high correspondence between chronological age and
dental age according to Schour & Massler, so it could
be concluded that the Atlas Schour and Massler
method can be applied to mentioned population
(Eshitha E et al., 2014). In addition, study by Trelia et
al. (2019) estimated age using the Atlas Schour &
Massler and Demirjian method with sample of 46
patients with the age range of 10-16 years at the
RSGM University of North Sumatra and showed that
age estimation results were similar to the actual age,
so there was no significant differences between two
methods (Trelia et al., 2019). This study is in
agreement with Trelia et al. research that the Schour
& Massler method is proven to be able to estimate
dental age in Indonesia population.
Besides there is no sex distinction, the
disadvantages of current study were uneven
distribution of the age range and there was no specific
analysis for each gender. Therefore, future research
should aim for enlarging the research population with
even sample per age range, and perform sex-specific
It could be concluded that the performance of London
Atlas and Schour & Massler Atlas were equivalent in
estimating present study population.
We would like to thank drg.Citra Esperanza for the
time and effort as the second observer, as well as
Danny Prasetyo Hartanto, S.Si who helped in data
processing and analyzation of this study.
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