Fireworks Algorithm for Graph Coloring
Raouan El Ghazi
, Lamia Benameur
, and Alami Chentoufi Jihane
Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University, BP 133, Kenitra, Morocco
Faculty of Science, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco
Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University, BP 133, Kenitra, Morocco
Keywords: Graph coloring problem (GCP), Graph theory, Firework algorithm (FWA), Optimization algorithm, Swarm
intelligence, Metaheuristics.
Abstract: The graph-coloring problem has a long and illustrious history, and it is one of the most famous problems in
the field of graph theory which consists of determining the minimum number necessary to color the vertices
of any graph such that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. In this context, a set of metaheuristics
are proposed to restrict the search for a solution. In this study, a new swarm intelligence optimization
algorithm called fireworks algorithm FWA will be applied to graph coloring problems to speed up the
optimization process, reduce the time, and improve overall performance.
The mathematician Leonhard Euler starts coloring
theory specifically in 1736 with the seven bridges of
the Königsberg problem. The problem was a famous
puzzle that concerns the possibility to walk in the
Königsberg by crossing all bridges exactly once.
Then the problem of the four colors always raises the
question of whether four colors are sufficient to draw
any map so that neighboring regions do not have the
same color. Many types of research on the problem
have focused on theoretical aspects such as planar
graphs, triangle-free graphs, and random graphs.
The problem of the coloring of graphs has been
studied by many authors and has developed in various
disciplines like chemistry, biology, social sciences
also in the field of operation research, such as register
allocation (Chaitin;2004), frequency assignment
(Aardel, Hoesel, Koster, Mannino & Sassano;2002),
school and university timetabling (Burke &Newall
;1999) but also for its theoretical aspects. The GCP is
closely associated with a
classical NP-hard
combinatorial optimization problem (Garey &
Johnson; 1979).
Many algorithms have been proposed for this
problem. The DSATUR algorithm (Brélaz, 1979) is
one of the most well-known algorithms due to its
efficiency and simplicity. Leighton proposed another
popular algorithm in the same year. The Recursive
Largest First (RLF) algorithm also the Bruch and-cut
algorithm (Méndez-Diaz & Zabala; 2006). These
methods can only resolve the small size. The
optimization algorithms has become necessary used
for large problems to find an approximate solution in
a reasonable time. Heuristics generally make it
possible to find acceptable solutions in a reasonable
time. However, they do not offer any guarantee as to
the optimality of the best solution found.
For this reason, the researchers are interested in
heuristic approaches. Several metaheuristic methods
had been applied to solve the GCP who seems the
most promising way in finding exciting solutions.
The most efficient heuristic approaches are local
search methods like variable neighborhood search
(Avanthay, Hertz& Zufferey; 2003), tabu search
(Hertz & de Werra; 1987), and variable space search
(Hertz, Plumettaz, and Zufferey; 2008). As well as
hybrid population-based methods such as Genetic and
hybrid algorithms (Fleurent & Ferland, 1996) and
Hybrid evolutionary algorithms (Galinier & Hao,
Advised Fireworks algorithm has been
increasingly popular in the blind
algorithms. This algorithm can be used to solve
complex optimization problems. In this paper, we
proposed the new swarm algorithm called fireworks.
FWA is a newly developed in swarm intelligence
optimization algorithm based on the phenomenon of
fireworks explosions in the sky at night. Y. Tan and
Y. Zhu was proposed FWA in 2010 as an
El Ghazi, R., Benameur, L. and Chentoufi Jihane, A.
Fireworks Algorithm for Graph Coloring.
DOI: 10.5220/0010734500003101
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Modelling and Machine Learning (BML 2021), pages 366-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-559-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
optimization technique. Then it has been successfully
applied in many fields and solving partial
optimization problems, such as multi-satellite control
resource scheduling, hardware/software partitioning,
also, it has resolved image identification and spam
detection, etc....
We organize this paper as follows: In section 2,
we present a mathematical formulation of the graph-
coloring problem. In section 3, an overview of the
fireworks algorithm. Then in section 4, we describe
our proposed method for GCP. In the end, we
conclude and give some perspectives.
Let 𝐺 𝑉,𝐸 be a graph with a set of vertices V
connected by a set of edges E. Given a positive
integer k. A k  coloring of G is a partition of V
into k sets 𝑉1,,𝑉𝑘 , which called colors
(i.e.,𝑐: 𝑣1,...,𝑘), the graph coloring problem
seeks to assign each vertex 𝑣∈𝑉 such that no two
vertices in the same set are adjacent.
If two adjacent vertices u and v have the same
color, we say they called conflicting vertices, and the
edge (u; v) E called a conflicting edge. The k
coloring called legal if there are no conflicting edges
else, it is illegal.
Suppose that f is the objective function that
associates with each coloring the number of
conflicting edges. We can formulate the graph
coloring problem as:
𝑋: The set of coloring of the vertices 𝑥𝜖𝑋 can be
uncolored vertices.
𝑆: The set of realizable or legal coloring.
𝑓: Number of colors of the coloring 𝑥𝜖𝑋.
We note 𝐴𝑖,𝑗 the matrix of conflict, and c (i):
the associated color with a vertex 𝑖.
 
1 if c
0 o𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
When a fireworks display detonated. A shower of
sparks will fill the local space. This explosion process
is seen as a search in the local space around a specific
point, and when we want to find a point 𝑋
satisfying 𝑓 𝑥
  𝑦, we can continue to set off the
fireworks in the search space until the optimal
solution reached. .For each fireworks display, an
explosion process is initiated and a shower of sparks
fills the local space that surrounds it. The fireworks
as well as the new sparks generated represent
potential solutions in the research space.
We can describe the FWA algorithm as setting off
N fireworks at N different locations, then we will
evaluate the locations of the sparks obtained, the
algorithm ends when the optimal location found.
Otherwise, we will choose another N location and
fireworks for the next generation. Many extensions of
this algorithm saw the light. In 2013, a new method
was presented to calculate the number of explosion
sparks and the magnitude of the explosion of a
firework display (J. Liu, S. Zheng, and Y. Tan, 2013),
and an improved fireworks algorithm was proposed
with five significant improvements. Later in 2014, an
extension of the FWA was presented as the fireworks
algorithm dynamic (Dynamic search in fireworks
algorithm, 2014).
In order to ensure diversity and to balance global
and local research, the explosion magnitude and
population is generated among the new fireworks.
3.1 Explosion
After generating N fireworks randomly, then the
fireworks, N generates sparks in the feasible space.
The explosion operator is a key factor in the algorithm
and plays a very important role. Indeed, the latter
includes the explosion force, the explosion amplitude
and the displacement operation
The number of explosion sparks of each firework is
calculated as follows:
Where m is a parameter that controls the overall
number of sparks.
f(x) is an objective function, and x
and x
denote the limits of the potential space
Is the maximum (worst) value of the
objective function among the 𝑛 fireworks.
𝜀 Indicates the smallest constant in the computer,
and it used to prevent the denominator from
becoming zero.
The solution is good (many sparks will be
generated) if the difference between the best and the
bad is within a smaller amplitude. To avoid the
overwhelming effects of fireworks, limits on the
number of sparks 𝑆
are defined, as shown in the
following equation
𝑖𝑓 𝑆
𝑏𝑚 (4)
Fireworks Algorithm for Graph Coloring
Where 𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏 are constant.
After the number of sparks is determined, we will
calculate the amplitude of a particular explosion to
present the best fitness values as follows:
: Denotes the maximum explosion amplitude.
= min f xi i1,2,...,n is the
minimum (best) value of the objective function
among the N fireworks.
ε: has the same meaning.
Then, it is necessary to determine the sparks
displacement in the explosion amplitude.
Displacement operation is to make displacement on
each dimension of a firework. Through the explosion
operator, each firework generates a shower of sparks,
helping to find the global optimal of an optimization
Algorithm 1: Generate a Gaussian spark
1. Calculate the fitness value f (xi) for each
2. Select randomly z dimensions
z = round (d. rand (0,1))
3. Calculate the coefficient of Gaussian
explosion g = N (1, 1).
4. For each dimension 𝑥
{pre-selected z
dimensions of 𝑥
} do
5. if 𝑥
𝑜𝑟 𝑥
6. 𝑥
7. End if
8. End for
To improve the diversity of the solutions and the
local search ability; the Gaussian sparks strategy is
introduced to produce sparks. The mapping rule will
be carried out to map the spark to a new location
within the feasible space. The sparks of the Gaussian
explosion are shown in Algorithm 1.
3.2 Selection
After generating a shower of sparks, including
explosion sparks and Gaussian sparks. Some of the
generated sparks need to be selected and passed down
to the next generation. In the selection strategy, we
use the measurement of distance. Noted that the best
spark is always kept for the next generation. Then, the
other individuals are selected as:
Where 𝑅
The distance between 𝑖
solution and all of the other
Krepresents all of the solution’s locations.
j∈K means the position j belongs to set K.
Algorithm 2: The pseudo-code of the proposed algorithm
1. Randomly select N fireworks at N
2. While terminal criteria = false, do
3. For all firework𝑥
n do
4. Calculate the number and amplitude of
sparks to be generated from the
firework 𝑥
; using Eq. (3), (5).
5. End for
6. For k=1
// 𝒎
is the number of sparks generated by
Gaussian mutation
7. Randomly selects firework that is not in
n set;
8. Explode Gaussian spark (Algorithm 1)
9. End for
10. Select the best sparks from the next
explosion generation;
11. Select the other sparks from both
explosions using based on Eq.6.
12. End While
For the correspondence with the fireworks algorithm,
we have chosen as the representation of the explosion
space the environment of the graph coloring problems
while the fireworks and the sparks correspond to the
different solutions from the coloration step.
The affinity between a fireworks display and the
sparks generated by the fireworks display measures
the degree of compatibility between them. Affinity is
generally related to distance. However, for the
coloring problem, a cost function is used also
evaluation functions appropriate to the problem. This
function has great importance because it allows
examining if the solution is satisfactory or not.
In general, the cost functions have a combination
of one of the following four components: space,
execution time, communication. In our context, we
consider the following parameters: execution time
and occupied space.
4.1 The Implementation of the
Fireworks Algorithm
There are several implementations of the fireworks
algorithm. Each one is characterized by its
adaptability to the problem to be solved. In this paper,
we will implement the standard fireworks algorithm.
Several researchers have implemented the
standard fireworks algorithm in several programming
languages (Matlab, C, C ++, JAVA and python).
The algorithm we have proposed is an adaptation
of the standard fireworks algorithm for the graph
coloring problem. The application of this algorithm to
an optimization problem is as follows: Fireworks and
sparks represent the different solutions and the search
space is the environment for graph-coloring problem.
We have proposed the fireworks algorithm to
solve the problem of the coloring of graphs. The
process proceeds as follows: We generate a random
set of N fireworks FW constituting the initial
population (The number of colors equal to k). Then
calculate the cost of each FW using a cost function
(objective function). Select the N best FW with
respect to their cost function. The explosion of the
best FW for a temporary population. Each time a
better solution is found (A valid k-coloring is found)
the population is updated. The Gaussian operation
improves the generated population. Select the best
fireworks from the temporary population then
replaces the N fireworks by the improved FW. The
algorithm stops when the fixed number of iterations
that was carried out and the k-coloring is obtained.
The algorithm that we have proposed requires the
choice of certain parameters, which are as follows:
4.1.1 Generation of the Initial Population
The fireworks algorithm generates an initial
population that represents the set of possible
solutions. The population is generated by the number
of colors k. A vector of integers represents the initial
population whose length is the vertex number.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 1: Generation of the initial population
4.1.2 Objective Function (Fitness)
The Objective function or the adaptation function
assigns each spark to a numerical value. This method
ensures that the best individuals will be kept while the
others are eliminated from the population. In our case,
we try to minimize the number of conflicts (objective
function) by modifying the color of a vertex.
4.1.3 Selection Operator
Selection operator is an operator that consists in
choosing the best sparks and fireworks depends on
the objective function to give birth to a new
generation to apply the processes of explosion and
mutation to them. We have limited our selection to a
random choice of individuals that is done randomly,
uniformly and without the intervention of the fit
value. Each individual therefore has a uniform
probability of being selected.
4.1.4 Mutation Operator
The mutation strategy allows reaching most of the
points of the feasible domain to create new solutions.
We introduce the Gaussian mutation to improve the
diversity of a population. It consists of changing an
invalid coloring 𝛼𝜖1,…,𝑘 for a vertex 𝑖by another
different color. The mutation operator will evolve the
new generation obtained. In the case of binary coding,
it consists of inverting a random bit in a chromosome.
A value bit at 1 takes the value 0 and vice versa.
0 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1
Figure 2: Principle of mutation operation for binary coding
4.1.5 Replacement Operator
After the mutation step, a replacement method is used
to generate a new population so that the size of that
population remains constant. We keep at least the
individual with the best performance from the next
generation. The new generation is made up of the N/2
better and N/2 bad mutated fireworks. While taking
into account the component memory.
After the replacement, some fireworks are
eliminated and replaced by new ones generated
randomly in order to diversify the population. The
lower the affinity of fire, the greater its chance of
being replaced.
The approach used is similar to that of classical
evolutionary algorithms. In the context of
combinatorial optimization problems, we can
consider fireworks algorithms as evolutionary
algorithms presenting particular operators (explosion,
Several stopping criteria can be chosen such as the
execution time, the minimum fitness value, the
number of generations. In our study, the chosen
stopping criterion is the number of generations fixed
in advance.
Fireworks Algorithm for Graph Coloring
Graph coloring is a classic problem in graph theory
and has attracted the attention of many researchers
because of its multiple practical applications and the
complexity of its resolution. It is difficult to say that
there is a better algorithm for graph coloring; this is
why our choice forced between the simplicity of
execution. In this paper, we have proposed a
Fireworks algorithm to solve the graph coloring
problem. The objective is to have a minimum number
of colors required to color a graph. In our approach,
we have introduced a new feature, although it is
similar to the principles of the algorithm. We found
that the fireworks algorithm is influenced by factors
such as population size, number of iterations.
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