This study aimed to examine the social and economic
determinant of p2p lending. The determinants are
reviewed based on social and economic
characteristics diversified into 4. That are job, gender,
number of non-bank institutions (cooperatives), and
high education.
According to the test, it shows that only H1b and
H4 supported the hypothesis. This result manifested
that formal labour has positive significant to
accumulated loan, so does high education. Both
formal labour and high education indicates the similar
value of information since it reflected the level of
populations. Hence, according to planned behaviour
and acceptance model theory, it possibly reason of
action that leads them have intentional and perception
to use the platform of fintech lending. Besides, in
order to access financial technology-based activity, it
requires them to have advance knowledge to operate
and understand the platform as well. This result
consistent with Najaf, Subramaniam, and Atayah
(2021) that found most of borrowers of p2p lending
affected by their background such as the higher level
of annual income and employment rate. It
emphasized that the formal labour which has higher
level income than micro and small labour.
Additionally, high educated borrower possibly
dominated the loan to funding their enterprise or fulfil
the consumptive behaviour without any complicated
requirement in traditional institutions for instance.
The findings of this study have several
implications. Theoretically, this study contributes to
further expand study that identify of determinant of
fintech lending especially by using secondary data
that available from BPS. Since this data origin from
national survey, we could match them to the trend of
fintech lending platform and attempt to demonstrate
multiple factors that could be impact to the loan
disbursement. Practically, this study could useful for
regulator and stakeholder since it provides additional
information and analysis especially formal labour and
high education people that affected to the number of
transactions. The phenomena could lead the further
development of platform to reach the non-high
education people and micro and small labour.
This study has several limitations that could lead
the future research. First, the gender factor needs to
explore comprehensively since it only uses two proxy
(human development index and expenditure), hence
future research could explore another variable to
describe gender such as the proportion of man and
woman labour in each province. Second, the non-
bank institutions only use the numbers of cooperation
in each province, therefore future study could
examine another non-bank institution such as
microloan organizations and venture capitalists.
Third, since this study only employ empirical method,
future study could demonstrate additional analysis by
using interview to stakeholders.
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