Based on research conducted by Jati and
Yuliansyah (2017), the influence of online marketing
strategies on consumer purchase interest based on a
case study at the Azzam Store Online Shop states that
online marketing strategies and consumer purchase
interest with this system are considered quite good
with an average score of 336.67 for online marketing
strategies and 343.33 for consumer buying interest.
From these studies, it can also be concluded that the
coefficient between online marketing strategies and
consumer purchase intention has a very strong
relationship. If the seller and buyer here have a good
relationship, this can be a major factor in increasing
buyer interest.
Meanwhile, according to Setiawati (2017), in her
research entitled Online Marketing to Increase
MSMEs Profits, the results of this study answer the
hypothesis statement, which shows that online
marketing strategies have a positive effect on the
profits of MSMEs in Central Java. In this study, the
data obtained are primary data, collected by sending
questionnaires to respondents both online and offline.
This online marketing system can improve the
welfare of the community considering a large number
of internet users in Indonesia. By maximizing online
marketing in the field of MSMEs, sales profits will
According to Redjeki and Affandi (2021), a few
simple things to start a business with Digital
Marketing are to determine marketing goals,
marketing targets, digital platform selection, setting
budgets, and creating content that can attract
consumer attention. They also described the added
value obtained by customers who use digital media.
Based on this study, Digital Marketing provided
convenience to customers in terms of information,
time, distance, availability of goods for 24 hours, and
of course, choices. These value creations were not
obtained through conventional marketing systems
that have been available previously. The effectiveness
of Digital Marketing was confirmed by an interview
study by Putri and Hermawan (2021) on creative
consultants during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Digital / Online Marketing is also often associated
with Digital Branding. According to Fadly and
Sutama (2020) in their research entitled Building
Online Marketing and Digital Branding in the midst
of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it was concluded that
online marketing and digital branding strategies are
very effective marketing strategies, considering that
technological developments today are increasingly
rapid and have entered the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0. Some of the advantages of this online
marketing system are that it is easy to access and
communicate between sellers and customers in regard
to product sales problems, payment systems that are
easier because of utilizing technology, and efficiency
of time and place. If online marketing is maximized
by building the brand, the products sold will be
increasingly recognized by the wider community and
can maximize the role of online marketing.
An interesting phenomenon was found by
Alshaketheep et al. (2020), discovering that
consumers have certain behaviors and preferences
during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Their participants in
Amman, Jordan reacted positively towards messages
that gave an emotional touch, such as "offers, anti-
crisis deals, personalized digital communication, and
empathy" given by the company promoting their
products or services.
2.3 Potential Market for Digital
Technology and digital media are not something new,
since more than 25 years ago when the World Wide
Web was created by Sir Tim Berners Lee (Chaffey &
Ellis-Chadwick, 2019), the world began to include
this element. Even so, the development of technology
and online media is so fast that in 2021 there are so
many ways for certain companies or brands to interact
with potential customers. The existence of the first e-
commerce with in 1994, Yahoo and
Alta Vista search engine in 1995, eBay online auction
site in 1995 changed the world of business forever
(Laudon & Traver, 2021). and eBay,
which to this day still exist, still dominate the world
of E-Commerce. While Yahoo is currently still in the
top ranks, it has been defeated by the Google search
engine, which was born in 1998, wherein 2021, it
controls a market share of more than 90% almost
evenly around the world (Stat Counter, 2020).
In the latest statistics for social media in
Indonesia, Facebook as of December 2020, recorded
more than 170 million users (Napoleon Cat, 2020).
while for Instagram, there are more than 83 million
users (Napoleon Cat, 2020). Of course, these statistics
are a bright spot for the business world because digital
marketing tools through social media will enable
them to reach a very large market, more than 60% of
the total population in Indonesia. Moreover, the new
habit of living and working at home will be greatly
helped by the use of digital marketing. Of course, for
social media, there are still many other popular
platforms with promising user statistics in Indonesia.
It is evident that Indonesia is now forced to accelerate
its Digital Transformation in the COVID-19
Pandemic era, as confirmed by a study from