separately according to the state of the "machine-
base". In the fusion phase, the composition of the
partial behaviours of the different points of view is
achieved by adding the signal exchanges that allow
the coordination of the machines with states of the
objects-view and the object-base.
However, with this approach, based solely on
UML concepts, when scaling shows limitations:
-concerning the behaviour specification. We have
encountered difficulties in ensuring independence in
the development of views because they can be
strongly intertwined. During a scale-up, this situation
puts the approach at risk and makes it hard to
implement it without altering the development of
other views to collect the missing information. Added
to this; the problem of having to identify multi-view
classes and their "machine-bases" early on in the
global analysis phase. In fact, proposing a state
machine covering the life cycle of an object requires
an in-depth study of the use cases of the multi-view
object. But for a large system, producing such a
machine is not conceivable.
- concerning the composition of the behaviour.
Integrating the separately developed vision machines
may require many modifications and adaptations at
the level of the vision machines and the base machine.
During a scale-up, substantial work must accompany
the compositional operation to ensure the coherence
of the whole.
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