Crash prediction offers a proactive solution to
increase road safety and save lives. For this reason, it
has been a long-standing interest of researchers,
industry, and policymakers. However, crash
prediction remains complex and requires high
resolution and large data sets to develop powerful
models that effectively predict accidents. According
to the scientific literature, different approaches have
been used to address this topic. Although, as far as
the authors know, few works have been focused on
investigating crash prediction based on driver inputs
and ensemble methods.
In the present work, the performance of ensemble
methods machine learning algorithms has been
assessed in a classification case. in fact, the developed
models in this research consist of predicting the
occurrence of a crash from the simulator-based
dataset of some driver inputs as features.
Results show that the Random Forest outperforms
the gradient boosting machine and extreme gradient
boosting for the default parameters. But after the
optimization of hyperparameters, it was noticed that
even if the algorithms are not the same, their
performances are almost equal. Therefore, tuning
hyperparameters impacts the machine learning
developed model and offers the highest improvement
and benefit in accident prediction accuracy.
One of the limitations of this paper is that the
comparison is made only between ensemble
methods-based algorithms. Thus, future work should
include more algorithms, as well as integrating other
variables such as the vehicle kinematics and the
surrounding environment. In addition, the necessity
for having a large, and comprehensive training data
sets presents a clear challenge that should be
mitigated to ensure that machine learning
applications remain accurate.
The Moroccan Ministry of Equipment, Transport,
and Logistics; and the Moroccan National Centre for
Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST) are
gratefully acknowledged for their valuable support of
this research.
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