The other experiment journey of this robot using
another layout can see table 2. Figure 33 shows
another maze for the second experiment and figure 34
shows the coordinate and maze layout. The robot
journey from starting point to the destination point
has been shown in table 2.
The robot in the second experiment still
prioritized the smallest Trémaux value and if the
Trémaux value was the same, the closest Manhattan
distance value would be used. The results of the
second experiment showed that the robot can choose
the closest route using a combination of the Trémaux
algorithm and the Manhattan distance value.
Combining the Trémaux algorithm with the
Manhattan distance has proven to be better than using
the Trémaux algorithm alone.
Table 2: Second Robot Experiment with another maze
of steps
(4,0) → (3,0) → (3,1) → (3,2) →
(3,3) → (2,3) → (2,2)
(2,2) → (2,3) → (3,3) → (3,2) →
(3,1) → (3,0) → (4,0)
This experiment was carried out using a real robot
with a design as shown in Figure 2. Based on all
experiments, the use of infrared sensors has proven to
be effective in detecting obstacles. So, the robot can
explore the maze without any problems.
The design and implementation of robots using the
Trémaux algorithm can run a mobile robot to explore
the maze and map the existing paths. The use of the
Manhattan Distance algorithm can improve the
performance of the Trémaux algorithm to determine
the direction of travel, compared to only using the
Trémaux algorithm.
For further research, the use of the Trémaux
method can be improved by a combination of more
algorithms and also applications in larger mazes. This
research is expected to produce an effective algorithm
to operate in a wide unknown environment.
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