A Critical Review on Concept Drift Monitoring Process for Class
Imbalance in Data Streams
Nouhaila Aasoum
, Ismail Jellouli and Souad Amjad
Computer Science and Systems Engineering Laboratory, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco
Keywords: Machine learning, online learning, concept drift, class imbalance, non-stationary environment.
Abstract: Machine learning techniques have participated in world evolution. They have accomplished worthy goals in
many areas such as banking, industry, cybersécurité, and many others. However, in most data analysis
applications, data comes in streams based on online learning scenarios. As streams emerge and change quickly
over time, it will be hard to store them in memory. Thus, the analysis has become a real challenge to mitigate
using traditional approaches. The change in data distribution degrades the accuracy performance of the trained
model and becomes inefficient. This phenomenon is called concept drift, where the model must adapt quickly
to these changes, including those in the environment, trends, or behaviour, to maintain their accuracy. Another
phenomenon commonly exists in real-world applications is a class imbalance, when data distribution changes
within classes. Thus, the model will favor the majority class and ignores the minority one. The problem
becomes more challenging when both of them co-exist. Therefore, a few studies addressed this research gap.
The objective is to detect concept drift with class imbalance for enhanced performance in a non-stationary
data environment. This study will focus on class imbalance handling techniques, and concept drift effects in
decreasing model performance, and some methods to detect concept drift while existing class imbalance issue.
Learning from streaming data is an emerging topic
that has received much attention in the last decades.
In many machine learning applications, data is
generated instantly over time without storing it as
static data. Thus, we have to use a real-time dataset to
build a suitable online classifier that maintains its
performance in non-stationary environments.
The non-stationary environment is characterized
by newly emerged samples of data, representing the
minority portion of the entire dataset. The minority
class contains a few instances, while those instances
can be essential for the trained model.
However, this model focuses on the majority class
and ignores the minority one. Training from such
imbalanced streaming data is called online class
imbalance (S. Wang et al., 2013).
For example, figure 1 illustrates class imbalance
for spam email filtering, where the non-spam email
presents the majority class, while the spam email
shows the minority class from the entire dataset.
Another challenging problem is concept drift that
degrades the model accuracy and makes it unsuitable
because of the changes in the data distribution.
The model needs to adapt quickly to such changes
if any features or classes emerge in the data. The
concept drift becomes a severe issue when the
changes affect sample features and class numbers
simultaneously. Thus, it becomes hard to handle it.
When class imbalance and concept drift coincide,
the problem will be more challenging because one
issue can affect the treatment of the other, especially
in online scenarios.
The class imbalance issue has received much
attention recently. Many state-of-the-art propose
techniques in this research gap for both stationary and
non-stationary environments to handle it by focusing
Aasoum, N., Jellouli, I. and Amjad, S.
A Critical Review on Concept Drift Monitoring Process for Class Imbalance in Data Streams.
DOI: 10.5220/0010735500003101
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Modelling and Machine Learning (BML 2021), pages 404-408
ISBN: 978-989-758-559-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
on data preprocessing, algorithmic, and ensemble
learning approaches.
2.1 Data Preprocessing Approaches
Resampling is a preprocessing technique that is used
before training the model in real-time.
The objective is to maintain the number of
instances for each category to benefit from the
ignored category distributions. It works
autonomously with the learning algorithm at the data
level (S. Wang et al., 2015). The principal used types
of resampling are oversampling and undersampling.
Oversampling-based Online Bagging (OOB) (S.
Wang et al., 2015) is a technique that increases the
minority class. Undersampling-based Online
Bagging (UOB) (S. Wang et al., 2015) is a technique
that decreases the majority class. While relatively,
each has significant shortcomings: (UOB) ignores
data from the majority class, whether this data is
necessary or not. (OOB) generates exact samples
from the minority class, which may produce
overfitting in the classifier (Ditzler & Polikar, 2010).
(Chawla et al., 2002) have proposed synthetic
Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOT). It is an
oversampling method that generates new samples
from the minority class, depending on the features of
the nearest neighbours. Thus, SMOT maintains the
accuracy of the minority class in classification tasks
compared to other approaches. There are different
used techniques like random oversampling and
random undersampling.
2.2 Algorithmic and Ensemble
Ensemble approaches manage the issue of
imbalanced class differently. They focus on
increasing the accuracy of the minority category by
updating some training mechanisms.
(J. Wang et al., 2012), and (Ghazikhani et al.,
2013) proposed online cost-sensitive learning
methods CSOGD, RLSACP, respectively. They
misclassified the cost of the algorithm and made him
capable of favouring the minority class.
Additionally, there is an ensemble learning
approach based on multiple classifiers. It combines
the classification of various classifiers and trains them
individually. Bagging or bootstrap aggregating (Oza
& Russell, 2001) uses an ensemble-based approach
by combining multiple classifiers to improve the
model accuracy. In bagging, we can mitigate the
imbalance by generating more test data. Boosting is
another approach based on ensemble classifier, the
procedure in this method is different. In boosting, we
give much importance to the minority class. Where
taking a subset from the entire dataset
misclassifies the samples.
Generally, bagging reaches to reduce the model
variance while boosting reaches for improving the
model accuracy.
Figure 1: Imbalanced data in spam email filtering.
Data comes from the same source distribution in
stationary environments, but in real-world
applications, data comes from different sources and
arises concept drift phenomenon when existing online
learning scenarios. This issue can directly affect the
accuracy of the trained model and decrease their
performance in classification or prediction results.
In principle, for supervised tasks, the model needs
inputs and outputs features from the data. However,
these features can change, or classes number can
increase over time. Thus, we have to separate
between virtual and real concept drift. The equation
below shows the Bayesian decision theory (Jameel et
al., 2020).
P(c/X) = P(c) P(X/c) / P(X)
Where posterior, prior, conditional, and feature-
based probabilities are P(c/X), P(c), P(X/c), and P(X),
respectively (Jameel et al., 2020). Real drift mentions
the P(c/X) changes that affect the probability of a
class label and given features. This change can
decrease the accuracy of the classifier and affects
decision boundaries. (Wares et al., 2019).
Alternatively, virtual drift refers to P(X) changes
only. In this state, the distribution has changed
without affecting the classifier's decision limits.
(Wares et al., 2019). For the Hybrid drift, the changes
A Critical Review on Concept Drift Monitoring Process for Class Imbalance in Data Streams
affect P(X) and P(c/X) simultaneously. Figure 2
shows the differences between drift types:
Figure 2: Concept drift types.
However, concept drift has a different configuration
pattern occurrence within the data streams over time.
Abrupt: When the change occurs suddenly, in
this case, another target can replace the main one.
Incremental: The changes are relatively, and
they may take a lot of time to compare.
Gradual: In this type, the change is replaced
progressively from an interest to another one and can
be tracked over a long time. The gradual drift is the
most challenging type to detect. For example, when a
sensor is becoming old and not providing correct
outputs in a suitable time. (Gözüaçık & Can, 2020).
Re-Occurring: This type of drift is concerned
with seasonal changes that can revert after a few
times. Moreover, this matter occurs when there is
demand for a particular thing or event during the year
or month. Figure 3 illustrates all configuration
patterns of concept drift.
Figure 3: Concept drift configuration patterns.
A few detection methods have been submitted to
detect concept drift for class imbalance in online
scenarios through the existing studies.
(S. Wang et al., 2013) proposed Drift Detection
Method for Online Class Imbalance DDM-OCI is a
helpful technique for handling drift in the minority
class, based on tracking his recall. At the same time,
it is a more robust and suitable technique for
imbalanced data streams.
(H. Wang, 2015) proposed another method is the
Linear Four Rate (LFR). It is an improvement
approach for DDM-OCI. LFR is capable of detecting
drift with the best recall and few false alarms. Its
controls the four rates; precision and recall for both
the minority and the majority class.
This study (Mirza et al., 2015) proposed
Ensemble of Subset Online Sequential Extreme
Learning Machine (ESOS-ELM). It is an ensemble-
based technique that works for non-stationary
environments. In ESOS-ELM, a single classifier
processed a majority class instance, while multiple
classifiers process the minority class. In this case,
classifiers learned from balanced subsets of the
original dataset that is imbalanced.
Page-Hinkley (PH) (Brzezinski & Stefanowski,
2015) proposed drift detecting, especially for the
abrupt one, addressed for the binary imbalance issue
only. A recent drift detector submitted from
multiclass imbalanced data streams in this study
(Krawczyk, 2021), based on Restricted Boltzmann
Machine (RBM-IM) notify if any data is drifting. It is
capable of training itself dynamically and detects the
drift at a local and global level. RBM- IM can manage
the changes in minority class without being biased
towards the majority one.
CALMID is a comprehensive active learning
method using for multiclass imbalanced where
existing concept drift, proposed by (Liu et al., 2021).
Its a recent approach based on an ensemble classifier.
CALMID considers the multiclass imbalance ratio as
unbiased. When the sensor reports any drift, a new
classifier will be generated and initialized by the
existing weighted at the initialization training (Liu et
al., 2021). Thus, it is a suitable approach when
concept drift and multiclass imbalance co-exist.
This section presents a comparative study of different
detector approaches for imbalanced data streams in
various studies. The comparative analysis is based on
the effectiveness of detecting several types of drifts
with the imbalanced class issue.
Table 1: Comparison of concept drift detection approaches for imbalanced data streams.
Class imbalance Multiclass Drift t
pe Ref
Real drift
(S. Wang et
al., 2013)
Real drift
(H. Wang,
Real drift
(Brzezinsk &
Real drift, Virtual
(Mirza et al.,
Real, Virtual and
brid drif
Real, Virtual and
brid drif
(Liu et al.,
This paper has discussed concept drift with class
imbalance for online learning, focusing on class
imbalance mitigating techniques. We can state that
class imbalance handling techniques are still not
applicable for concept drift detection through the
existing studies. Then we have talked about the most-
used methods for concept drift detection for
imbalanced data streams.
According to the literature, a few studies have
been proposed when both issues co-exist. In addition,
this is due to the difficulty that they arise in online
scenarios. The majority of proposed methods do not
cover all concept drift types (virtual drift, real drift,
and hybrid drift).
Thus, there is no one method for all in this
research gap. We can conclude that concept drift
detection approaches need to be more adaptive and
applicable with their different types, mainly when it
comes to online scenarios where data change by its
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