Testing the Internal Control of Simda Application in Effort to
Improve Public Accountability
Rhosalina Damayanti
, Adrian Izaak Rompis
and Aprina Nugrahesthy Sulistya Hapsari
Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana,
Jl. Diponegoro No.52-60, Salatiga, Indonesia
Keywords: Internal Control, Information System, Accountability.
Abstract: Openness and ease of access to information are now one of the ways to encourage sustainable community
development and it needs adequate internal control in the management of information. The purpose of this
study was to assess the implementation of SIMDA's internal control in increasing public accountability using
a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection through in-depth interviews and SIMDA observations
at the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Dinas
PPKBPPPA) Sragen Regency. The benefit of this research is to enrich the literature for further research and
provide recommendations for improvement of the internal control system in the PPKBPPPA Office of Sragen
Regency. Data analysis techniques used in this research are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion
drawing. The results of the study indicate that the information system implemented already has adequate
internal control. The conclusions obtained from this study include the unavailability of a system operation
manual, no routine maintenance schedule regarding the software or hardware used in operating the system,
and the absence of data validation before the information input process. The impact of this is that information
is not real time and reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of SIMDA.
Information is an important and valuable asset that
ideally can be useful for the organization (Maliki,
2005). The increasing need for information forces
various parties to obtain reliable and timely
information and is able to assist the decision-making
process (Voets & Sondakh, 2016). Decision making
must be done with quality information. The quality of
this information is influenced by the processing of
information from the time it is sent until it is received.
One of the advantages of being in the era of
globalization is that the digitization of information is
increasingly happening. Digitalization of information
is a process to convert information into digital form
in order to facilitate the process of producing,
managing and distributing that information
(Djaenudi, 2018). Digitalization of information
occurs also because of technological developments
that continue to occur and seem unstoppable.
Technological developments are often used as a
benchmark for the level of progress of a country
(Welianto, 2021). In Indonesia, technological
developments occur rapidly, especially in industrial
and government centers. The data in Figure 1 explains
that the development of technology in Indonesia in
2019 was largely influenced by the use of internet and
social media devices. This data explains that the
Indonesian people have been able to open up to the
development of technology and digitalization of
Figure 1: Utilization of technology on Indonesia.
Concretely, the use of information digitalization
and technological developments requires accuracy in
Mobile Subscription
Internet Users Active Social Media Users
Mobile Social Media Users
Damayanti, R., Rompis, A. and Hapsari, A.
Testing the Internal Control of Simda Application in Effort to Improve Public Accountability.
DOI: 10.5220/0010743400003112
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences (ICE-HUMS 2021), pages 90-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-604-0
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
its use, both in terms of the tools used and in terms of
users. The proper use of digitizing information will
create an informed society, encourage progress in the
business world by increasing the efficiency of
information management and related costs, as well as
assisting the improvement of technology-based
creative industries. These benefits can ultimately
encourage many entities to optimize the use of
information systems as a medium for managing their
information. The information system is a tool that can
be used by various parties, for example the
management in assisting and supporting various
operational activities and management of an entity
(Chazar, 2015). Furthermore, the output of
information system processing can assist various
parties in making decisions, for example in
determining alternative actions that can be decided
and carried out so that organizational goals can be
In addition to the private sector, the government
also implements an integrated information system as
a form of central government control over regional
autonomy policies (Listiawan & Zaidir, 2020). The
existing information system is used as a means of
managing information from the lowest levels of
government to the central government. Regional
autonomy itself is practiced as an effort to empower
development, innovation, and independence of each
region as well as to reduce dependence on the central
government (Christia & Ispriyarso, 2019). The
information system built by the government is also
used to assess regional performance through financial
performance. A region can be said to have practiced
regional autonomy well through the ability to manage
and optimize regional financial performance in
financing the administration of its own regional
government (Mudhofar & Tahar, 2016). Peraturan
Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 58 Tahun 2005 explained
that regional finances are all regional rights and
obligations in the context of administering regional
government which can be valued in money, including
all forms of wealth related to the rights and
obligations of the region. Every year, the regional
government will issue a Regional Government
Financial Report (LKPD) which will be assessed by
the Supreme Audit Agency of Republic of Indonesia
(BPK RI) so that it is necessary to carry out regional
financial management supported by mastery of the
accounting system (Maydiyanti et al., 2020).
Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2004 tentang
Perimbangan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan
Pemerintahan Daerah has also explained that the
central government expects the implementation of a
regional financial information system to increase
accountability related to the implementation of
decentralization. Financial and Development
Supervisory Agency (BPKP) then realize it through a
computerized technology-based information system
called Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah
(SIMDA) Keuangan as an information system built to
carry out the process of preparing the Regional
Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) based on
performance (Dewi & Mariska, 2018). Government
action in developing and implementing information
technology as a means to facilitate access, integration
and utilization of information quickly and accurately,
is one way to develop sustainable community life
through openness and ease of access to information
(Listiawan & Zaidir, 2020). Information systems and
information disclosure by the government are one of
the supports for good governance because they will
support accountability and information disclosure by
the government (Andhayani, 2020). The use of
SIMDA to improve the government's public
accountability has an impact on increasing opinion on
the Regional Government Financial Reports (LKPD).
The Unqualified Opinion (WTP) on LKPD has
increased and the Unqualified Opinion (TW) has
decreased in 2018. This indicates that the LKPD is
well structured and the possibility of budget fraud is
lower due to the ease of access to information by the
government. central and community which means
that control over local government is carried out
Some entities face a number of challenges when
managing their information systems (Irianto, 2014).
The challenges in question are system errors and
hacks. Entities must be able to secure and control
information systems to minimize theft, destruction,
and data loss. Regarding system errors, quoted from
idntimes.com (2019) The case that had occurred
involving the private sector was a change in the
balance of Bank Mandiri customers. The
Ombudsman revealed that this system error problem
must be addressed immediately by repairing and
increasing the reliability of the information
technology used by Bank Mandiri. In addition to
system errors, many government information systems
and private institutions must be faced with hacking by
hackers. This hacker attack is probably due to the
weakness of the internal control system in managing
information systems, causing a lot of data and
information to be stolen and traded on the dark web
(CNNIndonesia, 2019). One of the hacker cases that
happened to the government was the leak of 2.3
million data on the 2014 Election Permanent Voters
List (DPT) belonging to the General Elections
Commission (KPU) (cnbcindonesia.com, 2020). The
Testing the Internal Control of Simda Application in Effort to Improve Public Accountability
Indonesian government has taken action through the
Indonesian National Police (POLRI) to eradicate
various hacking actions carried out by hackers in
order to protect confidential information (Subarkah,
Various entities apply methods that are
considered the most effective to be carried out, which
are expected to facilitate achieving the goals set by
optimally managing information systems, for
example by increasing control over information
systems. One way to assess the effectiveness of the
implementation of controls on information systems is
through testing environmental security controls and
physical security controls on the information systems
that are implemented. Internal control in the use of
information systems can assist in providing
information for decision making and to facilitate the
flow of information in operational activities
(Angriani, 2020). The information that is the output
of a data processing, whether done manually or
systematically, is expected to have an impact on the
parties who need it (Prayitno, 2013).
Previous research by Oktavia et al (2016) through
a case study in the Palangkaraya City government
stated that the use of SIMDA can create good
transparency and accountability supported by quality
information that is in accordance with government
accounting standards. Hertanto et al. (2017) added
that the implementation of SIMDA is still not fully
effective at the Blitar Regency level due to the lack of
flexibility of SIMDA so that if a problem occurs, it
must wait for improvements from BPKP as the
developer and the Blitar Regency Regional Work
Unit (SKPD) has not been integrated online. Research
conducted at BAPPEDA of North Sulawesi stated
that good internal control of the SIMDA application
is needed to produce reliable output. In this study, the
internal controls mentioned are related to applications
such as input control, batch control, and so on (Polii
& Pontoh, 2018).
Internal controls at the user or human resource
level also need to be considered, such as research in
the Southeast Maluku district government
(Harbelubun et al., 2017) who still need to improve
the quality of human resources in their operations.
Alfian (2016) n his research stated that in the SKPD
of Kulon Progo Regency, the operation of SIMDA is
still not optimal because there is no certainty
regarding the default software used. In a study at the
Manado City government, it was stated the need to
improve access, security and physical control in the
operation of SIMDA (Pilat et al., 2016). Through
good internal control, it will reduce the number of
possible frauds (Fahrurrozi et al., 2019).
Based on the previously mentioned background,
this study intends to evaluate internal control in the
implementation of information systems to improve
public accountability carried out by Dinas
Pengendalian Penduduk Keluarga Berencana
Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak
(Dinas PPKB PPPA) Kabupaten Sragen. The reason
for choosing the object of this research is because the
PPKB PPPA service is a public organization that has
been using and developing information systems since
2003, so it is important to evaluate the internal
controls implemented to encourage accountability to
the public. This study takes the object of research at
Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen as one of the
Regional Work Units (SKPD) that utilizes the
SIMDA application and has never conducted a
similar study before. Sragen Regency and the PPKB
PPPA Office of Sragen Regency also received an
award as a Kabupaten Layak Anak (KLA) 2019 for
the Primary category. One of the factors in obtaining
this award is due to the speed of handling information
complaints, openness, and easy access to public
information to the Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten
Appropriate internal control in information
system management to be able to produce quality
information. The purpose of this research is to assess
the implementation of SIMDA internal control in the
PPKB PPPA Office of Sragen Regency in an effort to
increase public accountability. This research is
expected to provide benefits for Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen, through providing evaluations
and recommendations to improve internal
management and control through four internal control
tests in the form of environmental security control,
physical security control, logical security control, and
IS operating control SIMDA at Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen. Through this recommendation, it
is also hoped that the Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten
Sragen can again achieve the title as a (KLA) with a
higher accreditation status. For academics, this
research is expected to be useful in adding to the
literature review to assist further research.
2.1 Information and Information
Davis (1991) defines information as data that has
been processed which can then be used for making
various decisions in the future. Information is the
result of processing data that is processed so that it is
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
more meaningful and has a higher value and describes
a real event to assist in decision making. The
important thing attached to information is that
information has economic value that is often not
realized (Severin & Tankard, 2011). Machmud
(2013) defines that information is data that has been
processed and has significant value for its users.
Information needs to be protected because the
principle of information itself is confidentiality,
integrity, and availability (Matondang et al., 2018).
An information system is a combination of human
resources, hardware, software, networks, and
databases that unite to transform and disseminate
information within the organization (O’ Brien &
Marakas, 2012). Leitch and Davis (1992), defines an
information system as a system in the organization to
help process every transaction, support operational
and strategic managerial activities, and present
reports needed by outside parties.
The same opinion, according to Hall (2019)
Information system is defined as a set of formal
procedures which consist of data collection,
processing into information, and users.
Characteristics of a quality information system
according to Halandy and Ghabban (2009) namely
correctness, efficiency, integrity, usability,
maintainability, flexibility, and testability. The
quality of information from the accounting
information system will provide a reliable
presentation of financial statements so that it affects
management's ability to make decisions and act in its
operations (Hall, 2019).
2.2 Internal Control
O’ Brien and Marakas (2012) defines control as an
activity that is able to evaluate and make adjustments
according to the needs of input data, processes, and
certainty of the resulting output. Warren and Reeve
(2008) argues that internal control requires a
framework designed to certain standards with the aim
of designing, analyzing and evaluating what it
operates. Arens and Elder (2014) states that internal
control must include established policies and
procedures so that management can gain confidence
in an activity being carried out. The internal control
system is also designed to provide a certain level of
assurance that the organization has achieved its
objectives (Arens et al., 2012).
According to Thoyibatun (2012), effective
internal control will provide benefits to the
organization. An effective internal control system can
also minimize the tendency of accounting fraud and
unethical behavior (Savitri et al., 2015). Viewed
within the scope of government, internal control is
needed to carry out government obligations in serving
the community, including budget implementation,
securing resources, accounting and reporting
purposes (Yaya & Suprobo, 2019). Widyatama et al.
(2017) and Asare (2009) added that good internal
control in governance processes will contribute to
improving governance and accountability through
control and risk management.
One way to guarantee information security is
through physical security control and environmental
control (Dwi et al, 2017). Physical security control
will help maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of data in information systems while
protecting against physical threats to organizational
resources (Irmayani, 2019). Environmental control
will protect information from data loss due to
environmental problems. Physical and environmental
control is carried out by assessing the availability of
a safe environment because of the control and
security supporting equipment (Syafrizal, 2007).
Internal control in the management of information
systems also needs to be supported by the
implementation of logical security controls and IS
Operating Controls (Ana-maria et al., 2010). The
International Security Sector Advisory Team
(ISSAT) stated that logical security control is an
action in monitoring and controlling access to
information systems. Furthermore, in research
conducted by Hanindito (2017), stated that IS
operating control is an effort to control data
management which includes accuracy, accuracy,
back up and recovery procedures. Internal control
framework developed in this research are based on
these five previous researches, by testing the
environmental security control, physical security
control, IS operating control, and logical security
SIMDA is a technology-based system designed by the
Financial and Development Supervisory Agency
(BPKP) to assist local governments in the planning,
preparation and accountability of Regional Revenue
and Expenditure Budgets (APBD) to support the
creation of government accountability (Oktavia et al.,
2016). The development of SIMDA is one of the
embodiments of Peraturan Pemerintah No. 60 Tahun
2008 related to the Government Internal Control
System (SPIP). Reported from the BPKP website,
(BPKP, 2020) SIMDA is designed with the objectives
of: (1) assisting local governments to develop and use
financial information systems; (2) providing an
Testing the Internal Control of Simda Application in Effort to Improve Public Accountability
integrated database of conditions in the region from
the aspect of finance, regional assets, regional
performance, regional staffing/apparatus and public
services that can be used for performance appraisal of
regional government agencies; (3) produce
comprehensive, precise and accurate information to
local government management; (4) prepare local
officials to achieve a better level of mastery and
utilization of information technology; and (6)
strengthening the basis of local government in
implementing regional autonomy.
The types of SIMDA include SIMDA, SIMDA
BMD (for local goods management purposes),
SIMDA Salary, SIMDA Revenue, SIMDA Planning,
SIMDA Dashboard, and SIMDA CMS (Cash
Management System) where each SIMDA is used for
the needs of each agency (BPKP, 2020). In particular,
the implementation of SIMDA has the aim of
producing output in the form of financial reports and
financial information in a timely, complete, accurate,
and reliable manner in accordance with the standards
applicable in the institution as well as to realize good
2.4 Accountability
Accountability has been recognized as a key variable
in helping predict and control the behavior of
organizational systems in various aspects, one of
which is the financial system (Frink & Klimoski,
1998). Frink and Klimoski (2004) states that
accountability is the practice of accountability and
coordination between several interested parties in an
organization with a jointly developed system. The
Government of Indonesia declares accountability in
Undang-Undang nomor 14 Tahun 2008 is a form of
clarity of organizational functions, implementation
and responsibilities in supporting healthy
organizational management. Mardiasmo (2002),
states that accountability is an obligation that needs to
be fulfilled as a form of accountability, presenting,
reporting and disclosing organizational phenomena to
related parties who have rights and authority within
the organization.
3.1 Types of Research and Data
Collection Techniques
This research was conducted with a qualitative
descriptive type of research to provide a descriptive
description of the practice of internal control through
testing environmental security control, physical
security control, logical security control, and IS
operating control SIMDA Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen, Jawa Tengah. This study uses two
data collection techniques in this study; direct
observation (observation) to the Dinas PPKB PPPA
office environment and in-depth interviews
conducted semi-structured, by developing a
framework of questions that had been prepared in
advance. Interviews were conducted with the SIMDA
administrator and the budget treasurer of the Dinas
PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen. Interviews were
conducted online and at no site. Through the
interviews carried out, more detailed information
related to the research being carried out was able to
be obtained. The results of the interviews were
documented through notes and voice recordings. The
type of data obtained for research is primary data,
because it is obtained directly from the source,
namely the administrator as the party operating
3.2 Data Analysis Technique
The data analysis techniques of this research include
data reduction techniques, data presentation, and
drawing conclusions. The analysis technique begins
by reducing or summarizing the data that has been
obtained from the interview process with the resource
person. In addition to summarizing the data, the data
reduction process also includes sorting and removing
unnecessary data related to research. The selected
data is then presented in the form of data
classification related to the internal control of SIMDA
Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen. At the
conclusion drawing stage, the researcher focuses on
the selected data after the data reduction and
presentation process, so that a deeper study can be
carried out regarding the internal control practiced at
of SIMDA Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen by
testing environmental security control, physical
security control, logical security control , and IS
operating control. After these three stages of analysis
were carried out, the researcher verified the
information by re-examining the documentation
during the interviews, comparing the results of the
interviews with the observations, and confirming the
results of the interviews with the informants.
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
4.1 Overview of Research Objects
The Deputy for Supervision of Regional Financial
Administration has developed SIMDA since 2003 as
an effort to harmonize the financial information
system in each Regional Government. SIMDA is a
technology-based system designed by the Financial
and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to
assist local governments in the planning, preparation
and accountability of Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budgets (APBD) to support the creation
of government accountability.
"SIMDA's function is to help and the SIMDA we
have is sufficient to meet the needs of the office.
Before being sent to the service, the system has also
been tested at the central government.”
Kabupaten Sragen is one of the regions that uses
SIMDA for integrated regional financial management
which includes budgeting, administration,
accounting, and reporting. Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen located on Jl. Ade Irma Suryani
Nasution No. 1 Sragen Tengah, Kabupaten Sragen,
Jawa Tengah. Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen
provide information related to women's and children's
organizations, women's empowerment and child
protection service institutions, online complaints of
women and children which will be forwarded to the
Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) and
support several programs such as: child-friendly
districts, family resilience, gender mainstreaming
movements, and women's protection.
Implementation of SIMDA at Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen started in 2016 with one
administrator on duty. The administrator is tasked
with inputting official budget information into the
system. SIMDA, which is operated at the Dinas
PPKB PPPA is only used to input budget from the
initial budget design stage to budget accountability as
a form of centralized information system integration.
“The admin's job is to input the amount of the
budget into the system, input the initial budget design
and then the budget will be added later. The district
budget team will determine the ceiling (sharing of
funds) for each agency. Later the agency will compile
the ceiling obtained into activities according to the
service's needs through the Budget Activity Plan
(RKA). This RKA will be inputted into SIMDA later.
After the input, it will be seen by the DPRD for
approval or rejection. If approved, immediately
create a Budget Implementation Document (DPA). If
it is rejected, it must be revised again.”
4.2 Evaluation of SIMDA's Internal
Control Practices through
Environmental Security Control
Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen has practiced
internal control system design through environmental
security control. The form of environmental security
control that is carried out is by issuing several policies
related to the implementation of SIMDA. The first
policy is related to providing training to the
administrator on duty. Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten
Sragen require SIMDA administrators to attend
training provided by the government Kabupaten
Sragen. Administrators are also given briefing on
information in the system before finally operating
SIMDA in the system Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten
“Every year the system will be updated, so there
is always administrator training. Later the training
will be carried out with the district.”
This form of policy is carried out Dinas PPKB
PPPA Kabupaten Sragen to minimize the risk of
errors in system operation. Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen also set policies regarding
administrators in the operation of SIMDA. Dinas
PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen employs one
administrator to be responsible for the operation of
SIMDA. This administrator is an administrator who
has received training from the government Kabupaten
Sragen. Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen also
assigned the treasurer of the service as supervisor of
SIMDA administrators in the operation of SIMDA to
minimize data input errors.
“Because there is only one administrator, the
treasurer will help if the admin has problems. So
because there is a treasurer, someone will help to
handle the system.”
Although training for administrators and the
availability of treasurers as supervisors has been
carried out, the environmental security control
practices carried out are still not optimal due to the
absence of a system operating manual. The absence
of a manual for this system allows administrators to
find it difficult to make repairs if there are obstacles
such as system errors.
“There is no physical manual. The guidance is
only given orally during training. Later, the local
government will teach you how, then take a photo and
send it to a group together.”
The policy regarding the availability of this
manual should be a part that complements the
information system being implemented, especially if
there is no direct supervision from the application
Testing the Internal Control of Simda Application in Effort to Improve Public Accountability
developer. The resource person also added that Dinas
PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen does not have a
policy regarding the maintenance of computers or
operating systems (SIMDA). Policies related to
system insurance are also not owned by the agency.
“The system will often change with changes in the
budget, then routine maintenance is not carried out
for computers. The computer will only be repaired
when it is damaged. Computers and systems are also
not covered by insurance.”
With no policy on routine maintenance and
insurance availability, the risk of system failure due
to damage to the computer or the system itself is high.
Coupled with the unavailability of manual manuals,
system performance will be less effective, because in
the event of errors and errors, both administrators and
employees at the Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten
Sragen cannot immediately make repairs and have to
wait for help from the government Kabupaten Sragen
as well as regional representative BPKP. These
results are in line with research Hertanto et al. (2017)
which states that the implementation of SIMDA is
still not fully effective at the Blitar Regency level
because if a problem occurs, it must wait for
improvement from BPKP.
4.3 Evaluation of SIMDA Internal
Control Practices through Physical
Security Control Tests
As a form of follow-up to existing policies, Dinas
PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen also take the form of
physical security control control. Regarding the
security of the office, Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten
hiring office keeper to help dinas PPKB PPPA to
minimize forms of physical crime such as theft and
destruction of hardware (computers). Theft and
destruction of hardware used to run SIMDA will have
an impact on data theft and error output. By providing
an office key that is only owned by the guard, it also
minimizes unauthorized parties from entering the
official office outside of working hours without the
office guard's permission.
"The dinas has guards. Because we don't want
to risk theft, so the office locks also bring the guards."
As an additional form of physical security control,
the key to the SIMDA computer room is also
authorized by the treasurer and will always be locked
after office operating hours are over. The computer
room that supports SIMDA operations is one of the
important factors that must be done to protect the
security of physical access. By providing the
computer room key which is only owned by the
treasurer and the section head, at least it can be seen
that the operation of the computer room and SIMDA
is only carried out during working hours. dinas PPKB
PPPA Kabupaten Sragen.
“The computer room is also locked, especially
when it's time to go home. The guard brings the office
key, but the treasurer holds the key to the room. So
later the room will be opened only during working
hours, when there is an operator (administrator).”
The availability of guards and double locks in the
office and office computer room is also a form of
preventive measure against physical theft due to the
unavailability of CCTV in the office environment.
“There is no CCTV here. There are only guards
at night. In the morning there are still many official
officials so there are no guards."
The availability of guards only at night is also due
to limited human resources and the formation of a
relatively new service, due to the merging of two
services within the Sragen Regency government. The
practice of physical security control as a form of
control over restrictions on access to SIMDA Dinas
PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen This is also done by
limiting the operation of SIMDA which can only be
done with computers belonging to the service and the
service intranet network. This access restriction is to
minimize abuse of authority by administrators in the
form of unauthorized SIMDA access elsewhere
without the knowledge of the treasurer as supervisor.
“The system cannot be downloaded on any laptop,
so only from an office computer. Because the system
is integrated, access is limited to the office intranet.
It can't be arbitrary."
Physical security control through access
restrictions that have been implemented has been
classified as good, although there are still some
negative findings. Utilization of technology-based
information systems is quite complicated, one of
which is due to the availability of devices that are
connected to each other via cables and electrical
connections. This has not been assessed optimally by
Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen because the
service has not provided fire fighting equipment in
the form of a hydrant.
“The office does not have a hydrant because we
have also anticipated that smoking is not allowed in
the office environment. If caught, you will be fined
IDR 50,000.”
The informant said that the unavailability of
hydrants was due to the understanding that fires might
only arise from sparks. In fact, the risk of fire due to
electrical short circuit is also very possible. The
unavailability of this hydrant will be detrimental to
the service in the event of a fire causing damage to
the intranet network and office computers, because
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
system performance will be hampered and it is
necessary to reset the preparation for SIMDA
4.4 Evaluation of SIMDA's Internal
Control Practices through Logical
Security Control Tests
Internal control testing is then carried out through the
application of logical security controls. SIMDA
Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen telah
menerapkan bentuk pengendalian logis melalui
keamanan username dan password administrator
Sragen have a special username and password to be
able to access the SIMDA.
“To enter the system, we need a username and
password prepared by the district PEP (Planning,
Evaluation, and Reporting). It's a patent policy. Then
when you go down to the service, each administrator
has a different username and password.”
The availability of different usernames and
passwords for SIMDA in each service is one form of
logical control in limiting access to SIMDA of the
relevant service. After restrictions with a specific
username and password, another form of logical
security control is implemented by SIMDA Dinas
PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen is through the
availability of a period of time where the system will
be signed out automatically if the administrator does
not use the system within a certain period of time.
“Usually, after we log into the system, we work. If
the system is not running, it is left idle, especially until
the computer is turned off, when the computer is
turned on again, it will return to the home position.
This means that the system has been signed out so you
have to enter your username and password again.”
The availability of this logical safeguard allows
that the risk of unauthorized data theft or free access
to the system is reduced. This also further proves that
only administrators who know the username and
password can access SIMDA. Another form of
logical security control practice is the availability of
auto save and data recovery features from within the
system. The risk of power outages or device errors
due to the lack of a maintenance schedule has been
able to be overcome with the availability of data
recovery and auto save features for information being
processed in SIMDA.
“What has been inputted will be automatically
saved and in the event of a power failure, the data will
not be lost. But usually after input, we make it a habit
to print as well just in case.”
Weaknesses of the recovery and auto save
features implemented in SIMDA Dinas PPKB PPPA
is the difficulty of making repairs when an input error
occurs due to human error. Minor errors such as
errors in entering data in the form of numbers cannot
be corrected directly and must wait for the data that
should be inputted to finish being inputted. This of
course raises time and work inefficiencies because
errors that are already known cannot be corrected
immediately and may affect future work.
The availability of usernames and passwords is
also still not able to optimally support the
implementation of good physical security control
because the availability of usernames and passwords
is provided by the PEP of Kabupaten Sragen. The
availability of this username and password means that
it is not only known by SIMDA administrators, but
also external parties who do not have a direct
relationship with SIMDA Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen. Password availability is also not
supported by certain characteristic policies and
passwords are not updated regularly.
“Our passwords are never updated. Only every
time we change the budget year we change the
username and password. So it's not a monthly change
like that."
4.5 Evaluation of SIMDA's Internal
Control Practices through Is
Operating Control Tests
Controls related to IS operating control have been
able to be implemented by SIMDA Dinas PPKB
PPPA Kabupaten Sragen. SIMDA operations are
used to provide real time and timely data. With
control in the form of automatic data processing,
SIMDA has been able to provide financial data Dinas
PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen more accurately and
on time. Automatic data processing in SIMDA has
also provided a better level of data security compared
to manual processing.
"Using SIMDA, everything is automated, so it's
faster because there is already a format from the
center, we just input and match."
Financial data that has been inputted into SIMDA
is also stored for a temporary period. This minimizes
the theft of financial data from Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen. Data is permanently only stored
in a central system with a level of security that is
stricter than the security it has Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen.
“The Data at the office is temporary because we
are integrated with the center, so permanent data
belongs to the center. It's also possible that the system
Testing the Internal Control of Simda Application in Effort to Improve Public Accountability
doesn't support saving all files if we save them
The negative finding obtained from IS operating
control is the lack of supervision from the local
government and BPKP as the developer of the
system. Due to this lack of oversight, the system will
only be updated when a new version appears in the
new fiscal year.
4.6 Discussion
Positive findings related to the implementation of
internal control through testing of environmental
security control, physical security control, logical
security control, and IS operating control occurred
because of SIMDA Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten
Sragen integrated with the system in the central
government. By integrating the system with the
central system, it is possible that environmental
policies and SIMDA practices are influenced by
central government policies. The integration of
SIMDA also makes it possible that each SKPD,
including Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen
make best efforts to reduce errors such as by
entrusting the agency treasurer to be the supervisor of
the SIMDA administrator. In order to maintain the
security of SIMDA and available information, Dinas
PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen also restricts access
to the system. This action supports the concept of
internal control stated by O’ Brien and Marakas
(2012) that control is an activity to evaluate and make
adjustments according to the needs of input data,
processes, and certainty of the resulting output.
Control that is carried out is a form of responsibility
Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen to local and
central governments in maintaining the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
information managed through SIMDA, such as the
concept presented Matondang (2018) that
information needs to be protected.
Although Dinas PPKB PPPA has realized the
importance of implementing SIMDA in managing its
information, to implementing a series of internal
controls, but there are still some negative findings.
This negative finding is due to the limited resources
available. The first finding is related to Human
Resources (HR). Although SIMDA access has been
limited through username and password and
restrictions in the form of system access media,
limited human resources have resulted in only one
SIMDA administrator. Because of this limitation,
cross-checking can only be done between
administrators and treasurers. Limited knowledge and
skills related to technology also limit the
administrator's movement because if an error or
system malfunction occurs, the administrator must
directly contact the local government of Kabupaten
Sragen and will hamper SIMDA performance.
The second limitation of resources is related to
resources in the form of funds. Dinas PPKB PPPA
operates with an injection of funds from the
government of Kabupaten Sragen. Every effort to
improve internal control related to SIMDA requires
approval of the expenditure of funds by the Sragen
Regency government. Efforts such as the provision of
CCTV, provision of hydrants, and periodic computer
maintenance require budget approval by the local
government. This has resulted in some of the internal
control testing posts are still not optimal. An
additional budget is needed to allocate adequate
resources in the practice of internal control operations
of SIMDA of Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen.
Supported by adequate resources, controls related to
physical access will be improved and it will be
possible to add human resources with adequate
quality to be responsible for SIMDA of Dinas PPKB
PPPA Kabupaten Sragen.
If the adequacy of resources cannot be realized in
a short time, efforts that can be continuously
developed Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen so
that internal control related to the operation of
SIMDA can continue to be maximized is through the
creation of a positive work culture. All related parties
must be able to create a work culture that is thorough
and full of prudence, so that any information
processing and management can be carried out with a
minimum of errors. For example, it is recommended
that the computer used for SIMDA operation is only
used as a SIMDA processing tool and not used for
personal purposes so that the possibility of damage is
lower. The implementation of adequate internal
control states that information management practices
through SIMDA can be conveyed optimally and
reliably enough to be accounted for in front of related
parties. The information generated at SIMDA
becomes a means in an effort to increase government
accountability in the Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten
Sragen towards society in Kabupaten Sragen, taking
into account the theory developed by Mardiasmo
(2002), that accountability is the practice of
accountability and coordination between several
interested parties in an organization with a jointly
developed system.
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
SIMDA is a technology-based system to assist local
governments in the planning, preparation and
accountability of the Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget (APBD) to support the creation
of government accountability. The same system is
also used by Dinas PPKB PPPA Kabupaten Sragen.
On its implementation, Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen has implemented internal control
through environmental security control, physical
security control, logical security control and IS
operating control properly. The implementation of
this control can improve public accountability
through several reports that are produced, such as
reports on activity plans and budgets Dinas PPKB
PPPA Kabupaten Sragen. The results of this study are
in line with research Oktavia et al. (2016) which
states that the use of SIMDA can create good
transparency and accountability supported by the
quality of information in accordance with
government accounting standards.
Nevertheless, there are still some negative
findings that are still found in its implementation due
to the limited quality and quantity of human resources
and funding sources in the Dinas PPKB PPPA
Kabupaten Sragen. The results of this study are in line
with research Harbelubun et al. (2017) who also said
that the limited quality of human resources in the
government of Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara limit the
level of internal control that can be put into practice.
This limitation must be corrected so that the
implementation of SIMDA in the future period
becomes more effective with a lower risk occurrence
rate and is able to increase the accountability of the
service in front of the community of Kabupaten
This research has implications for improving the
practice of internal control as a stimulus to encourage
public accountability in organizations that use
information systems. The results of this study are
expected to be a theoretical study for academics in
developing existing theories in carrying out research
in the future. The limitations in this study are related
to the time and opportunity to meet directly with
resource persons due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The
limited time to be able to meet in person meant that
most of the interviews were conducted online.
Scheduling to arrange meetings with resource persons
is also an obstacle faced in this study. Further
research is expected to be able to confirm beforehand
before conducting interviews, both online and plunge
into the object of research to the resource person and
accompanied by the preparation of a list of questions
related to the topic to be raised. Interviews are also
expected to be conducted at a time and a supportive
environment according to mutual agreement so that
information collection can be maximized. Future
research is also expected to be able to make direct
observations on the object of research so that the data
and information obtained are more objective.
Furthermore, future research is also expected to be
able to conduct research on the relevance of physical
security control and human resource competence in
the effectiveness of SIMDA implementation to
minimize fraud, especially in systems that only have
a single administrator.
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