volume.
We begin by examining the last groundwater flow
phenomena (Diffusion), which are treated similarly
with a linear diffusion partial differential equation.
Where 𝐾
, 𝐾
, 𝐾
are the hydraulic conductivity,
is specific storage, is the piezometric head.
We consider the equations in one dimension that
the medium is uniform. which means that the
coefficient of permeability 𝐾 is spatially invariant,
we can write to them as simple constants. Then,
equation 1 is simplified by:
Where 𝑘is the groundwater flow diffusivity or
hydraulic diffusivity of the medium, are 𝐿
In this level, we will proceed to solve the groundwater
flow equation 2 by the variable separation method:
We note that 𝑥 represents the position in the one-
dimensional medium (an aquifer) that we can identify
with the interval [0,𝐿]. The hydraulic height in this
aquifer at time 𝑡 and location 𝑥 is ℎ(𝑥,𝑡).
A typical problem is to consider that the
distribution of the hydraulic height over the entire
length of the aquifer is known at time 𝑡=0 (initial
condition) and that the flow of groundwater through
the ends 𝑥=0 and 𝑥=𝐿 are given values (boundary
conditions). Therefore we can imagine that the
hydraulic height is determined for 𝑥∈(0,𝐿) and 𝑡>
0. The conditions imposed on the ends are often of
the form:
- ℎ(0,𝑡)= 0 or,
=0 or
- ℎ(𝐿,𝑡) =0 or,
=0 or
Where 𝑎>0 is also a physical constant. The
solution of problem (2) given by the method of
separation of variable it is as follows:
Since 𝜆
the equation can be
written in this formula:
Where 𝛼=
, and the 𝑄
𝑥𝜑(𝑥)𝑑𝑥,∀𝑛 ∈ ℕ (6)
Where 𝛽=
, 𝑄
also can be written :
(𝛼𝜋𝑥)𝜑(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 (7)
Consider the case of a 1𝐷 flow problem on an
unconfined aquifer that a river and a lake run parallel
to each other (figure 1) with 𝐿=500𝑚 apart. They
fully penetrate aquifer with a hydraulic conductivity
𝐾=400 𝑚/𝑑𝑎𝑦, and specific yield 𝑆
=22%. To
demonstrates the feasibility of the analytical solution
given by method of separation of variable, we are
compared it by a two numerical profile simulated
using the CrankNicholson implicit method
(Thomas, 2013) and the Forward Time Centered
Space method (FTCS)
(Anderson et al., 1997).
The CrankNicholson implicit method consists of
replacing the second derivative
in the equation
by the average of its discrete representations at
times 𝑛 and 𝑛+1.
While for the Forward Time Centered Space
(FTCS) or forward/backward space method is an
implicit single-stage finite difference method that can
use for numerically solving the heat equation and
similar parabolic partial differential equations.
This scheme is unconditionally stable. then the
can be represented by the flowing
With 𝛼=
Figure 1: Groundwater flow conceptual model on
unconfined, horizontal aquifer with dirichlet boundary
This solution example corresponds to the
following mathematical problem with
nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions
(Figure 2).
0𝑥𝐿,𝑎𝑛𝑑 0𝑡𝑇;
ℎ(0,𝑡)=2,ℎ(𝐿,𝑡)=4.5, 0𝑡𝑇;
), 0𝑥𝐿
Following the solution represented by equation 4,
the simulation of the solution illustrate on problem
is shown in Figure 2, the figure show
of the evaluated exact solution with implicit numerical
methods of CrankNicholson
and FTCS, while Figure 3
shows the evaluated exact solution at various times
It should be remembered that this simulation took
into account the imposed boundary conditions, based
on the conceptual model shown in Figure 1, it is
obvious that the figure's results provide a good match
solution at different times.
Figure 2: Comparison of the evaluated exact solution with
implicit numerical methods of CrankNicholson and FTCS.
Figure 3: evaluated exact solution at various times.
Analytical Solution of Homogeneous Groundwater Flow Equation using Method of Separation of Variables
Analytical solution for the prediction of the one-
dimensional (1𝐷) time-dependent groundwater flow
profile in an unconfined system evaluated for a
setting corresponding case to 𝐿=500 𝑚, K=
400 m, k=1818 𝑚
/d, 𝑆
=22%. The solution
uses a uniform domain in different time step lengths.
The simulation results obtained according to equation
4, the results showing note that the solution produced
by the method of separation of the variable is
acceptable, as well as that in all the cases in which the
solution was applied, it was found that there is a
match between the solution produced by the
separation of variable method and with the other two
numerical methods of CrankNicholson and FTCS
The module can simulate the same solutions that
were given by the CrankNicholson and FTCS
methods. It can then be concluded that the solution is
given by the separation of the variable method when
applied in a homogeneous medium, taking into
account the normal boundary conditions, the solution
presented can reproduce the behavior of the
groundwater in a very acceptable way.
The paper introduces an analytical solution of a one-
dimensional groundwater equation for a homogenous
porous media. Using the method of separation of
variables, this solution precisely reproduces the
similar solution given from CrankNicholson and
FTCS finite-difference methods. An example is used
to verify the proposed solution, considering constant
head in boundary conditions (Dirichlet conditions).
The analytical solution has been compared with the
CrankNicholson and FTCS numerical solutions, for a
context with sand-gravel medium characteristics. The
correlation is good within the example case. In
consequence, the proposed method is valid for the
homogenous horizontal unconfined aquifer, also for
another similar physical or environmental problem.
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Analytical Solution of Homogeneous Groundwater Flow Equation using Method of Separation of Variables